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Author Topic: Headaches caused by neck issues  (Read 2335 times)


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Headaches caused by neck issues
« on: December 28, 2019, 08:56:42 PM »

I have always had hormonal headaches, but recently I seem to have a continuous headache (and am on HRT). My Dr suggested they may be caused or at least aggravated by neck issues, as they manifest themselves with pain at the back of my eyes, often one sided and are often accompanied by nausea and stomach issues. Has anyone any experince of this? I've got no neck pain but have been working extensively sitting at my desk for hours on end of late and also sleep on my stomach which I know is not recommended.


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Re: Headaches caused by neck issues
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2019, 10:26:22 PM »

It wouldn't hurt to go and see an osteopath and see what they think.


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Re: Headaches caused by neck issues
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2019, 09:12:36 AM »

I have recently been seeing an acupuncturist, initially for tennis elbow which was aggravated by neck tension. I've had next problems since I was 12, now 49 in January. When she puts the needles in initially in my neck and shoulders, when they are taken out about 5 minutes or so later, I can feel the tension gone and any limited movement has gone.

Maybe worth a try.

Also from what you have said re the headaches, could they be migraines??

I was unable to take combined contraception due to it causing constant migraines when I was in my early 30s, but since the peri ramped up big three years ago (I have a Mirena and now on gel due to patch shortage..just over 2.5 years on HRT now) the migraines have disappeared, even when my period was approaching. I had nausea, tension base of skull, pain behind my eyes, then vomiting and thumping head pain and nausea....similar symptoms.
Sumatriptan (imigran) when I was finally prescribed it, when I took at first sign of tension at base of my skull, would stop it in it's track.

Acupuncture can help with muscular sceletal problems which will alleviate headaches too, when sorted out.
Ps..needles can nip a little on occasion, but shouldn't be painful at all.



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Re: Headaches caused by neck issues
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2019, 09:17:36 AM »

I have had migraines since childhood, take sumatriptan as mentioned by SEU666, also propanalol as a preventative. After falling off my bike a few months back I have been bothered with bad shoulder/neck pain, started going to osteopath (x3 sessions, x1 a week) before xmas, next one will be 3 weeks since I saw her and starting to feel it bothering me again. x


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Re: Headaches caused by neck issues
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2019, 10:33:59 AM »

I have shooting pains up both sides of my neck into the back of my head, a sudden 'ouch' then it's gone.  Can't reproduce the action in order to take my neck to the GP for advice  ::)

It can be postural.  I spend a lot of time on keyboards or weeding ........ initially I thought it was our pillows but changing mine caused more pain.  Also, how is your foot wear  ;)


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Re: Headaches caused by neck issues
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2019, 05:28:38 PM »

I have always had hormonal headaches, but recently I seem to have a continuous headache (and am on HRT). My Dr suggested they may be caused or at least aggravated by neck issues, as they manifest themselves with pain at the back of my eyes, often one sided and are often accompanied by nausea and stomach issues. Has anyone any experince of this? I've got no neck pain but have been working extensively sitting at my desk for hours on end of late and also sleep on my stomach which I know is not recommended.
Yes i get focus headaches (left side and around the eye) headaches linked to neck shoulder tension. It doesn't usually extend to nausea as long as i nip it in the bud with ibuprofen. At least some of it comes from sitting at a keyboard. I do go to an oestopath about every 3 months. I have also tried a neck/shoulder massage occasionally. Think it is about time I booked one of those again.


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Re: Headaches caused by neck issues
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2019, 05:54:23 PM »

I have signed into the forum this afternoon as I'd been bothered by a particularly nasty head today, and this was the very first thread!! Spooky.

Never had hormonal headaches really until peri. I explored the neck route as well and it definitely helped me - as did making some postural changes. I can't escape looking at a screen as my job is tech-based. Since 8am I've had 2 paracetamol, another 2 at noon, and not even touching the pain. Started to nag and get a bit more nausea after that so took 2 ibuprofen at 4.30 and slathered my head with tiger balm lol. Not attractive but needs must!!

Interesting comments re sumatriptan and also propanolol...I've got a scrit for that in my purse but didn't dare take it as they warned it could lower blood pressure, and I have low enough already. Maybe time.

I would say if you've got an osteopath you can see then nothing to lose (other than the £40-odd consultation fee of course). If it is neck based they will find it and with a few clicks you could be feeling a lot better. You've spurred me into arranging a check up too if I'm honest.

The other thing to think about is if you've been sitting about a bit more than normal over the Christmas break, that could do it. One of the suggestions he gave me previously was a different pillow. Cost a bit more than I usually spend on pillows but worth it!!

Hope you get yourself sorted SL x


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Re: Headaches caused by neck issues
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2019, 08:15:08 PM »

Thanks all. I will try and find an osteopath locally. Never been to one, but will try anything. May sound a bit daft, but do physio services have osteopaths and are they the same as chiropractors? As you can see I am clueless!

I'm not sure I'm brave enough for acupuncture.

My dr wont prescribe beta blockers or migraine medication as he doesn't seem to think they will help! The only suggestion he made was amitryptiline and I'm reluctant to take that.

Hope your heads better Mogster, I've had ongoing headaches for weeks now. Fortunately, they are copeable with generally, but still pretty unpleasant, expecially when the nausea is there too.


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Re: Headaches caused by neck issues
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2019, 08:38:54 PM »

Thanks hunny. The pain has eased, just residual "bleurghness" at the moment. I've had a couple of cups of hot sweet tea and some biscuits in the last hour so hopefully it will be ok now. Normally a couple of paracetamol sees it off if I'm early enough but I knew it would be a corker when even that didn't work, nor the second dose, and by the third lot things were feeling worse. It could be all manner of things including change of routine (i.e. not working, sleeping a bit later etc.)  However, I have just started my new pack of HRT so it's probably changeover.

Have you heard of Migraine Buddy?? Just starting using this app to track headaches, symptoms etc. Might be worth a look.

In terms of the osteopath, have a look at the national register if you don't know anyone locally?  I admit I didn't know the different between an osteo and a chiropractor either, and according to Mr Google it says that the osteopath treats a wider range of issues whereas the chiropractor tends to focus on joints and particular vertebrae.

My own experience with the osteopath has been really positive, I was shocked how out of line I was and how restricted the movement in my neck had been before treatment. I really need to go back. Hope you find someone fabulous too. :)


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Re: Headaches caused by neck issues
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2019, 06:43:07 AM »

Shropshirelass, amitryptaline is an antidepressant that also treats long time nerve pain, my mum takes it after getting shingles down the side of her face.

Good luck with the osteopath, but please do consider the acupuncture if you still need help though. The odd needle nips, but on the whole they are painless as they are so fine. I used to have them in my forehead between my eyes....the only ones that tended to nip were the one she put in my bony ankles and toes...only bit of me that's not fat ha ha!



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Re: Headaches caused by neck issues
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2019, 07:33:30 PM »

Osteopaths release muscles enabling bones and joints to move more freely. I haven't needed to go for a while as he also advises me on how to manage the tightness I get here and there so things don't get bad.

Peri brought me much worse migraines than I had ever had. I am an estate agent and I sat with a potential client who was lovely and wanted to talk through all sorts of options, thinking I would lose my vision and throw up on her carpet if I didn't get out of her house and lie down in my car. I had to get dh to come and get me. HRT has fixed that thank goodness.

My dh was getting awful headaches and felt like pain was going up the side of his head so I made him see my osteopath. Jonathan asked him about neck trauma and he said nothing then realised he'd  hurt his neck on a fair ride with our eldest son! The wheel of death or whatever the one is where you stand up inside a big drum and get whizzed round and round! He had a big tight knot where his shoulder met his neck and releasing this over a couple of sessions to totally cured the headaches.

Dh has also had acupuncture for other more whole body issues and loved it.
