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Author Topic: Anemia symptoms increasing while on iron tablets  (Read 4783 times)


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Re: Anemia symptoms increasing while on iron tablets
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2020, 07:48:47 PM »

Hi again, Dorothy

Thank you. What about kidney tests? Are you on HRT?



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Re: Anemia symptoms increasing while on iron tablets
« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2020, 09:36:54 PM »

@BeaR they did test my kidney function in the first round.  I'm not on HRT.

@sparkle pernicious anaemia has been ruled out.  It was one of my thoughts as my mother has this, but they said no, it's not that.


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Re: Anemia symptoms increasing while on iron tablets
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2020, 10:54:39 PM »

It was one of the blood tests.


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Re: Anemia symptoms increasing while on iron tablets
« Reply #18 on: May 09, 2020, 05:04:01 PM »

I had a telephone consultation the week before last with the rheumatologist who wanted to check I was 'happy' before 'signing me off'.  I pointed out that since I was still in pain, with no diagnosis or treatment, 'happy' was not really the right word!

He said that the initial x-rays of my hands and feet had shown 'mild osteoarthritis, but nothing abnormal for your age'. 

"Great.  But the main problem is with my knees and my hips, as I have pointed out numerous times before!"

"Oh.  Ok.  Well if you're still in a lot of pain, I can send you for some more x-rays of your hands."

"I'd rather have my hips and knees x-rayed than my hands, since they are the bits of me that are hurting."

"Ok, I'll send you for x-rays of your hips and your hands then."

"Can't I have my hips and my knees done instead?"

"We can't just x-ray every joint in your body you know - we have to get a balance between gathering as much information as possible while protecting you from excessive radiation."

"I'm not asking for all of me to be x-rayed, just the two bits of me that are hurting.  Why don't you do that instead of x-raying one bit that isn't hurting and that you have x-rayed 5 months ago?"

"Ok, so I'll request x-rays for your hips and your hands then."

   :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang:

One bright point - I was expecting to have to wait months for the x-rays, but had someone ring me up this week and more or less beg me to go in for them the next day - apparently, they are having trouble getting people to go in for appointments because they are so scared of getting Covid-19.  So I went...waiting room was plastered with posters telling us to protect the NHS by staying 6 feet apart...and the receptionists were working shoulder to shoulder while the seats for patients were 4 feet apart.  You couldn't make it up, could you?!!

I wonder if I will hear anything back from these x-rays or if he will just decide that it's showing 'normal wear and tear' for my age?


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Re: Anemia symptoms increasing while on iron tablets
« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2020, 06:39:56 AM »

Hi Dorothy,
I been reading your post, at the age of 44 (a year a half ago) I started having lots of pain too, probably mainly in my back lower, middle and upper back pain. I can have pain for months at times at the front ribs mainly right but can be left. Plus lower pain, it can be sharp but painful, or with my back daily but in the morning lower than seems too work it's way up.

Like you I saw my doctor many times, had X-ray on my lower back. But was shocked when they only did my lower back and complained to my doctor what about my upper back pain. So sent back for another X-ray. I understand your frustrations  >:. They discovered degenerative disc disease in two places. Now six months and my pain wasn't getting any better. Back to the doctor, she referred me to rheumatologist for fibromyalgia. $400 later the rheumatologist ruled that out. She said my rib pain was my body trying to support my upper back. She sent me for MRI, which I managed to get through Medicare by having a 6am appointment, which I was happy to do or it was $360. My rheumatologist was happy with the results she said I had a slight bend in the back that I should not have from my cleaning job. And I should get back pain but not on a daily basis. She asked me to see a exercise physiologist. Now it's been a year and money is getting tight, but managed with the help,of my doctor to get three free appointments with a exercise physiologist, as I'm now classed as chronic as the pain been there for a year. Also appointment with a dietitian as I had IBS, and the rules is I had to see two different specialist? Which end up working in my favour.

I believe menopause started all my problems
I'm now three months later about 90% better. How?

Doctor- my doctor help me realise that my upper back muscles were weak. 6 months after having a hysterectomy (still got ovaries) all my pain started. My fault I?ll took don't lift anything more then 10 kilos too far for to long.

Exercise physiologist- I always did Pilates but started working on my upper back strength to.

Dietitian- pointed out that almond milk didn't have enough protein and my body was very lacking. After being told I'm now lactose intolerant (thanks menopause) I now have lots of lactose free milk, cheese and yogurt.

Slowly my body got stronger. Keep up with the doctors and specialist you never know when the right
information will turn your health around.
Something as simple as exercise and diet for me.

I wish you luck and please let us know how you get on


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Re: Anemia symptoms increasing while on iron tablets
« Reply #20 on: May 10, 2020, 09:30:52 AM »

Hello ladies

Lyncola  I'm pleased to see that you have found a way to ease your back problems.

Can I ask how your dietician diagnosed low protein? Was it from your symptoms or did you have a blood test? I gave up dairy some time ago and that has helped with my gastrointestinal problems but I obviously want to look after my bones as well.

Many of us need to change our diets due to the menopause so I'm sure other ladies will be interested in anything you learned from your dietician.

Wishing you well.



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Re: Anemia symptoms increasing while on iron tablets
« Reply #21 on: May 10, 2020, 02:54:39 PM »

Just a thought is your ferritin normal? i have haemochromatosis, and it doesnt bother me too much, but my 2 sons are almost crippled by it, one of them can hardly walk at times with a painful back and legs,and now told he osteoporosis
I have recently found out that even with this and high ferritin you can also have some kind of anaemia
I apologise if this has been mentioned re;your ferritin levels, but i believe it is a separate test.or used to be


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Re: Anemia symptoms increasing while on iron tablets
« Reply #22 on: May 10, 2020, 03:06:15 PM »

They have tested that.

They don't want to do any more blood tests right now due to disease risk (not really possible to do a blood test from 6 feet away and they don't feel it's urgent).

I guess I will get there at some point.  They keep saying it isn't inflammatory, because they can't find any signs on the blood tests, but I'm sure it is.  The one thing that has helped is turmeric tea.  I take one cup every  morning and evening.  Three times I've run out or forgotten to take it for a few days, and within about 48 to 72 hours, the pain is much, much worse.


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Re: Anemia symptoms increasing while on iron tablets
« Reply #23 on: May 11, 2020, 09:14:28 AM »

Hi Dorothy,

No blood test, she work out I was low in protein just by talking to me, I might of complain about my back pain as well as my IBS.
I cut right back on milk when my husband started having almond milk. I'm not a cereal person so I just couldn't be bothered to buy milk for myself.

She was a very good dietitian, I didn't even had to do a low fodmap diet. From speaking with me she worked out what food to cut out and to start having lactose free milk. Only needed one appointment with her, because she sent me home with what to do, and come back if I still got problems. Best $90 I spent :)


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Re: Anemia symptoms increasing while on iron tablets
« Reply #24 on: May 11, 2020, 11:21:38 AM »

I'm glad you found what helped.

I don't think my issue is due to meno - it has certainly got worse since starting the change, but the problem predates the first of my meno symptoms by years.

Don't think it can be due to weak muscles either, since I do a physical job and was in very good physical condition - it's just that I've slowly had to cut back as the pain has increased.

Oh well, maybe someday I'll have an answer!
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