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Author Topic: Heart skipping beats.  (Read 2422 times)


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Heart skipping beats.
« on: November 15, 2019, 02:19:23 AM »

Hi ladies. I am new to this amazing forum and would love any advice or experiences. I had a hysterectomy last year and kept my ovaries. I was perimenopausal at the time. After my operation, the nurse told me that when he took my pulse, I was skipping beats and should have an ECG. I had an ECG two weeks before my operation and it was OK, so I told the nurse I had already had one. I have had irregular beats for a few years with no other symptoms. I believe I am entering menopause now at the age of 54 as I am getting minor overheating in the middle of the night and I can feel my heart beating quite loudly and having what I believe to be palpitations. This happens during the night and I don't experience the palpitations during the day. The skipped beats are constant day and night and have been like that for a few years. I am having an ECG and holter monitor done on the 22nd November, but my older brother (doctor) seems to think it will be benign. Thoughts? 


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Re: Heart skipping beats.
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2019, 06:57:52 AM »

Always best to get things checked out.  I have had the 24 hr monitor a couple of times now for irregular beats and the last time was more thorough with a scan as the monitor picked up that my beats ranged from 40-140 whilst sleeping.  I skip beats, double up etc and they have said twice now it's arrhythmia.  The highest they've gone on record at rest is 199 bpm.   Beta blockers would help but I can't take them x


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Re: Heart skipping beats.
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2019, 11:07:39 AM »

My palpitations are always worse at night, HRT has really helped calm them down.
I have a congenital heart defect and when I had last check up there was nothing sinister going on, so they can be benign.
How long are you having monitor on for?
I would see if you can push for an ECHO too.

Tracey E

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Re: Heart skipping beats.
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2019, 05:51:14 PM »

Hi ladies. I am new to this amazing forum and would love any advice or experiences. I had a hysterectomy last year and kept my ovaries. I was perimenopausal at the time. After my operation, the nurse told me that when he took my pulse, I was skipping beats and should have an ECG. I had an ECG two weeks before my operation and it was OK, so I told the nurse I had already had one. I have had irregular beats for a few years with no other symptoms. I believe I am entering menopause now at the age of 54 as I am getting minor overheating in the middle of the night and I can feel my heart beating quite loudly and having what I believe to be palpitations. This happens during the night and I don't experience the palpitations during the day. The skipped beats are constant day and night and have been like that for a few years. I am having an ECG and holter monitor done on the 22nd November, but my older brother (doctor) seems to think it will be benign. Thoughts?

Hi, I'm suffering at the moment with palpitations that seem to be worse after eating. I've had a 24 hr monitor and an ECG. Structurally heart is fine but missed beats picked up on both. Waiting for an app't with cardiology.

Palps seem to be worse after eating, doctors given me propanolol but that doesn't seem to be helping at all.. :(


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Re: Heart skipping beats.
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2019, 08:45:41 PM »

Hi ladies. I am new to this amazing forum and would love any advice or experiences. I had a hysterectomy last year and kept my ovaries. I was perimenopausal at the time. After my operation, the nurse told me that when he took my pulse, I was skipping beats and should have an ECG. I had an ECG two weeks before my operation and it was OK, so I told the nurse I had already had one. I have had irregular beats for a few years with no other symptoms. I believe I am entering menopause now at the age of 54 as I am getting minor overheating in the middle of the night and I can feel my heart beating quite loudly and having what I believe to be palpitations. This happens during the night and I don't experience the palpitations during the day. The skipped beats are constant day and night and have been like that for a few years. I am having an ECG and holter monitor done on the 22nd November, but my older brother (doctor) seems to think it will be benign. Thoughts?

Hi, I'm suffering at the moment with palpitations that seem to be worse after eating. I've had a 24 hr monitor and an ECG. Structurally heart is fine but missed beats picked up on both. Waiting for an app't with cardiology.

Palps seem to be worse after eating, doctors given me propanolol but that doesn't seem to be helping at all.. :(

I have this and I hate it.  It makes eating out an unpleasant experience at times. 

Dr told me when I am eating/have eaten the blood rushes to by stomach to help digest the food .  Lack of blood to brain and heart means Palps and lightheaded feeling

I have bought digestion enzymes tablets and take 2 at the start of a meal, if I'm out I have cut down my portion sizes too x