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Author Topic: Herbal help  (Read 1335 times)

Tracey B

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Herbal help
« on: January 04, 2020, 01:09:50 PM »

Hi. Hoping for some help please. I'm 51 and not sure how long I've been in the menopause ( I had a partial hysterectomy at 40 so no periods since then) I noticed I felt strange about 12 months ago but still didn't link it to anything I just seriously thought I was dying. ive diagnosed myself with everything and honestly didn't think I would see the year out. I've had a skin cancer scare and a breast cancer scare, I've thought I've got blood clots as I've had pains in my leg I've been to A&E thinking I was having a heart attack. I don't really have hot flushes but I get hot, I go to bed on a night and my heart is racing. My son is in the police and I can't sleep until I know he is home from a shift I'm convinced the worst is going to happen to him (I dont tell  him this!) I have constant nausea and a churning feeling in my stomach. I have been back and forth to the docs and have numerous tests with nothing coming back so the last time I went he said he wanted to put me on anti anxiety medication. I really didn't want to go on them but he said he wanted me to try them. I did and felt worse so I came off them after a few days. I have friends on HRT who are doing really well but my doc didn't want to put me on them due to cancer risks but now I've read they help protect you against heart disease as anxiety puts a strain on your heart so I'm convinced I'm going to get that! I started taking before Xmas, zinc, magnesium, 369 cod liver oil tablets and menopace max. This really seemed to help for a few weeks but over Xmas I've felt the palpitations and nausea coming back. I just wondered if anyone else had found any herbal medications that work? If you've read to the end of this then well done! Just needed to get it all off my chest. Thankyou.


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Re: Herbal help
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2020, 02:57:07 PM »

If you want to try HRT you have a right to, do you have a family history of cancer, is that why GP is anti it?

I didn't have flushes, but i would get hot, feel nauseous and the palpitations kept me awake all night, HRT has sorted that all out.

Tracey B

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Re: Herbal help
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2020, 04:49:40 PM »

Hi, no, no family history. He just didn't acknowledge it when I mentioned it. It was not even up for discussion. He's normally such a good doctor and has been really helpful with other things but he shut this down straight away. I know from talking to other people there are different kinds of hrt, such as patches and tablets, could I ask what you are taking? Have they sorted out your anxiety/nausea?


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Re: Herbal help
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2020, 05:44:14 PM »

You can see another GP, mine was useless so i saw someone else. I use Estrogel and a Mirena for HRT, it got rid of the nausea, palpitations and the hot feeling that made me feel panicky. I haven't really suffered with anxiety during the menopause apart from the panicky feeling which i think were drops in my Estrogen levels, i get it back if i forgot a dose of my HRT.


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Re: Herbal help
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2020, 06:39:12 PM »

I am in general anti any medication unless I am sure it is what I need. The ' take it and see' approach I have experienced in Meno seems to have put me in a much worse place. The only thing I have taken which did give short term relief from panic was a very low dose (10mg I think) of propranolol. It is a beta blocker which GPs prescribe for panic. I have take this as and when' rather than a daily does and it lowers your heart rate. I used to take it at bed time for maybe a week then have months I don't take it.

Tracey B

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Re: Herbal help
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2020, 07:01:30 PM »

I am really unsure as to what to do. If the herbal tablets I am currently taking were helping I wouldn't even think of HRT, of course I am mindful of any side effects but if this is my life for the foreseeable future that is just awful too. I know there is no quick fix or easy solution. Walking helps, I am walking the legs off me and my husband!


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Re: Herbal help
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2020, 09:28:01 PM »

Lots of health benefits from HRT not just symptom relief, giving it a try doesn't mean you have to stay on it forever, just seeing my MIL crippled by Osteoporois makes me happy to take it.


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Re: Herbal help
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2020, 09:30:53 PM »

My SIL is very negative HRT, doesn't want to take hormones even though she has been advised to because of an earlier menopause, yet she took the contraceptive pill for 30 years!


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Re: Herbal help
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2020, 05:08:14 PM »

Hi. Hoping for some help please. I'm 51 and not sure how long I've been in the menopause ( I had a partial hysterectomy at 40 so no periods since then) I noticed I felt strange about 12 months ago but still didn't link it to anything I just seriously thought I was dying. ive diagnosed myself with everything and honestly didn't think I would see the year out. I've had a skin cancer scare and a breast cancer scare, I've thought I've got blood clots as I've had pains in my leg I've been to A&E thinking I was having a heart attack. I don't really have hot flushes but I get hot, I go to bed on a night and my heart is racing. My son is in the police and I can't sleep until I know he is home from a shift I'm convinced the worst is going to happen to him (I dont tell  him this!) I have constant nausea and a churning feeling in my stomach. I have been back and forth to the docs and have numerous tests with nothing coming back so the last time I went he said he wanted to put me on anti anxiety medication. I really didn't want to go on them but he said he wanted me to try them. I did and felt worse so I came off them after a few days. I have friends on HRT who are doing really well but my doc didn't want to put me on them due to cancer risks but now I've read they help protect you against heart disease as anxiety puts a strain on your heart so I'm convinced I'm going to get that! I started taking before Xmas, zinc, magnesium, 369 cod liver oil tablets and menopace max. This really seemed to help for a few weeks but over Xmas I've felt the palpitations and nausea coming back. I just wondered if anyone else had found any herbal medications that work? If you've read to the end of this then well done! Just needed to get it all off my chest. Thankyou.

Hi Tracey B


Sorry to hear about all your menopausal symptoms.

When you said you've been back and forth to the docs with numerous tests - did they test your hormone levels ie FSH  or estradiol? Although blood tests are not a reliable indicator, and cyclical changes + symptoms + age are the best way to tell if you are peri-menopausal - in your case you do not have periods so a blood test could help. However due to your age surely peri-menopause is likely? The fact that you are starting to get hot is the first sign - this is what many of us feel to begin with before the full blown flushes and sweats develop later.

Thing is in your position you don't need to take a progestogen and it is this aspect of HRT that has the biggest question mark over breast cancer risk anyway, although some breast cancers that occur will grow quicker in the presence of oestrogen even if not caused by it.

Because of this, if no medical contra-indication personal to you - that prevents you taking hRT - then it's a no-brainer as you don't need the progestogen which causes the most problems for many of us.

Personally I would ditch most of the supplements - make sure you have an excellent and varied diet with lots of fresh ingredients and few processed foods and sugary or refined carbs - and start a low dose HRT.  Vit D is very important do you might need to supplement this but the cod liver oil will probably be enough! Make sure you get plenty of exercise and keep your weight in a healthy range - and you will be helping yourself through this stage and onwards.

Your doc is wrong to let his outdated personal prejudices re HRT determine what he prescribes and dish out anti-anxiety meds which are against NICE Guidelines as the first line treatment for menopausal symptoms.

In your position I would ask for a medium dose patch (some of these are in short supply at the moment but it's possible to get some) - say 50 mcg and take it from there. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Also - maybe go to a different doc in the practice but ideally educate this out of date one - it is your right to have HRT for your symptoms if you want it!

By the way I took Black Cohosh and went on a phtyooestrogen diet in early peri and intermittently - i thought it worked but actually it was my own hormones coming and going as my periods came and went and oestrogen levels rose and fell. Once I got to late peri it was downhill all the way and permanent flushes and sweats. I have (pretty much) never looked back (12 years later!) since startng HRT.

Good luck with the doc and let us know the outcome :)

Hurdity x

Tracey B

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Re: Herbal help
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2020, 10:03:25 PM »

Thankyou so much for this. I do try to eat a healthy diet and I'm definitely upping my exercise (all the walking!) so I'm hoping this helps. What you've said has made sense so I'm going to make an apt with my doc and take notes from what you have advised. I've had blood tests but for liver, thyroid etc which have come back normal. I was really anti anti-anxiety and stressed I didn't want to go on it so was disappointed when he said he wanted me to try them. I did but only lasted 3 days. Never again! I will speak to him again and let you know. Thanks again for all the advice!


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Re: Herbal help
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2020, 10:28:56 AM »

Hi Tracey B.  It really sounds like you need some more personal support as well as medicinal support because the things you are describing in relation to your anxiety sound like things that would exist in your mind regardless to whether they may be exacerbated by hormone imbalances. 

Have you considered asking your GP for a referral to a talking therapist/counsellor?  I would highly recommend it, even if you can find some pennies and get to see someone outside the NHS (where waiting lists aren't over 6 months long).  They will be able to give you some coping strategies which I think will help with your anxiety.

Good luck!