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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Rectocele Issues  (Read 13706 times)


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Re: Rectocele Issues
« Reply #45 on: December 10, 2019, 11:03:45 PM »

Hi Annie
Can I ask why you elected not to have repairs at the time of your hysterectomy?

I didn't want extra surgery plus I was told you get one shot at it, if it doesn't work you can be worse off.  Plus they used mesh and women have had awful problems due to it.  Dr asked same question and said my reasons were very valid x

Hi again Annie. No mesh was used in my procedure last year. Are they still using it in England? I asked about it and was told he does not use it.  I had a Grade 1 rectocele, Grade 2 cystocele and mid vaginal vault prolapse repair along with a Total Vaginal Hysterectomy. My surgeon told me that he did not believe that I ever had Interstitial Cystitis or IBS and he was certain that I would not need any medication for either issue after surgery. He was 100% correct. I paid a fortune for medication for two conditions I did not have. It was my prolapses all along. Now life is 200% better. Sex is comfortable again and I never have issues down below.

Oh I doubt they're using mesh now, my hysterectomy was in 1999, I had bad experiences with the gynae Dr at the time and it really put me off having anything else done. 

Dr last week said they use a Grade system 1-3 (3 being where prolapse is a little bit (or fully) protruding outside and said mine was a 2 because she can see it but it's not out x

Hi Annie
Apparently mesh is still used. I was very fortunate to have my surgery done by a very eminent uro/gyn surgeon who is regarded worldwide as a leader in his field. I was fortunate that his knowledge also led to the discovery of my misdiagnosis of IC and IBS. Mesh is considered to have a stronger hold, but if it goes wrong, it goes very wrong. before my hysterectomy became a necessity, I had tried 3 times to have a pessary inserted as surgeons aren't all that fond of doing prolapse repairs. Apparently my anatomy is not quite right and I could not hold the pessary in place as my vaginal cavity is straight and women usually have a slight kink at the top near the cervix which holds the pessary in place. Anyway, when I had my disfunctional uterine bleeding, it was decided that a hysterectomy was a good option for me and the surgeon wanted to do the repairs as I was having bladder and bowel issues. My other option was to have an IUD inserted with no repairs or stay on progesterone tablets. I am opposed to taking hormones and certainly did not want an IUD inserted in my prolapsed state, so I made an educated choice to just get it all done.

My recovery was pretty unremarkable. I was told that recovery from hysterectomy is tough, but when you combine it with repair, it's a lot worse. I was driving within 2 weeks and back to normal in 6 weeks. Best of all, I no longer take any medication at all for my bowel and bladder and have no symptoms at all.

I don't think women realise just how much even the minor prolapses can affect the body. I was always terrified that mine would get worse and was always protecting myself from that by not exercising too much or doing certain activities that I thought might worsen my prolapse. I still am very careful. I never strain on the toilet for example and will not do exercises that involve bearing down on the abdomen. However, hiking and bush walking feel incredible now as I don't have the dragging down feeling and I never have a sudden urge to go to the toilet.


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Re: Rectocele Issues
« Reply #46 on: December 11, 2019, 09:49:20 PM »

You've been very lucky, but also sound very knowledgable too, which is important when deciding on surgery

I am thinking of trying the pessary again,  the gp said she is trained to fit them.  I tried one in my 20s but the thing kept pinging out every time I crouched or lifted anything. 

I'll see what the gynae appt brings when it comes round x


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Re: Rectocele Issues
« Reply #47 on: December 17, 2019, 06:52:27 AM »


I had a rectocele, cystocele and vaginal vault repair in 1997- no mesh. They said at the time it would need re-doing 10 to 15 years later but it hasn't happened yet. My rectocele does need another repair at some stage but I'm managing for now.  I have had issues with my bowel my whole life since my enormous babies, but now have a routine which works. It's not complicated but it does involve getting up earlier before work.

I find that if I am bunged up I just can't sleep and then feel uncomfortable all day.

Basically I accept that a couple of times a week I use a suppository. I don't wait longer than 36 hours and after that I figure that if I haven't had a BM my system needs some help. Now that I have started the 36 hour then a suppository thing ( about 2.5 years ago ) I find I don't need them so often. It's like my body has learned to be more regular. Initially I could end up using one every other day for weeks, but now it is loads better ( HRT has helped too). I do drink about 1.5 pints of water in the evening too. Now I can sometimes go a couple of weeks without using a suppository at all.

So, I get up very early, have breakfast, try on the toilet. Mostly/ sometimes/ hormones dependent I have a BM (maybe 10 mins on loo). If it doesn't happen I then use a suppository. Which delays me another 20 mins. Quite often after this I do go again in the evening, as though the suppository unclogged everything, and the last of it appears in the evening.

I do use a suppository before a big event like a wedding, and I use them when I visit friends - otherwise I am awake all night and embarrassed to go in the day.

Sorry if that's tmi, but before then I could end up uncomfortable for days, having people stay at the house was awful, and I barely slept.

Hang in there and don't give up. You can find a routine that works for you.

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