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Author Topic: Private one-stop gynae clinc  (Read 1562 times)


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Private one-stop gynae clinc
« on: January 10, 2020, 07:39:11 PM »

I am beyond fed up with my situation and waiting for appointments is just fuelling my anxiety.

Is there such a thing as a one-stop gynae clinic for tests etc? I had an ultrasound yesterday - results were ok. I'm now waiting for gynae appointment in two weeks. Obviously they won't do anything at the initial appointment so that requires a further wait for tests etc. I've been bleeding since mid November and after nearly two months I just want to know what's going on!!! Am I being impatient?


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Re: Private one-stop gynae clinc
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2020, 08:23:27 PM »

I have no doubt that there are plenty of outfits out there that will do whatever you want them to..... for a price that is. Most areas have private medical outfits, but will it help.
You said you've been bleeding for a while/
Are you on HRT, not, has it come out of the blue, is the bleeding heavy/spotting.
Most GP's worth their salt will have done a load of blood tests to look for causes for bleeding and looked at how to stop it= while you are being investigated
You Shouldn't need to 'go private'.Supply more info and see where the forum can take you.
NO , you are not being impatient, you are just worried and want it sorted.  I was utterly clueless when i joined this forum, but thank to the posts and advice on here i have so much info when i go to the GP- i am up for battle, and do not get fobbed off.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2020, 08:26:17 PM by Sgtvhilts »


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Re: Private one-stop gynae clinc
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2020, 03:33:23 PM »

I think it depends on where you live and how much you are prepared to pay if you don't have insurance. I have been privately for consult surgery and follow up as I have insurance and live near London, but monitoring going forward is at my expense unless something is found later on as most private policies don't cover ongoing situations.

If you are not insured scan and consult can be relatively inexpensive ( £250  first appointment and £160 scan but surgery is not and this is where it can be very costly.

Privately I was seen next day and operation was the same week. I was on a 2 week referral though but still it was very quick and op was on a Saturday.

I was lucky to have insurance and have seen a very well respected consultant. There are one stop clinics in London but the cost if you needed surgery would be into the thousands and you would need to research them to make sure you were happy with the reviews.

As your scan results were ok I would be inclined to wait for the NHS appointment if I was you, but your other option would be to take the scan results to a private consultant for an opinion.