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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Femoston 2/10 & Fluoxetine  (Read 1398 times)


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Femoston 2/10 & Fluoxetine
« on: January 01, 2020, 06:59:30 PM »

I've been on Femoston 2/10 for about 6 months, I've also been on the mini pill Cerelle for about 15 years. My mood has been very low the last few months and I've had almost continual bleeding for a few months too so I went to see my GP. She thought perhaps I had too much progesterone flowing around so advised me to stop taking the mini pill which I did. She also prescribed 20mg Fluoxetine which I'm about 20 days into taking. Prior to starting the Fluoxetine my hot flashes had subsided but over the last week they've come back, I know antidepressants can cause sweating but I thought Fluoxetine was supposed to help with them? Is it related? I'm seeing my GP again on Friday to review. I know my body has had a lot to cope with the last 3 weeks with stopping the pill and starting the antidepressants and I'm hopeful it will settle in time but would be great to heat of others experience. I'm 50 and fully menopausal.


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Re: Femoston 2/10 & Fluoxetine
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2020, 05:15:06 PM »

Hi JCH187

Sorry to hear about your ongoing symptoms. I can understand your GP wondering about having too much progesterone and that can cause negative pms and mood type symptoms in some women.

However, is the doc investigating your bleeding? I would be more concerned to find out what the cause of that is - ie could it be too much progesterone causing over-thinning of the uterus ( which can cause bleeding/spotting) or some other reason? This type of HRT should not normally cause continuous bleeding I would have thought - and especially as you are taking the mini pill too?

Also why not just stop the mini-pill rather than start anti-depressants straight away? That seems weird to me! I mean if the prog is causing your symptoms then reducing it may well help but by then you will have become dependent on another drug! However if you are happy taking them and feel better then fine but you have raised concerns so that says to me try something else....Obviously I don't know your history or background but unless you are seriously depressed I wouldn't take the ADs but just stop the mini-pill for a few months and see how you feel. Since you are also on a cyclical HRT you will get a monthly withdrawal bleed but actually that's not a bad thing while you try to assess what is causing your low mood (rather than treating it with more drugs!).

It may well be that you would benefit from a different HRT type with a higher dose of oestrogen but taking the ADs is muddying the waters so to speak...

Hurdity x


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Re: Femoston 2/10 & Fluoxetine
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2020, 06:44:38 PM »

I haven't taken fluoxitine, but have been on and off paroxitine for the last 30 yrs.  They do make you sweaty, but not in a flush kind of way.  I never got that rising heat feeling like you do with a flush.  The SSRI sweaty is diffuclt to describe, but defo not the same as a flush.
I also take Femeston 2mgs, but being the naughty 'experimenter' i am, i also slap on a patch.... or two LOL. When i feel i need an bit more Oestrogen.
Your whole system is probably in flux at the mo.  What with MEno, stopping mini pill AND starting SSRI- it woudl be diffiult to know which one is giving you the grief.
For me the SSRI takes at least 6 weeks to feel the full benefit and i think fluoxitine is the one with the long half life, so takes a while to build up.
THe Femeston took a very short time- like 3 days!!! to start noticably working, but at least 12 for the full effect.
Although you just want it to 'go away' and feel some relief, I woudl give the SSRI quite a bit more time and maybe discuss upping the dose with GP at some point.
Anxiety and low mood are really 'exceptional' during meno- never known anything like it- cotton wool head and anxious about literally everything- funny though it was the Femeston that helped the most i think, or maybe it is the combo with SSRI that has sorted it, but have hope both have fixed me (if that were ever possible!)



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Re: Femoston 2/10 & Fluoxetine
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2020, 06:54:29 PM »

Thanks for the replies. I have been investigated for the bleeding and as you said the consultant felt it was due to thinning of the lining due to the time I've been on the mini pill. I've also suffered from depression in the past and can feel myself sliding back into the same state of mind again so I decided to try and stop it before it got too bad, last time I let it go on way too long and I'm trying to stop that happening again. Two days after I finished taking the mini pill I had something like a proper period which lasted about a week but then I've had nothing since so I'm hoping that stopping the pill has sorted that out.


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Re: Femoston 2/10 & Fluoxetine
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2020, 07:05:31 PM »

Fingers x
You will feels better, it is just sooooooooooooo frustrating when it doesn't happen as quick as we'd like.  That then sends the mood downwards and the whole thing just spirals.
Anxiety was/is always my beast and that used to send me into a low mood spiral.
At the mo though fingers arms and legs xxx it is all ticking along nicely- in fact to the point where i am thinking i'll NEVER give ANY of it up.