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Author Topic: New to estrogel/utrogestan  (Read 796 times)


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New to estrogel/utrogestan
« on: November 15, 2019, 10:54:19 AM »

4 days ago ( Monday 11th Nov 19) I started on estrogel one pump every other day and utrogestan 100mg every day  - does anyone have any experience of how long before they felt or noticed a change? other than a bloated feeling like I'm about to start a period I've not really noticed any change in particular my low mood feelings and hot flushes?


Turkish delight

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Re: New to estrogel/utrogestan
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2019, 12:59:23 PM »

Hia Has,


To answer your question,
I started with one pump O gel every other day and noticed a difference the next day no exaggeration.

That difference was that I was able to get through a whole night sleep as flushes which were waking me 14 times a nite had lessened.
Also, my boobs felt fuller within the next couple of days, and within the next few days, I had a...lets say a well-lubricated V.
After a couple of weeks the boobs and V changes levelled out with a consistent improvement.
I am on a cyclical regime so didn't start utro until the 2 weeks on gel only. We are all different so my response isn't textbook, it's just my response.

You have only just started, it generally takes a minimum of 3 months to have the full effects.

Can you give us more details, your age and are you peri or post M?

Also after rereading your post the ratio of 1 pump every other day to 100mg utro daily seems high in favour of progesterone. No wonder your not feeling in a better mood. Estrogen is the happy hormone, and what little your getting seems to be knocked out in favour of more P. Who put you on this regime? Anyway, I'm not an expert, see what others say.

« Last Edit: November 15, 2019, 01:46:28 PM by Turkish delight »


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Re: New to estrogel/utrogestan
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2019, 04:03:15 PM »

Thank you Turkish delight for taking the time to reply. 

I'm 55yr old Breast Cancer Survivor of 11 years. I had Zolodex injections ( instead of Tamoxifan) after my Cancer which put me into early menopause... I've had the sleepless nights/ low mood / anxiety and hot flushes ever since finishing Zolodex injections 11yrs. The sleepless nights low moods and anxiety have been the hardest to live with coupled with the hot flushes.  I hit a wall with exhaustion so I went to see a Menopause specialist at Newson Health Menopause & well being Centre in Stratford Upon Avon on her recommendation 4 days ago i was put onto Estrogel/Utrogestan for 4 weeks alternative days of 1 pump - and then 1 pump and 100mg tabs for a further 6 weeks before seeing the Menopause specialist again end of January.

Good to hear things have worked out for.  Fingers crossed they kick in soon for me. 

Thank you again for sharing x


Turkish delight

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Re: New to estrogel/utrogestan
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2019, 04:25:37 PM »

Wow Has I wasn't expecting any of that,

I so want to congratulate you on your recovery, and also say you poor poppet  :foryou:

Also I certainly want to take back what I said about your regime, haha! Doc Newson is one of the leading menop specialists here in the UK, as you well know. Kinda embarrassed my self there didn't I, but I don't care, not the proud type. I almost said "Did you see a real doctor!" lol!

Obv now I can see why you are on this regime. It is funny bcz I was started on 1 pump O gel every other day bcz my mum died of BC age 50. It's snot the standard starting dose you probably know this, so gynae was being low and slow with me also. Everyone on here would tell me that one pump every other day was a very low dose until I explained why.

After a couple of months on that dose coupled with 100mgx14 utro vaginally, it became ineffective, so I've upped it in the past 2 months and I'm doing much better. Still having some issues with utro but these things take time.

Has ppl will be along soon to give you some pearls of wisdom, the girls here are just great and so supportive. I'm so glad you came here to join us.



« Last Edit: November 15, 2019, 04:28:31 PM by Turkish delight »


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Re: New to estrogel/utrogestan
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2019, 07:13:05 PM »

Aww thank you Turkish delight for your reply and your warm welcome to the group.

It's a breath of fresh air to hear someone acknowledge how things could or maybe perceived as you did... a gentle reminder for us all x
Thank you sharing your thoughts and wisdom it really helps to hear I'll get there albeit a little slower...but I've come so far and I'm willing to learn and understand how we are all so different and not giving up on my quest is not an option.. when feeling so vulnerable. 

You've made a very despair lost 55yr smile ...I'd forgotten what that felt like:-) x



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Re: New to estrogel/utrogestan
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2019, 11:48:23 AM »

Hi Has and  :welcomemm:
None of the breast cancer issues just an ordinary menopausal women...hah everyone here is gonna laugh cos there is nothing ordinary about us if we are on the forum! :)  Unusual, difficult, weird, unconventional, non-standard...those would be better to describe our symptoms!    Anyway...

You are in really early days and are on a slow and steady regime to start out because of your previous history as it should be.
Turkish is right 3 months is the minimum someone should try a regime.  Some get on quite well in the first couple of months, others I didn't start to feel ok on a regular basis until I was 5 to 7 months in.  Everyone is different, so the answer to your question how long before they felt a change...if its a change for the better on a regular basis then how long is a piece of string.  Some ladies feel changes and they may feel a bit worse but that is because the bodies reacting to being with the hormones for so long and sometimes things feel worse before they get better and could be worse for the 3 months and then all of a sudden you wake up and go "oh today is a another good day, and yesterday was one too".  Hrt can be a very slow burn.  Hang on in there 4 days is the blink of an eye xx


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Re: New to estrogel/utrogestan
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2019, 02:07:56 PM »

Thank you Ladybt28 for your pearls of wisdom. Much appreciated. Feels good to be heard and reassured my thoughts are not crazy or at the very least I'm not going mad:-)

Thank you again xx
