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Author Topic: Anyone into a RONB or panning?  (Read 1729 times)


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Anyone into a RONB or panning?
« on: November 06, 2019, 11:13:58 AM »

RONB = replacement only no buy.
This can be for pretty much anything, but mine if for makeup, skincare, haircare, clothes, accessories and all homeware

Panning = finishing a product completely (usually makeup or skincare)

I started a year long RONB in January. I'm almost at the end of my year now.

I started doing this for lots of reasons, but mainly because there was quite an extended period of about 8 years in my life (that ended a number of years ago now) when I was undertake most incredible amount of emotional and physical stress, and window shopping/shopping for the categories above was a way of distracting myself, numbing myself and a sort of stress relief too.

So I started this whole journey a while back, probably about 4 years ago now, by decluttering some of the things (probably quite a lot of them, and mostly clothes and shoes) that I didn't really need. I never really needed them, practically anyway. Then for a year or so, I just stopping buying things.

Then in the run up to the start of the year last year I decided to do a year long RONB. Formalise my commitment, so to speak.

I set myself some rules:
* If I ran out of a category of thing, I could buy it (e.g. shampoo, conditioner, mascara...)
* If someone offered me something as a gift, I could accept. So my mum decluttered some of her MU (some lovely Clinique and Bobbi Brown things), and it would be fine to accept them if I wanted to
* I could ask for something for my b'day or Christmas. But I actually haven't, interestingly enough
* I could spend my accumulated points (like Boots) on something if I wanted to. I also haven't done this

I have to say, I have slipped up a couple of times during the year, but I spent a lot of time thinking about the reasons for this.

And there have been many, many times where I was really tempted my something. I had it in my hand, was wandering about the shop, and then would put it back. These times and situations have become fewer and fewer now, and those sorts of feelings are fading now.

I've learnt a lot about myself during this time. About what my triggers are, what my week points are, and also about how gosh darn long it takes to use up colour cosmetics.

My MU application has improved incredibly in this past year. Before, I would pick something up, expect it to work really well and then put it back in my stash and try something else immediately when it didn't work as well as I thought it would. Now, I'll sit with it and use it, day after day. I get a better sense of how to get the best out of it, what I like about it, what doesn't work quite so well for me. What I would look for if I was buying the same category of product again (but believe me, it's gonna be a long time before I run out of eyeshadow or lipstick!).

More recently I've been exploring the idea of a more formalised panning project. I quite fancy trying a project, maybe something like a 'pan your face' where I work on base products (foundation, mascara, eyeliner, illuminating products like a highlighter).

Anyone else been exploring these paths?



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Re: Anyone into a RONB or panning?
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2019, 12:28:26 PM »

I don't but I should Focus although I have to say I have cut down on my shopping trips.  If I don't go out, I cant see anything and be tempted.  I have never heard it called those things before RONB and Panning!

We are trying to declutter the house because I am a bit of a hoarder, terribly sentimental and things remind me of people and places. Funny enough I am not a photograph person which would be more sensible in terms of people and places but items, you know the kind of thing "where it was bought, when, who I was with etc" that's why I keep stuff, that's what does it for me.

Household stuff is RONB and homeware I keep for years.  If I like it, why change it.  Not one of those people who decorates every 6 months and changes her home furnishings at all.  Probably every 10 years more like  ;D I too have a thing for shoes and clothes but not expensive shoes and clothes. I am a sale junkie, (huh junkie, very apt word!  ;D) but not the kind of person who buys things and never wears them leaving the labels on in the wardrobe!  If it is bought, it is worn and there is stuff I have which I have had for years which is also worn but probably once a year, but I have so much stuff I can wear a different thing every day of that year!  Doesn't that sound terrible  ::) ::) :-X but I have hardly bought a thing this year (yes we are all prone to the occasional slip  ;D ;D) as we are concentrating on the house.  There is a big voice in my head - NO MORE STUFF! :)

I really applaude you for the "panning project" idea, like panning your face?? (read your post primarily cos I had no idea what that meant  :-X) - somehow that's never going to happen with me  ;D  I don't often wear make up and my regular skincare just runs out but if I look around my house there are plenty of things which could do with "panning" but I really don't think I would have the time or the patience to be so dedicated Focus  :clapping: ;D



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Re: Anyone into a RONB or panning?
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2019, 01:28:07 PM »

Lol...thank you! I'm really into self improvement, so I like to find different ways of understanding myself and pushing my boundaries. I can feel a bit stagnant if I'm not working on some aspect of myself. And I love a big project : o)

I'm with you on the house redecorating front. I just have very straightforward taste, I like very simple things, very plain. And it's never really changed over the years. So the things I like don't tend to date much.

I've been in my little house 25 years and have had three sofas in that time. The first, and inherited one that was past its best. The second, which broke after many, many years, and the third is only a year or so old now. Two have been ivory, this current one is grey.

And I've only ever done the kitchen once. I just used the cabinets that were already there for many years.

Clothes and shoes, I've been looking into the things i've bought that fitted into the 'fantasy self' or 'fantasy life' category. I've decluttered a lot, maybe even most, but I still have too much of this category of clothes and accessories.

Granted, when I met my now ex-h, we would go out a lot. And we would get really dressed up a lot. But that's 20 odd years ago now, and I was still in that mindset for a good while after our life changed...for whatever reason. My life now is very, very different. I hardly go out, or not enough to warrant the amount of 'going out' clothes that I had, or maybe still have. I spend a lot of time working, either on my own, or in a public facing role. For the public facing roles I do, the 'uniform' tends to be casual black. And when I'm working on my own, I'll be in gym stuff because I'll be going to the gym at the end of my day. The little rest of the time that's left, I'm a jeans and top girl.

I just have so much MU and skincare that I don't need more. And I need to use what I have - and use it completely. I noticed that I had a habit of almost finishing something, and then keeping the rest, 'just in case' or to remind myself how much I liked it.

I also have a terrible habit of 'keeping things for best'. But have you any idea how long it takes to use up an eyeshadow? Or a lipstick? If you only use it/them a handful of times a year, they'll expire before you've used them much, enough, or even used them up at all.

I don't know where the 'keeping things for best' came from. But it reaches out into all areas of my life. Anyway, time to actually use these things if you like them and they make you feel good, and get all the use you can out of them, while you can.

I have loads of travel samples too, foil packs of things ripped out of magazines, gifts with purchase of MU and skincare...these things are all taking up space in my house. And they're taking up mental space as well. So it's time to use them up, and it's easier to just do it methodically.

So I've separated out all the shampoo, conditioners, moisturisers, foundation samples, etc foil packs from magazines, skincare GWPs, travel sizes, into their respective categories and lined them up in my bathroom cabinets. It may take time some time to use them all up...



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Re: Anyone into a RONB or panning?
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2019, 01:56:01 PM »

I would have kept things for best too but now just get on and use it.  I have never had much money so the idea of throwing out perfectly good stuff is really hard for me but in the last few years when the pennies have been a bit better I have go better at it although it's still a wrench  :o

My parents were very strict and very unpretentious, so I was taught to look after things from a very early age and to appreciate everything I had, never take items for granted and the idea that you could buy anything you wanted without saving was alien to them which means things rarely get broken and I suppose that is where I get the idea that things mean something? - I don't know?  I think I learnt that things were not a right but precious and you might not get them again???

My views have changed quite a bit in the last 3 years though - not so strict with myself and I am trying to stop the hoarding and deal with anything that is hoarded!! otherwise you are going to see me on that program "Hoarding - Buried Alive"!

We have recently moved our home office from one room to another and the whole room has been kitted out with brand new stuff.  I remarked to my husband this is the first time in my whole homeowning life where everything I possessed on one room was new instead of being primarily second hand or make do from something previous. That's quite a revelation - I felt very indulgent but I'm 57 for gods sake - what is that all about?


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Re: Anyone into a RONB or panning?
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2019, 02:11:54 PM »

Focus, I think the 'keeping things for best' idea came from the days when we had a lot less stuff so it was important to keep at least one thing in good condition for special occasions.

I had a 'Sunday best' outfit when I was a child.  I'd have five sets of clothes for summer and five for winter - two outfits for school (one on and one in the wash) two for outside school ('play' clothes) and the 'best' which was for birthday parties, Sunday school, going out to tea with relatives etc.  As soon as I came home, I'd have to change out of my Sunday best/school clothes into play clothes, so the 'good' clothes didn't get damaged.

One of my friends has a 6 year old daughter who has more party dresses in her wardrobe than I've ever owned in my life!  It's a different world now


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Re: Anyone into a RONB or panning?
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2019, 02:31:44 PM »

Sounds like a brilliant idea and I do do this to a certain extent.  However, as far as toiletries go I tend to buy when they are on offer and multi buy.  This saves a lot of money as these products are over priced in the first place.


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Re: Anyone into a RONB or panning?
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2019, 03:10:34 PM »

Thank you ladies!

I agree on the buying when on special offer approach. And when I get through everything, I'll take this on board and go with this, for sure.

My aim for now is to get down to one of every category. Like one micellar water/first cleanse, one balm or oil cleanser, one light moisturiser for summer, one heavy one for winter, one clay mask, one hydrating one, one hair oil, one body moisturiser, one hand cream, one lip balm...

MU wise, I'd love to be down to one summer foundation, one winter one, one mascara, one powder, one primer, one illuminating face product, one highlighter. I'd be happy to stretch out a bit when it comes to colour cosmetics, but not be anywhere near the collection I have at the moment, for sure.

I could stretch to having a back up of something if it's on sale or special offer. But it would have to be a staple and not a colour cosmetic. And just be limited to one back up. I notice that my favourite mascara is sometimes something like 2 for £12 instead of £8.99 (or £9.99?) each. That I could live with.

Still some thinking to be done : o)


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Re: Anyone into a RONB or panning?
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2019, 03:21:15 PM »

Love the idea!!  I don't go for shoes unless required.  I have 3 pairs of Summer sandals, two pairs of shoes that I can wear when it is unlikely to rain  ::) a pair of Hotters for gardening and the same style and colour for day wear.  3 pairs of walking boots/shoes as we have two vehicles.  1 pair of wellies.  Two pairs of slippers.

If I find clothing that I like I usually buy 3 the same in different colours.  These last for years because I wear one and hang the other sets.  Same with Summer and Winter wear, it's difficult for DH to buy presents because I simply don't need anything.  Some items I have kept for when we have less money ...... but rarely keep anything 'for best'.

Dorothy: I had the same upbringing.  We also had hand-me-downs from older cousins.  Which I found out in recent years my sister hated  ;D.  I had to change out of school wear into play clothes.  Clothes seemed to last longer in those days anyway.  Lots were hand-knitted: unmade, washed, wound and re-used. 

I don't wear make up but love my bubble bath so that's easy for presents.  I buy shampoo as I require it.  I buy knickers in packs of 5 or 6.  I don't war a bra .........

Books are my weakness but these can be recycled via charity shops.  A few I have kept to read again.  I love buying 2nd hand ........ clothing, furniture, jewellery


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Re: Anyone into a RONB or panning?
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2019, 03:45:32 PM »

I love the idea of this.  I must admit, I have far too many clothes & shoes.  I used to work 5 days a week in an office and initially wore suits/smart wear.  More recently it has been more relaxed (jeans) and I now work for home as well, so I don't need anywhere near as much clothing or footwear.  But, it's hard to get rid of "just in case"!
Hubby is always moaning that I have too much in the wardrobe!  I have promised not to buy any new clothes in the next 12 months though, so will try and stick to this.  Must have a good clear out (again). ;)


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Re: Anyone into a RONB or panning?
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2019, 03:56:12 PM »

A few years ago I matched jeans/tops/jumpers on hangers lined side by side, plus jewellery to wear with each piece.  I had a small lace bag for ear-rings etc. to hang on the hangers. Saved time.  That didn't last long though  :D

I would love a closet with drawers beneath the hanging space for accessories.  So that I could see which goes with what ........


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Re: Anyone into a RONB or panning?
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2019, 04:39:47 PM »

so the reason why we moved the home office which used to be in the small room which houses the stairs to the converted loft was so that space could be turned into a kind of "walk in wardrobe" but to be honest with my stash I'm not sure it is going to big enough  ;D  Hubby has spent quite a bit of time frowning  ;D
I try and get organised but fail miserably  ::)


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Re: Anyone into a RONB or panning?
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2019, 04:44:39 PM »

OMG, I'd love a walk in wardrobe. Actually, I'd include a 'beauty room' in that. Somewhere to get dressed, put MU on, and have everything else like accessories at hand, and away from the rest of the house.

Totally day dreaming here...


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Re: Anyone into a RONB or panning?
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2019, 05:02:55 PM »

read carefully the phrase "kind of walk in wardrobe"! Focus ;D ;D
Lets just say the plan may not match the reality  ;D ;D


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Re: Anyone into a RONB or panning?
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2019, 05:10:23 PM »

 :rofl: ...............

At Mum's property I would dispense with bedroom storage and use the small 4th room for walk-in closet.  It is large enough for a single bed and table beside and a wardrobe with walk-round space.  That would sort my clothing out then  :D. As it is I have 1 free standing wardrobe, two built in and 4 chests of drawers for clothing.  One drawer is full of cycling kit [his], another with his fishing kit in, pants in another and socks in another.  I have a 4 drawer unit for my small items.  With over-spill in the camper  ;D