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Author Topic: Surgical Meno when young and thoughts on still having prog to keep hormone balan  (Read 5696 times)


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Hi All,

Ive been really feeling like my hormones are really unbalanced and out of whack, this has been going on for 4 years since surgical Meno. With the shortage of HRT its really got me thinking about why my consultant wanted me on Tibilone if possible until 52 ish as he said the balance of hormones was the closest I would get to natural and would receive them ALL and with my age I didnt fit into the usual risk categories...its really making me think i would of had all hormones for many more years and is this important and what doctors are missing?? Any thoughts would be helpful.

Thanks Shell x

Also if the oestrogen component wasn't quite enough could you use gel alongside as a top up?


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How old are you now?

Which Consultant?  Is this at a meno clinic ........

I'm sure that someone who takes HRT will be along.  Or there is an option to send an e-mail to Dr Currie for advice. 


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Morning CKLD,

Im 37 now so have many years before average meno age...or what a specialist classes as that.

It was my Gynae who was really keen for me to remain on Tibilone not only for bone health, but for the balanced hormones.

Ive seen a Meno specialist since, but just filled out questionnaires, told oestrogen levels where ok and left to it.

I wish Id never had the operation and suffered with the pain, my body and mind have not been my own since. GP treats me like everyone else in meno and obviously at a younger age bodies require different amounts...well we all do.

Not sure how I go about emailing Doctor Currie? Or what support she offers.



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Hi the other option is the daisy website but I believe that one needs to pay for advice?  There is info here somewhere and it is a support group for girls with no periods/early menopause. 

Dr Currie is a menopause specialist who began this site to support those women with problems. 


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I bumped a thread which may be useful for you ......... 'daisy network'


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Hi Shell - you sound like you're having a rough time. Some gynaes really like Tib, I was prescribed it by a gynae as they feel it offers the benefits of all the hormones ie. oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone, in the safest way possible. It's not hormone molecules as we receive them in other hrt products, it's broken down in our body and the metabolites of it breaking down act on these hormone receptors, giving us relief from symptoms.

My gynae said I could add a pump of gel or take a double dose of Tib if it wasn't controlling my symptoms. I didn't get in with Tib so I stopped it without adding or doubling. You'd be best to speak to your original prescriber, is that possible? Talk through your problems and symptoms and decide if Tib is the best product for you. There's lots of alternative products out there so please don't despair.


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Take a list with you ;-)


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hi shell

i'm in same boat as u surgical menopause age 35 now 40 and wish i had insisted keeping my ovaries as the depth of menopause was not explained but i've only been offered estrogen which i'm having no relief from at all increase it and feel worse more tired more bloating weight gain hairloss and to be honest so foggy headed in it and no with hrt shortages it's a nightmare , i'm on the gel but am not obsorbing it well have tried a couple of other patches one not sticking the other side effects and the symtoms i'm taking it for which was just vaginal issues in dampness hasn't been relied dispite also taking ovestin vaginally for VA which at the moment the dampness is worse and burning but no UTI no infection very strange ! i do believe women in surgical menopause need all three hormones but i am considering taking combined pill as stronger then hrt and dose is set more steady release it does contain progestin levonorgestrel but i've been fine in this before and although not needed as i've had hysterectomy it's more for balance . my boobs too will not stop growing they have increased 2 cup sizes already and have only been on estrogen 11 mths and to be honest has not improved anything i have more problems then when i started really as it's now caused hairloss where as i went hrt free for 4 years because the tablet and patch i tried at the time didn't suit me and the doctor said well hrt dosent suit you u will have to stop it at the time no mention of different brands doses or the combined pill option and to be honest was lucky that i was fine i got in with it , last summer i developed damp knickers and to this day has not been resolved through hrt i have fluctuation in moods from very low to aniexty which i didn't have and i'm sorry but i don't believe everything is menopause some of it is caused by the hormone. therapy


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Menopause means end of periods.  No one explains what that actually means in terms of side effects as hormone levels drop. 

If 1 is using vaginal atrophy treatment 1 should expect some dampness if the body leaks the product.  I haven't had that problem as I use at night and certainly without 'ovestin', I would be climbing the walls - it was like razor blades  :o up there! 

It's the Trial and Error that is so tiring  :-\


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Hi CKLD, kiltedCupid

I think im going to pay privately and see a specialist at my local Spire hospital, I cant really afford it but feel my options are running out. Ive been on tablets, different patches and all have come with there issues. I really do feel it is a lack of hormone balance rather than just being pumped full of oestrogen continuously. They just seem to think if my oestrogen level is high enough then I should be!!. I have literally gone from feeling 30 to 90 since my ovary removal and my quality of life is quite honestly rubbish...not just for me, but ithers around me too.
The shortage of HRT really isnt helping either at the moment.  :'(

If I could go back I'd of left my ovaries too, and endured the pain because I honestly was not prepared for this hell they call surgical menopause. It has changed not only my state of mind, happy go lucky attitude, but my relationships. Not to mention my body has literally fallen to pieces since they went, I used to be at the gym 5 to 6 times a week, now im verging on barely making it down the stairs due to aches and pains in places I never knew could hurt. I honestly dont feel just one hormone can replace what should be 3 for the next 15 or so years, yes it may prevent certain things, but in return for my sanity and who i once was!!!. It doesnt help when there is so much lack of understanding around Menopause. Im feeling like Tib with some added oestrogen may be my answer but not sure if they will offer that to me?? This week i was offered a vaginal ring as an alternative to 100mcg patch  :o :o :o
Please let me know what you decide to go with, is it your GP who has suggested the Pill as an alternative?.


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Make sure that the Consultant is a Meno-specialist, not a gynaecologist.  Maybe keep a mood/symptom/food diary to take to the appt.  At least by paying you won't feel rushed at the appt and it may be the best money you will spend for ages.  It also means a quicker discussion rather than waiting for a GP appt.. 


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Shell - I completely agree with all you've said, for many women, particularly those in surgical meno, oestrogen just isn't enough. You need all 3 hormones replaced as you have scant production naturally. You're very young too so your natural oestrogen levels would be high. If you decide to go the private route, ask your gp to do a full set of blood tests including all the sex hormones before you go, explain to the gp that you feel you need specialist help and will require the tests. This will also give your consultant an idea of where your hormones are and save the cost of private bloods which can be hefty. You can also ask for a referral to a menopause clinic in your area and I believe it's possible to ask for referral outwith your area too. The Chelsea & Westminster in London have arguably the best meno clinic in the U.K. and would be worth the cost of the journey if you can get a referral.

There's 2 really good US sites called surmeno blog and hystersisters which are only for hysterectomised women. It might help you to read some of their stories and hrt solutions.

Good luck.


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Hi Shell,

Sorry you are going through such a rough time.

I had the same op when I was 38 and now 43 and still haven't found the right balance despite trying virtually everything. I know just what you mean, a lot of the time i feel about 90, and it doesn't matter how much i increase oestrogen it doesn't make me feel any better. I was just googling about adding progesterone when I saw your post :)

The menopause clinic I went to said I could try tibolone if I really wanted, but that it wasn't really strong enough for younger women?

My first 2 months on it I had a lot of headaches and nausea but it did work for libido in a way that no other hrt has,but it also made me feel very strange and wired, and unable to sleep properly, so I felt wired but exhausted all the time.
the headaches and nausea subsided but sadly so did the positive effects and 5 months in I've quit as I feel worse than before, just 1 stone heavier :( Last 2 months I tried doubling the dose and adding some pumps of gel but it didn't do much. However its definitely worth a try as some people have amazing results with it, but for me it just seemed to stop working, although this could have been my estrogen levels dropping after coming off quite high estrogen prior to Tibolone?

I'd be really interested to know if adding progesterone would help people like us feel a bit more balanced, and what would be the best type to try.

Good luck with your appointment and do post how you get on


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Thank you so much for your kind words and support Ladies, you've convinced me im not completely insane!!.  :)
Im going to really do my research on specialists, and speak to my GP who I trust the most about my bloods etc and go armed with as much info as I possibly can.
I presume Dr Currie would not be able to do prescriptions of any HRT, and having bloods and Thyroid tests etc would be needed for any real treatment decisions.

Thanks Shell x


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Hi Brandydog1

Sorry to hear you're in the same boat...its not fun is it!!.

I will definitely let you know what the outcome is after my appointments and will update you on where I go from here. Really sorry Tibilone didnt work out for you, its just a complete minefield of what route is best for us ladies in surgical meno.

Ill update as soon as I have any news, please do the same if you have any news to share...we need to definitely stick together.

Shell x
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