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Author Topic: what should oestradiol levels be on HRT?  (Read 8258 times)


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Re: what should oestradiol levels be on HRT?
« Reply #30 on: November 26, 2019, 11:17:49 AM »

sorry to hear that, ALPHABETTI, that's a lot of oestrogel
how long have you been on the estraderm? how old are you?
bloody crap, isn't it?!
2 posters upthread have suggested fem7 and estradot respectively- i may well try one of those.
i put some testosterone on yesterday and i'm going to persevere with that as testosterone in my boots! feel quite shabby today as result of it but that's just par for the course.
have you had yours checked?



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Re: what should oestradiol levels be on HRT?
« Reply #31 on: November 26, 2019, 11:49:49 AM »

hi hurdity

i'm in need of your wise knowledge

i had my estrogen levels tested a week ago and because they forgot to test SHBG i had to go back and retest

but it's interesting so a week ago they were estrogen 368 nmol testosterone 0.7 nmol then when i had them tested couple days ago estrogen was 113 nmol and testosterone 0.9nmol so in a week they have fluctuated that much !

i'm currently on 2 pumps estrogel and ovestin cream .

the only thing i've done different in that week is add in progesterone for 4 days would that of lowered the estrogen level or am i just getting bad highs and lows from the gel ?

i adding in progesterone to see if it would help with the amount of watery discharge i'm getting and it did cause i guess drys the vagina , but i've noticed each time i use ovestin recently last 2 months despite being on it a year it is burning and burning last few days after i've loads more discharge just wondering if something else going on i've got pain to down below and really uncomfortable is this Va still or do think some infection going on i was giving thrush treatment by way of vaginal peasant but made no difference i'm just sick of being damp down there . does ovestin stop working or should i increase it !


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Re: what should oestradiol levels be on HRT?
« Reply #32 on: November 26, 2019, 02:42:11 PM »

Hi Sammiejane - I've just seen your comment and Alicess's detailed outline of the factors affecting hair etc on the other thread so I hope this has helped you understand a bit more that it's not a simple - add this and then that will happen? Stop this and then that will stop happening etc

Like she said a spot test does not necessarily mean your oestrogen levels are fluctuating any more than anyone else's - it depends on the time of day and also the time of day relative to when you put the gel on. The testosterone test is more or less the same but in any case this is inaccurate at very low levels so you should again go by symptoms. If you have low libido/response (and not taking anti-depressants or other meds that can also blunt your libido/response) then it is likely you have low T. In any case I think you are in surgical meno ie no ovaries? If so you can assume your T will be low anyway and a trial replacement could be advantaegous - although important to make sure your oestrogen levels are reasonable.

Adding progesterone should not lower oestrogen.

If you are getting burning from using the Ovestin when you didn't before then I would get this checked out in case of infection or thrush. However it could be as a result of worsening VA from low oestrogen levels - as you say your levels are measuring low anyway?

I love your "vaginal peasant"  ;D - autocorrect typos are funny sometimes!

Why not change to Vagifem rather than ovestin which you say you have been using for a year? This would have less of a lubricating effect as it is not cream based, so at least won't contribute to the discharge, if that is making the discharge worse? Normally if you suspect VA is worse then you would increase vaginal treatment but in your case i would first get it checked out by the doc, and then if no infection or thrush. maybe ask to get (your vag area and genitalia) checked out by someone (GUM clinic? - sorry I know nothing about these - not in my rural locality as far as I know) - to see if there is obvious VA. If still present and you are worried about discharge then perhaps switch to vagifem?

These are just a few thoughts and someone else may well say something completely different!

Hope it helps a little anyway.

Hurdity x
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