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Author Topic: The 200(mg Utro)club and what test should I be having along the hrt journey?  (Read 703 times)

Turkish delight

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Hi gals,

As someone here put it there is a 200(mg utro cyclic)club :D
I'd imagine that most are on it as it's the NICE recommended dose for at least 12 days I believe.
I've just switched from 100mg Utrogestan to 200mg vaginally I should add, and done nothing but cry each day, and been very down and dysfunctional none of which is not like me.

Do others have this too, is it a right of passage in the 200 club?

Also, I'm really ignorant as to what tests I should be having along the way. I've been on hrt for 8 months already and had none. Even though I am a tricky customer as my mum died of BC age 50. I have been cut loose to find my own way after only one gynae apmnt where he put me on Oestrogel, Utro and Testogel.

Gynae was more of a pregnancy specialist, he put me on 2 pumps O gel twice a week and 100mg utro for 14 days. it worked ok for 3 months but guessed it it wasn't enough and my symptoms came back. So I gingerly upped it to where in the last month and a half lets say I've been on 2 pumps O gel plus 100mg Utro x14. Have only had a bleed once on about the 3rd month where I was on the lowest dose, none since. So now upped my utro to 200mg.

I have done some digging and have found a menopause clinic near me which is at Newnham court way or Spire Alexandra hospital Chatham both in Kent. Has anyone here been referred there I wonder?

Do I just go and ask the GP it refer me? Is there any reason why they would refuse this request?
Or should I just have relevant tests done at GP? What do you do?

Thanks in advance for any insights  :thankyou:

« Last Edit: November 04, 2019, 01:10:14 PM by Turkish delight »


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I take 200mg daily (orally) without a break.


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I take 200mg vaginally for 10 days every 6 weeks, with Estrogel at 2 pumps a day.
I'm badly progesterone intolerant and cannot take synthetic progs.
All is going very well indeed on the above regime.

Just been to see a GP at our surgery who has told me Utrogestan is being STOPPED for everyone in NHS Lothian as it does not protect against endometrial cancer. Full stop. For our own good.

I'm beside myself. I have no other alternative.
Strongly suspect it is a financial based decision as Utrogestan costs wildly more according to the NICE pages, than say Norethisterone.

I'm disgusted that my life can be messed about this way!  That ladies in the rest of the UK are deemed safe to use it but not us ladies here in Lothian.


Turkish delight

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Thanks girls for helping me  :-*

I guess I'll see this cycle through on 200mg X 12, only a week to go  :'( and take it from there with GP or meno specialist on board if I can get that sorted.

So to be clear the NHS doesn't offer checks on endo when you're on hrt, you have to do this privately? And there are no other tests need doing like checking hormone levels for testosterone or estrogen levels?


Turkish delight

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Struggling on the 200mg vaginally!

So drowsy and unmotivated bcz of feeling so tired. I was doing great on 100mg :/

Does anyone do l00mg for the first week and 200mg 2nd week? I can't believe I have to have this tired feeling for half of each month :(

Not many ppl replied, is anyone actually sticking to 200mg? Or alternatively, are ppl finding 100mg vaginally is enough to cause a good shed?

« Last Edit: November 06, 2019, 08:13:26 PM by Turkish delight »