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Author Topic: Is this it?  (Read 1391 times)


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Is this it?
« on: February 12, 2020, 07:44:29 PM »

On Femedot now and progesterone pills which cant get head round when the hell to take as maybe its feb dark or im dementia case so constantly unsure or just depressed (this i know).  Was Elleste but apparently worldwide shortage.  Who cares we're all surplus to requirements.   Only newsworthy as young moaners cant get the pill!  I knew i was down, trying not to take antidepressants as the last lot made me a happier person and feel completley detached from husband and kids. Now i just feel "is this it?" Most of the time, esp work, which though best bosses in the world, it's boring and repetative.  Today i coped well, not overly bad due to cheery stupid banter with boss all day.  Then i find ive forgotten 2 things we actually discussed doing! Not end of world but annoys me as prior to this bullshit i was capable, not brilliant , but wouldnt have done stuff like that.  It gets me on a downer as i want to go back to study in vain hope of decent job for the 17 years emploment still to do but can i fulfil a course? Can i take in information and retain it? If i did get that far can i then have confidence i wont screw it up? How do i convince an employer of that?  And if i dont,  all i feel is will i be stuck in this rut for next 20 years,  approaching death?  Is that it?  I dont deserve anything but i want to try but what's the point? Hate this shit.  Sick of women banging on about empowerment and hrt changing thier life.   Cant see way out or even feel comforted by this forum.  Cant be bothered  indifferent and scared.  All this brain rubbish had its back. 


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Re: Is this it?
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2020, 07:55:26 PM »

Hey sickntired - aw sorry you're in hole  :( - all sounds familiar, been there done that and got the T shirt  >:( - and no "this isn't it"  honest!  :)  I thought my life as was over and that I had dementia and yes... it is dark and February :'(  but that's not the's that flaming menopause thing!...oh and if it went away once you can make it go away again....just a question of how???
How long ago was the change from Elleste to Femedot and the pills?


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Re: Is this it?
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2020, 07:59:05 PM »

This too will pass ............. get an appt with your prescribing practitioner - take notes of how you feel and discuss.  Let us know how you get on!


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Re: Is this it?
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2020, 08:02:32 PM »

Go back to your studies.  Best thing you can do for YOURSELF is find another career if possible.  Sounds to me like you're due for a major change and need to get out of the doldrums.  We all need stimulation to keep the brain functioning and me thinks your brain is not being taxed enough at your job.  Could you take night courses that really interest you?  It's very hard to see light at the end of the tunnel particularly when you are depressed but the best medicine is to find another outlet.  So many of us were where you are right now.  Hang in there. 


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Re: Is this it?
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2020, 10:59:49 PM »

Thank you all , wonderful for replying kindly when you have your own meno problems to contend with.    I was changed to whatever the Dot patch is called , (forgot n tired) about 2 months and saw the meno doc a week ago , the main complaint i focussed on was the forgetting/not thinking thing , gets me down.   She upped the dose form 50 to 75mg patches so assumimg like everything have to wait to see over few weeks if feel improvement.   On the irrational childish  side , that doesnt help when im makimg mistakes at work.  Sorry for the offloading , just a dark down day. 


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Re: Is this it?
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2020, 09:17:49 AM »

What kind of mistakes?  I found that when watched, my typing would go all over the place  >:(

I also muddle words.  When I'm tired it is worse.  I forget stuff, I've been a list maker from about the age of 8.  Now I can't remember what I've written on the shopping list if I leave it on the kitchen table  >:(  ::).

My head feels muggy most days.  It will be a few days B4 the body acknowledges the increase in dose. 


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Re: Is this it?
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2020, 07:00:23 AM »

Not thinking to do stuff or things dont dawn on me when patently obvious.   We have a sheet pinned up at work where we have food items to sort daily , it alternates so amount done on Wed will be done again on Fri.  Each batch has to written on that day and crossed out previous workings.   So started meno rubbish as i started working there , forgetting to write in batches or crossing out batches or worst of all missing one.  So to cover my tracks bosses started reading the sheet to me, even though id already read it.  How depressing is it already doing a very routine job to then , at 50 be read to like a child.  Then hrt got to even keel and all passable .  Over a year has passed , proved not a problem,  then this month it started again.  The good thing is at first they didnt notice, and i involve strategies for most problems . They know in the past few weeks i had very disturbed  sleep so passed it off with that as one day was evident .  I immediately get down as i already feel like a loser having to give up college which was supposed to see me onto a possible career path and out of min wage repetative task stuff which has been all working life.  I now feel stuck and hopeless  on occasions.   I add bosses are lovely folk so i try to keep gob shut re job as theyd be insulted and no, i dont think folk on min wage jobs are losers,  all underappreciated heroes.   I just wanted my life to be in a different place  by 50.
There is other stuff i miss or dont think of i previously would at home so now my confidence in doing anything scary ie i wanted to buy a campervan to rent out as a wee sideline with some spare cash as investment with a minimal but steady return. Now scared and resigned to not doing it as no confidence to drive it to places for customers, scared ill miss something vital in arrangements ie insurance and that ill muck up the bookings.   


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Re: Is this it?
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2020, 09:55:12 AM »

I think your work colleagues are totally on the ball, realising that you require help and a few reminders.  Don't beat yourself up, 2 you it seems awful but to them they probably see it in various situations all day long.

I make lists  ::) ....... 

We have a thread about camper vans, somewhere - what you propose is a good idea but could be fraught with problems.  I have a small camper van ......... will bump the thread if I can find it and we can chat there?  What we have bought - bounced for you ;-)

You are 50.  You are doing OK.  ........ and breath.  My head feels fuzzy all the while and I have no recall, i.e. when I put down reading glasses: can't think where they might be  >:( and then my head is filled with trying to find them.  They turn up, usually when I've stopped looking  :(


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Re: Is this it?
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2020, 10:00:16 AM »

The trouble is im the only employee.   It jjst makes me focus on what they are doing and they dont need to as i strategise to sort it myself.  I see from what im writing that my life feels out of control and i have to control the situation myself.  This is part of a bigger picture when i look at  it.  I wish i could go back on antidepressants,  im sure id be more balanced.
Thanks for the part about the campervan ill look that up as i need as much outside viewpoints and experience.

Hopefully others read this ,  ive been kind of looking at what i think and feel fir weeks, along with what i post on here, social media etc.  My mother was abrasive and " always right", which i recognised and didnt want to be like,  yet i am sliding into the part rapidly.  My moods are all over the place as well as what i feel about age (now despise it) and my job (bored to tears , i do it completely but not caring even if i earn any money. )  I have major league   "cant be arsed" flatness, dont feel slightest enjoyment (slight on excersize).  I try to keep gob shut as in a world that doesnt fully understand menopause and everyone has terrible stuff in thier life so i cant keep moaning and should feel grateful im alive but feel guilty that i dont,  you sometimes have to only voice what you think and feel in the right places.   I dont feel rational,   could this be full depression alone or do others here with previous depression experience all this mad jykll and hyde personality stuff because of menopause depression?


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Re: Is this it?
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2020, 12:51:13 PM »

Hormones can affect moods.  I believe that if one is suffering depression, regardless of causation, one should try a 6-8 month course of antidepressant medication.  Without mine I wouldn't be here.

No doubt I will be shouted down by those that suggest hormone replacement will 'cure' depression.  Usually by those that have never been depressed ...........

HRT can take months to ease symptoms.  Maybe make a note of which you would like to ease first?  Keep a mood/food/symptom diary to discuss with your GP? 

Stop comparing your health issues with others.   No one knows how another person can feel!  This is about you. 

How were your moods during your menstruating years?  Did I ask already  ::)


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Re: Is this it?
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2020, 01:02:36 PM »

Thank you. 
As much as i remember i was pretty normal, beside my historic depressive periods, latterly id get a tired day beforehand and v irritable.
I meant to ask earlier if anyone also felt "childish" , i feel im getting progressively worse.   Not throwning strops but the stuff i think ,ie my attitude to my job,  despite my bosses being nice, im late and moody (quiet).  Its like ive lost the past few years of whatever maturity id gained and i kinda know it but cant quite acknowledge
it 😮🤔
Thank god for running , definitely my saviour.  I feel like me afterwards, well , for a while anyway.  Thanks for the reply.  I do need to diarise it all but we all know brain "depletion " means focus memory and consistency go to the dogs....  i have to  try harder.


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Re: Is this it?
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2020, 01:09:59 PM »

Yep.  What I would tolerate years ago I find childish, I look at people and think 'get a life'  ::).  My response often is 'it's a First World problem' .......... when people whinge about small issues.  If they are big issues in their life style then get in contact with agencies etc. that can give advice?

This too will pass  ;)


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Re: Is this it?
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2020, 03:43:15 PM »

I just think that as we get older we have less tolerance for the s**t in our lives plus we have the menopause to contend with! ;)
The hormones are there for "nurturing" a family.....which means we put up with their stuff and other peoples once they start declining well....we don't need to do it any more do we?   ;D
There's nothing like the look on people's faces when an otherwise patient, organised, tolerant person who never says boo to a goose suddenly throws an almighty strop!  ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Is this it?
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2020, 03:45:48 PM »

Oh Ladybt - you saw me  ;D

I would strop B4 the bleed began  :-\ otherwise I wouldn't confront anything or anyone. 


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Re: Is this it?
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2020, 09:27:36 PM »

Glad to say after being bumped onto another hrt because estrodot has been "kidnapped" , im slightly less depressed (?)  just down because the head mince is back,  i know it happens about a full week before a "possible " period but nevertheless its as bad as it was originally before hrt.  Being a sole employee under scrutiny today and made heaps of mistakes.  Really chuffed. Came home lay in a heap on the bed and ate rubbish.   This was not how i want to live.