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Author Topic: Biopsy? What are they looking for?  (Read 4003 times)


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Biopsy? What are they looking for?
« on: December 23, 2019, 03:33:45 PM »

Hi ladies

I have been on HRT since March and have not settled into a proper bleeding pattern. My GP sent me for blood tests, which were ok, and a scan. She rang today and said the scan warranted a referral to a gynaecologist for a biopsy.

So I asked if it was because the lining was too thick. She said that if I was post menopausal then yes it would be, but it's ok as I am in peri. So then she said it was an urgent referral, not a cancer referral, but not a regular wait-few-months referral.

The radiographer had said To me at the time that everything looked ok on the scan, except I have a small fibroid.

So....what might have made them want to do a biopsy? Is it just because I a bleeding out of the expected pattern or are there other reasons likely?

I also asked if I needed to come off HRT and she said the gynaecologist she spoke to had said not to, and if anything I should increase it! The GP thought that was not helpful until we had identified any issues that might be causing the bleeding.

I really don't understand why I have an urgent referral. What are they looking for and what are they going to biopsy? So any insight would be very welcome. It makes me worry when I don't understand why things are being suggested.

I am currently on day 8 of the 12 days of Utro and have just started bleeding again, following a bleed last time which was 8 days after the end of the Utro, so I am bleeding again pretty quickly. Not heavy though, just some blood.




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Re: Biopsy? What are they looking for?
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2019, 10:13:53 PM »

Most gynaecologists will want a biopsy as a belt and braces approach to thickening of the womb lining.
It will be an urgent referral as the waiting list for routine is usually a considerable length. The scan and the biopsy are usually done either at the same time or near to each other.
Most biopsies come back fine so try and not worry


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Re: Biopsy? What are they looking for?
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2019, 10:28:49 PM »

Hi ladies

I have been on HRT since March and have not settled into a proper bleeding pattern. My GP sent me for blood tests, which were ok, and a scan. She rang today and said the scan warranted a referral to a gynaecologist for a biopsy.

So I asked if it was because the lining was too thick. She said that if I was post menopausal then yes it would be, but it's ok as I am in peri. So then she said it was an urgent referral, not a cancer referral, but not a regular wait-few-months referral.

The radiographer had said To me at the time that everything looked ok on the scan, except I have a small fibroid.

So....what might have made them want to do a biopsy? Is it just because I a bleeding out of the expected pattern or are there other reasons likely?

I also asked if I needed to come off HRT and she said the gynaecologist she spoke to had said not to, and if anything I should increase it! The GP thought that was not helpful until we had identified any issues that might be causing the bleeding.

I really don't understand why I have an urgent referral. What are they looking for and what are they going to biopsy? So any insight would be very welcome. It makes me worry when I don't understand why things are being suggested.

I am currently on day 8 of the 12 days of Utro and have just started bleeding again, following a bleed last time which was 8 days after the end of the Utro, so I am bleeding again pretty quickly. Not heavy though, just some blood.



I have been through this. My uterine lining was 16mm. It turned out to be nothing sinister, but they are checking for hyperplasia or cancer. If it is cancer, it is highly treatable and hysterectomy will fix it in the majority of cases. Try not to worry. It is usually caused by a lack of progesterone. Many women get an IUD inserted by their doctor once the lining has been removed. In my case, I elected to have a hysterectomy and repairs as I did not want an IUD or progesterone tablets.


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Re: Biopsy? What are they looking for?
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2019, 10:36:41 PM »

Thank you so much Yellowflower and Nik2502 for putting me more at ease. It was the ‘urgent' that was getting to me. I guess I should be happy my GP is looking after me? She had already spoken to the gynaecologist before calling me earlier today.

So my next question is what to expect. Is it worse than having a coil fitted/removed? Do I need someone with me to drive me home or is it all fairly ok??



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Re: Biopsy? What are they looking for?
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2019, 05:11:14 AM »

Thank you so much Yellowflower and Nik2502 for putting me more at ease. It was the ‘urgent' that was getting to me. I guess I should be happy my GP is looking after me? She had already spoken to the gynaecologist before calling me earlier today.

So my next question is what to expect. Is it worse than having a coil fitted/removed? Do I need someone with me to drive me home or is it all fairly ok??


I had a curette done via day surgery where they removed the lining and sent it off for pathology. They usually put the IUD in during this procedure, but I didn't want one. If this is how it is being done, you will need someone to drive you. However, I think a biopsy can also be done in the doctors room, but not sure of this procedure. They take a small sample for testing by going in via the cervix. I am sure one of the ladies here may have more information.


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Re: Biopsy? What are they looking for?
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2019, 09:56:51 AM »

Thanks Yellowflower.

Hopefully it will be fairly minor, although with my prolapse problems last time I even had a smear it was awful. They just couldn't get clear sight of my cervix and the pain was terrible as they moved everything round. Then they had to get someone else to look and have a try, and tried different equipment and it was......urrrgghhh! I cried.

Maybe a gynaecologist will be better at manouvering my lady parts into the right place - I hope so.

As you say, it would be good to hear from someone who has has a regular biopsy done this way.



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Re: Biopsy? What are they looking for?
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2019, 10:17:08 AM »

Hi Sparkler

On the day, take some paracetamol or other painkiller before you go in.  Its not pleasant, probably similar to IUD insertion, neither of which I tolerated well, and I would deffo take painkillers if I had another one.

Do you have a date yet?

Best wishes

Jeepers xx


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Re: Biopsy? What are they looking for?
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2019, 11:21:11 AM »

Hi Sparkler

V quikc reply. I've had hysteroscopy and biopsy. Hystereoscopy because the TVS showed abnormality (also had slightly thickened lining 7.5 or something) so they wanted to check but turned out to be a small fibroid. It's not done at the doc's surgery but is a specialist appt. I had mine done at the main hospital because the local hospital would only do it under GA and I wasn;t having one of those just for a minor procedure. You don't need anyone to drive you. I was advised to take two ibuprofen and 2 paracetamol 1 hour before the time of the appt. Then in I went. Legs in stirrups. Camera goes in - -peer at womb lining. Little nick while they snip a bit of tissue ( really don't remember feeling this but might have been a tiny ****?) and then done. They also offered to insert Mirena at the same time but was having none of that either. I was 60 when they did this. No problems at all. Was done by registrar. I would make sure it's done at main hospital by team that's used to doing them and you should be fine. Biopsy was all OK. Some women get a bit of bleeding and cramping afterwards. They said to continue to take painkillers every 4 hours if painful - think I took one lot and that was it.

Good luck and hope this helps :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Biopsy? What are they looking for?
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2019, 05:31:52 PM »

Thank you so much Hurdity. I'll prep with the painkillers and go to the appt - it is at the hospital with a gynaecologist and I have been ok with IUDs a few years ago. Just have to hope it's easy for them to access.

It helps SO SO much to hear others have had a similar thing and it has been ok.

And Merry Xmas!


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Re: Biopsy? What are they looking for?
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2019, 03:51:14 PM »

I had hysterescopy 28th November - for thick lining - still waiting for results - had coil fitted at the same time

Took two ibuprofen and two paracetamols forty minutes before procedure - They took four biopsies and I can honestly say I didn't feel a thing

The waiting for the results is the worst part!

Bled slightly after and still spotting now but don't think that is uncommon as gynae consultant said it can take four or five months for the coil to start working


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Re: Biopsy? What are they looking for?
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2020, 06:27:32 PM »

Hi ladies

Just as an update I have an appointment for the hysteroscopy next week. Should I go, should I delay even more?

I am worried about going to hospital at all during the virus, but also it was November when I had the scan that led to the appointment.

What are others doing?



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Re: Biopsy? What are they looking for?
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2020, 07:05:38 PM »

Is the Hospital involved with C-19 patients, some haven't had any cases but are on stand-by?  That is the question that I would ask.  Ring the Dept and see what precautions are in place to protect patients.  It may be that the Dept is well away from the action as it where, but unless you ask, you will worry.  I doubt if you would be invited for the scan if the Staff didn't think that you and them would be safe from C-19.

Then let us know?  Some Hospitals are not seeing many patients at all and certainly non affected by the virus despite what the media lead us to believe!


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Re: Biopsy? What are they looking for?
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2020, 08:11:10 PM »

Yes they do have covid patients. The hospital definitely has them because my father in law is in there now and struggling to beat the virus.


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Re: Biopsy? What are they looking for?
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2020, 02:31:44 AM »

Hi ladies

Just as an update I have an appointment for the hysteroscopy next week. Should I go, should I delay even more?

I am worried about going to hospital at all during the virus, but also it was November when I had the scan that led to the appointment.

What are others doing?

I had a hysteroscopy in February under local anaesthetic but they couldn't do the biopsy. My cervix was too tight and it was too painful  despite taking painkillers so I was supposed to go back for one under GA. I went for a pre OP appointment on March 7th but still haven't had the procedure because of Covid 19 and I haven't heard back from the hospital since March 19 when they rang me and confirmed the reason for the delay. My bleeding (post meno due to Evorel Conti) has reduced to a minimum now. My endometrial layer was only 5.5 mm back in December. 
Part of the problem about getting it done is that , due to lockdown rules, I couldn't get anyone to collect me from the hospital and stay with me for 24 was  hard enough to arrange in normal circumstances. I'd rather not go to any hospital at the moment.


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Re: Biopsy? What are they looking for?
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2020, 01:28:54 PM »

I really understand your reluctance Katejo- at least they haven't sent for you so you can relax without having to make a decision whether or not to attend.

I have to make an appointment for another scan soon, but am reluctant yet as it will involve a train and an underground/taxi so am going to wait to see how the government advice develops as we head toward the summer. I want to get it over with as soon as it is less risky. I have ME so can't risk getting the virus.

What is London like Katejo and have you been out and about? I guess it depends where you are in London as to how busy it is. My appointment will be near Gt Portland Street which is usually fairly ok but the trains are often really busy.

Like you I have a slightly thickened lining that is being monitored. it was between 5 and 6 in November but they couldn't biopsy it as it was too thin and atrophic.I had a Polyp removed too from behind the cervix, and because they can regrow and as the lining is slightly over the threshold I need a scan. It is routine so I am not going just yet.
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