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Author Topic: Anyone on combined pill for peri?  (Read 1018 times)


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Anyone on combined pill for peri?
« on: November 23, 2019, 10:01:25 AM »

Just looking for some input.

Started low dose pill 3 weeks ago. Been hell. My original symptoms of severe nausea, no appetite and dizziness came crashing in 7 days in.

Just realised that all hot flushes and night sweats have gone - those were mild and manageable to me.

But this awful bobble head feeling..... Dizzy, queasy and off..... I know there are side effects to starting pill. Just seems odd these are severe form of my original, and most disturbing, symptoms. I'm 43.

Thanks in advance.. ...


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Re: Anyone on combined pill for peri?
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2019, 12:01:24 PM »

hi crispy chick

i had surgical menopause induced at 35 yrs old took no hrt for 4 yrs and have felt great then i had issues down below with intermittent dampness and started estrogen only hrt and have had a rollercoaster time in some ways feel worse
i had no issues with bladder urination and feel now that i'm not fully emptying i've been on ovestin for VA symtoms and was great but last 5 weeks of using i'm just burning down there discharge is worse constant damp knickers in some ways now got worse i was considering going on the pill because i was on the combined pill till i was 31 had my last child and had no issues but because i'm now 40 and smoke they are reluctant due to DVT and blood clots but u have this risk two with hrt i've also had severe hairloss since starting estrogen which i use 2 pumps and menopause kept saying low estrogen well it isn't as my levels are 368 and dermatology think it's the actual medication ! can i ask what pill u are on and do u smoke ?


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Re: Anyone on combined pill for peri?
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2019, 01:13:44 PM »

Hi. Thanks for reply. Things don't sound good for you either.

I on gederal 20/150. So the lowest dose estrogen one. I just can't believe how bad I'm feeling since starting it. Feels like I did at the beginning..... Maybe, like u, the estrogen is causing a problem.

I have never smoked and I have exceptionally low blood pressure, so they were fine with me taking it. It's just not turning out to be the miracle cure I was hoping for....... Far from it 🤔


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Re: Anyone on combined pill for peri?
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2019, 01:53:53 PM »

Either your own hormones are too turbulent to control with it or you may not suit the progesterone in it, particularly if you've gone for a low oestrogen one as I found the higher oestrogen ones were better at lowering our own more volatile oestrogen. If that makes sense!

I used Brevinor and Loestron which are Norethisterone based as they suited me. The former with 30mg probably moreso than Loestrons 20mg.


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Re: Anyone on combined pill for peri?
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2019, 02:11:43 PM »

Oh. I never considered the low estrogen was the problem. I was assuming the lower the better if I am feeling this bad. I figured upping to the 30/150 will make me even worse......

I'm very confused. I was on the mini pill before, cerazette. Same progesterone as my new COP. So assumed I am OK on this progesterone.

I am considering stopping as I am just so bad. The only benefit is no pmt which was getting really bad on the mini pill. I am so confused.