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Author Topic: Progesterone woes (I think)  (Read 1299 times)


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Progesterone woes (I think)
« on: November 03, 2019, 09:14:29 AM »

Morning ladies.  I'm currently on Femoston conti low dose but finding I've got a constant headache, aching joints, tired all the time, nausea, palpitations and generally feeling low.  I've also tried the 1/5 dose but have felt worse on that dosage.  From your experiences, ladies, do you think it could be the progesterone causing these issues? I've looked at possible side effects of taking progesterone and these are listed, although I appreciate that low oestrogen can cause aching joints too. I'm in my 60's so can't imagine I'm getting my own hormone fluctuations now !

I went to see a meno specialist a few weeks ago and she has suggested changing to gel and Utrogestan and adding in Testogel for tiredness.  However, I had to go into see GP before she would prescribe and she wants me to either try new HRT regime OR testosterone but not everything at the same time.  I said I would try the testosterone first but now wish I'd said I would change HRT now 😏. 

Any thoughts you have would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Rosie63 x


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Re: Progesterone woes (I think)
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2019, 06:32:39 PM »

Hi Rosie63 - your post got missed - they quickly drop off the page.....

Do you mean you are taking ultra-low dose now the 0.5/2.5?

It's tricky trying to work out what's what. Low oestrogen can cause some of these symptoms and palpitations are definitley one sign. However continuois progestogens can also cause headache, tiredness and feeling low - so it could be either or both. How long did you try 1/5 for and which symptoms remained? The only way to really find out is to take a product cyclically eg Femoston 1/10 - but you owuld have to have a bleed. That way you would see how you felt on the oestrogen only and then on the combi part?

yes I think it would be best to improve your oestrogen before trying tesosterone and also oral HRT can depress libido. Personally I would only start T if you are on transdermal HRT?

Sorry in a rush but hope that helps!

Hurdity x


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Re: Progesterone woes (I think)
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2019, 06:38:24 PM »

Hi those symptoms sound like low oestrogen to me.

It would be best to get your oestrogen at a good level before adding testosterone and I agree with Hurdity that transdermal is best.

Really sorry but I can't remember your history and what HRT you have tried x

Tracey E

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Re: Progesterone woes (I think)
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2019, 08:04:55 PM »

I got palpitations and aches and pains from the Estrodrial (Estrogel and Evorel Conti). Aching joints especially in the morning. I was advised to up my gel and the symptons got worse. Menopause clinic said I was having side effects from the Estrogen not the progesterone.

I'm off the HRT now (7 weeks) aches and pains are gone still getting the palps (not so bad now) but I'm having withdrawal from HRT so it's to be expected.


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Re: Progesterone woes (I think)
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2019, 08:38:58 PM »

Thanks ladies for taking the time to reply.

Looking at what you've said I think my plan should be to phone GP to see if I can get the gel and Utrogestan and then add in the testosterone if I feel I need it.  I think you're right, Hurdity, it could be low oestrogen causing some of the symptoms but I also think the progesterone might be causing the headaches and tiredness.  It's such a minefield !!  I tried the 1/5 for about 2 months but the headaches got worse so I dropped back down to the lower dose.

Thanks Dotty.  I have a long history of trying the find something that suits me after they discontinued Prempak a couple of years ago, although I wouldn't want to be on that particular HRT now anyway 😱

TraceyE - I must admit I have thought over the past months that I might be experiencing a reaction to Estrodial because even when I've tried oestrogen on it's own, I haven't felt great.  I'm frightened to think this though as I also feel ill when I stop taking the HRT !! So I just keep trying in the hope that I will find something that suits me.  I'm pleased that going HRT-less is working reasonably well for you.

Thanks again ladies,

Rosie x


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Re: Progesterone woes (I think)
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2019, 09:53:34 PM »

Sorry ladies, I meant to ask.....could you tell me why it's best to get oestrogen levels up before taking testosterone and why it would be better to take with transdermal HRT ?

Thank you.

Rosie x

Tracey E

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Re: Progesterone woes (I think)
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2019, 08:50:05 AM »

Hi Rosie, I'm glad I came off HRT at 56 rather than later. I suspect the longer your taking it the more difficult it gets. I know it's a difficult pill to swallow around the Estrodrial as so many women are reliant upon it. And I'm not here to party poop but it's just worth baring in mind that upping the Estrogen dose isn't always the answer. Good luck hope it all goes well. :)


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Re: Progesterone woes (I think)
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2019, 12:44:12 PM »

Thanks Tracey.  Do you mind me asking if you've gone cold turkey and if you're taking anything at all to support your withdrawal ? 

Rosie x

Tracey E

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Re: Progesterone woes (I think)
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2019, 02:53:27 PM »

Thanks Tracey.  Do you mind me asking if you've gone cold turkey and if you're taking anything at all to support your withdrawal ? 

Rosie x

Just my Vagifem and Yes products. I've had two days now with no palps or acid reflux, still have one night sweat but not every night. All is good atm Rosie. :) X



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Re: Progesterone woes (I think)
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2019, 04:49:47 PM »

That's good news Tracey. Long may it continue. I'm currently stuck on my knees in the bedroom with what I think must be a trapped nerve in my back. Waiting for husband to get home to help me 😞 Not sure things could get worse at the moment 😏

Rosie xx

Tracey E

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Re: Progesterone woes (I think)
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2019, 06:09:37 PM »

That's good news Tracey. Long may it continue. I'm currently stuck on my knees in the bedroom with what I think must be a trapped nerve in my back. Waiting for husband to get home to help me 😞 Not sure things could get worse at the moment 😏

Rosie xx

Aww, my dear big hugs to you.. xx  :bighug: