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Author Topic: HRT and Anxiety!  (Read 1866 times)


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HRT and Anxiety!
« on: January 05, 2020, 06:38:23 AM »

 Hello I have read a couple  of comments on here that there Anxiety took the longest to go on HRT ten months one lady said.I have also read it was the last symptom to go.
Can I get some more feed back on this please?


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Re: HRT and Anxiety!
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2020, 09:33:08 AM »

Morning.  It really depends on the lady.  Also on how good her GP is at managing HRT and/or ADs and giving advice with support.


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Re: HRT and Anxiety!
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2020, 10:06:25 AM »

Hi - the reason I started HRT was because of the awful mood swings, depression and anxiety that was ruining my life, to the point that I was signed off work and under the Crisis Team! Yes, it took months for the HRT to effectively stabilise me most of the time (never 100%) but I started having some good days almost straight away (I hadn't had a single good day for months). But, I also started on 50mg of sertraline at roughly the same time as starting HRT, so that presumably contributed?

 I believe it was the increasing from 3 to 4 pumps and increasing from 50mg to 100mg of sertraline that finally started to (slowly) sort me out. But I had been misdiagnosed and allowed to get so very low over the previous 2 years, so it's no surprise that it took a long time to properly recover.


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Re: HRT and Anxiety!
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2020, 04:55:30 PM »

Yep, It really depends on the person.
As i have said many times, i have been anxious since birth, huge esculation in my 20;s, but PEri , wow that was a whole new beast.
It didn;t linger for me, it really calmed down quite quickly,  once on HRT, but there again i was also on the max dose of SSRI's and tricyclics as well. It wasn;t until i really upped my oestrogen and more significantly found the correct progesterone (OMG- the effects on my anxiety were HUGE) that stuff really calmed down.
I have now started reducing the SSRI's(first time in about 5 yrs) and off the tricyclics. Stertraline was never good for me, it made my anxiety far worse. It seems to be very 'fashionable' at the mo.  It didn;t suit a mate of mone either.  I have always needed the volume of my brain and thoughts trurned down and stert just made them louder
FOr my more 'stubborn' symptoms-night sweats it has taken about 3 months for that to start to stop ( if that makes sense)/
THe worst thing about peri anxiety is that you get asked 'what is it specifically that is bothereing you", my answer was always EVERYTHING.  i coudl never find what i was actually worried about- CBT therefore was not worth it.


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Re: HRT and Anxiety!
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2020, 06:16:28 PM »

Thank you very much for your beautiful informative replies.I realise most women that have taken HRT and now a wonderful would no longer fists this forum.
I had been on antidepressants for 23 years that did nothing to help.
I have now been diagnosed with Hashimoto's so that explains the anxiety and why antidepressants did not work.
So hoping with baited breath that the HRT does what so many people have told me it will.

Can't get better info than from you ladies.xxoo


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Re: HRT and Anxiety!
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2020, 07:27:07 PM »

Hello ladies

Penelope - am I correct  in thinking that you are not taking anything for your Hashimoto's but now using HRT only? Sorry if I've got that wrong but if correct I would be interested in your reasons.

 Incidentally a friend told me today that her sister has just been diagnosed as hypothyroid and as soon as I said I had permanently cold hands and feet she realised I had it too. It comes to something when the mate you happen to bump into in the supermarket can identify your ailments sooner than your doctor lol!

Wishing you well.



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Re: HRT and Anxiety!
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2020, 08:20:55 PM »

I'm doing a private thyroid test tonight. Damn it. I've been 'ill' for years. And now it can't 'just' be the menopause.


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Re: HRT and Anxiety!
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2020, 08:49:22 PM »

Gosh pants make sure you get the right tests done and remember you should be diagnosed on symptoms alone.


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Re: HRT and Anxiety!
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2020, 08:51:52 PM »

Hi Kathleen thank you for your concern and question.Boy is a rare thing to have someone helping.They have said the go to treatment for my Hashimoto's that I have had undiagnosed for 26 years is HRT and that's it.Please Tell me this is correct I'm still in mourning over being left to feel this sick for so bloody long!Help.......


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Re: HRT and Anxiety!
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2020, 08:58:57 PM »

Hello again ladies.

Penelope - I didn't wish to alarm you and I'm sure you are getting the right treatment. Especially now that your doctors have finally realised what your illness is. Will you be having regular consultations to check on your progress? Here in the UK I need to arrange another blood test at the end of January and then see my doctor again.

Wishing you well.




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Re: HRT and Anxiety!
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2020, 09:25:24 PM »

When you talk about HRT ... are you talking estrogen (and progesterone) or thyroxine ... which is also a hormone ! ?


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Re: HRT and Anxiety!
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2020, 11:55:38 PM »

Hi girls thank you so much for asking I am on Kliovance 1 mg+0.5mg (EST)

Kathleen you didn't alarm me.It is so on the cards that I am still not being treated properly.
The medical profession is horrendous it has been mind boggling how bad they are.It takes awhile to get ones head around it.You grow up thinking the medical professionals are here to help us!

So any advice from anyone I am very keen to hear! bearing in mind I have been to 12 GPS and 9 specialist in the last 25 years.


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Re: HRT and Anxiety!
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2020, 09:43:16 PM »

Yes our NHS is getting worse. I was recently diagnosed with borderline hypo thyroid. Been on thyroxine for nearly five weeks 25 micrograms. Not feeling any better as yet.went in docs today to order blood test forms and asked for the t3 etc that thyroid UK say you need and the reception woman was really narked with me. She said she will have to talk to the doctor because I can't just walk in and order blood tests. This is my health lady


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Re: HRT and Anxiety!
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2020, 09:51:43 PM »

Gosh Baby I wish I had been more like you.Read the article below.

The test you need is a thyroid antibodies test.5hat is the test that tells you if you have Graves or Hashimoto's.
Good luck let us know how you go.


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Re: HRT and Anxiety!
« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2020, 12:11:37 AM »


have you had a 
full hysterectomy with removal of ovaries ?

can i ask which hrt u take at the moment ?
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