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Author Topic: Just realising it might be perimenopause  (Read 6775 times)


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Just realising it might be perimenopause
« on: November 01, 2019, 10:49:29 AM »

Hi all.

Glad to find this forum. So for the last 2 years I have been really suffering. I came of the mini pill and 8 weeks later I was getting horrific pmt and brain fog that would last 3 out of 4 weeks. Then an extreme bout of dizziness arrived, along with nausea and ear problems.

Have had loads of tests for all different things, not to mention loads of consultants telling me nothing is wrong with me in a really uncaring way. Tried anti anxiety tablets, gone gluten free, am on antacids.

So move forward two years and I am still struggling. Went back on the mini pill to rule out hormonal issues!!! Just suddenly dawned on me that the mini pill is unlikely to rule out hormones as my estrogen could be fluctuating wildly.

So........ At the end of my thether. Have decided to try low dose combined pill. I am 43. I have read that this is a better approach than hrt at this stage. Day 2 and I am feeling strong ear pressure. One of my on and off symptoms.

Does this sound like peri? My main symptoms are: horrific pmt with very low moods, dizziness, ear pressure, nausea and motion sickness at times, jittery, anxiety, spaced out, foggy brain, fatigue. General yuckiness every single day.

Thanks so much for reading. I feel like I am fumbling around in the dark. Doctors tell me hormones wouldn't be the cause!?
« Last Edit: November 01, 2019, 11:01:07 AM by CrispyChick »


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Re: Just realising it might be perimenopause
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2019, 11:00:56 AM »

I had horrific nausea... docs said menopause didn't cause nausea. They were wrong !!!! Once on hrt the nausea went xx


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Re: Just realising it might be perimenopause
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2019, 11:31:14 AM »

Hello CrispyChick and welcome to the forum :welcomemm:

Oh yes - sounds like peri to me - had all of those and yes they are weird and no doctors don't recognise them as meno symptoms but they are and there are loads more.  Check out the post which has a symptoms list - I think it should be compulsory for every GP to print that list out and have it on their wall for when women over 40 come into their surgery!  The first thing they usually say is "your too young to be menopausal" - huh first big mistake.  Anyway rant over.  Homones are the cause for all these things as they drop off.  I started my hrt at 45 and I seem to be reading more about women commenting that these things are starting earlier and earlier so their idea you are too young cant be right especially when they have ruled out other stuff.

Ear pressure and earache, oh and a pain in my left cheek? I found is largely due to jaw clenching from the severe anxiety.  I got all mine under control with hrt but it took a while to get the right hrt and balance everything and in the meantime I suffered with everything you describe for ages.  Don't let them fob you off if your gut instinct tells you that its hormones - we know our bodies, we are usually right x


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Re: Just realising it might be perimenopause
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2019, 11:33:33 AM »

Hi Dotty

I have many of the same symptoms you describe, not a day goes by where I have at least one thing wrong.
Just started on Kliofem, few days in only, hoping for a miracle but not so sure.
I am 54 and haven't had a period for 2 years, initially symptoms were not too bad but past 6-9 months they have really ramped up.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that I feel normal again soon.


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Re: Just realising it might be perimenopause
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2019, 02:33:03 PM »

Hi CrispyChick


Just to add and comment on one of the points you made. You said you went back on the mini pill to rule out hormonal issues but that this wouldn't work because your oestrogen would be fluctuating wildly. This depends on which mini pill you were on as some of them eg Cerazette actually suppress ovulation and that one particularly reduces oestrogen levels so I've read, so this could account for what could have been low oestrogen symptoms.

yes I understand the COP is often recommended in younger women who are peri-menopausal because it prevents all those fluctuations and therefore mood swings. Which one are you on?

There are a couple especially designed for menopausal women - QLAIRA  and ZOELY as they contain the bio-identcial estradiol rather than synthetic oestrogens. Also with QLAIRA  you only have two tablet free days rather than a pill free week. I think it's 4 days with ZOELY  but can't remember offhand.

Good luck and hope you see an improvement soon :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Just realising it might be perimenopause
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2019, 06:11:10 PM »

Thank you so much for all your messages. It really does make you feel less alone.

So I was indeed on cerazette. Blimey, I never thought about it like that. In saying that, my symptoms were there before I went on cerazette, but my pmt has definitely become more noticeable, even although I get no bleeding. So are you saying cerazette can make perimenopause worse as it actually lowers your oestrogen?

Oh. It is a minefield. I have just been started on a generic combined pill. Bimizza I think it is called. I asked to try a 20/150, rather than the usual 30/150 as I had read this was better for peri. Plus last time I was on a combined pill it gave me migraines so they took me off. I've not heard of the two you mention. This is so frustrating because I asked my gp to take advice from the menopause clinic about which pill would be best - they replied saying they did not think my symptoms were hormonal!!!!!

I'll look those two brands up and do some research. Am keeping an open mind about the pill for a few weeks...

I have also developed gastritis and stomach polyps (confirmed through one of my many tests) could this be related? Can't seem to find an alternative cause. 

Anyone any experience of taking a combined pill to smooth them out???


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Re: Just realising it might be perimenopause
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2019, 08:38:45 PM »

Hi Crispychick

Here's the info on Ceraztte:

"Treatment with Cerazette leads to decreased estradiol levels, to a level corresponding to the early follicular phase. No clinically relevant effects on carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism, and haemostasis have been observed."

Not sure how oestrogen levels are affected if you are experiencing early stages of menopause but it does stand to reason that there could be individual variation in how much they are decreased which could lead to symptoms? Certainly you won't be getting the lovely oestorgen surges and feel good parts of your cycle as you won't be having one!

How long were you off the mini pil before you went onto something else ( back on mini pill was it?)? Also what did your periods do during this time? This would tell you whereabouts you were in menopause if you gave it enough time for periods to come back? If they came back but irregularly then you were definitely in early peri-menopause. Whatever happened - going onto some sort of contraceptive pill that contain oestrogen sounds like the best way forward as you need plenty of oestrogen at your young age!

Dangermouse on here has taken the pill to control fluctuations during peri-menopause but can't think of anyone else off hand. I'm always gaily recommending it but no idea how women find it, as often they are too old as I don't think it can normally be prescribed past 50?

Sorry can't help with the gastric problems although I think many of us develop these as we age - not sure if it's related to menopause or what? I do gluten free mostly now ( except when away and on holiday!) to help with this (bloat, wind, belching and weird pains!). I don't take anything for it except for normal antacids like Milk of Mag or Rennies, or crystallised ginger which is fab - don't like the idea of the medications like PPIs (although my doc wanted to prescribe them) as they prevent absorption of vitamins etc so wouldn't want to have to be on them permanently - although many women are happily taking them. I wanted to manage it as naturally as possible if I could. I don't know about stomach polyps - how are these diagnosed? My doc didn't do any investigations - just a feel of my tum and blood test! Maybe had a scan too I think. Do you need treatment for them?

Sorry can't help further but hope you sort it all out :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Just realising it might be perimenopause
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2019, 09:26:03 PM »

Hurdity, thank you so much for helping me.

Wow. I had no idea about the estrogen on cerazette. I just kind of assumed I was low because I was getting a lot of progesterone. I just wish doctors gave us more information!! OK. I'm totally happy with my decision to switch to the combined pill. Fingers crossed...although it is the low dose estrogen  :o I can confirm I am not getting any good parts of any cycle. Flat is the word I was using..... Which makes sense now. However, the flatness is the least of my worries.

OK. I was off the mini pill for about a year. 8 weeks after stopping it was like being hit by a large truck. Horrific moods, brain fog etc.... My periods returned but were extremely light. Pretty regular though. They were so light that I used to joke about all the symptoms I got.... Just for that! I got really bad ovulation pain and I did notice that was coming really early say day 8 or 9, then I would get the bad stuff following ovulation. So I guess the mini pill rid me of all that. I havd just been left with all thd other random symptoms.

Thank you for calling me young  :)

Gastric problems were confirmed by an endoscopy. Also confirmed I am not celiac, so that's a bonus. I really have had every test going in the last 2 years..... MRI, CT scan, hearing test, skin ****, endoscopy, SIBO breathalyser, 24 hour blood pressure monitor...........not one doctor has mentioned hormones. Just my own gp who said my bloods were fine and I'm too young.  ???
« Last Edit: November 01, 2019, 09:39:22 PM by CrispyChick »


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Re: Just realising it might be perimenopause
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2019, 01:48:08 PM »

So I'm now on day 10 of my low dose combined pill. Feeling dreadful. All my original symptoms are here like on a really  bad day. Today I also have a terrible headache. Someone tell me this will be worth it....... Please......

Sally S

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Re: Just realising it might be perimenopause
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2019, 01:12:01 PM »

Thank you for info about Cerazette and oestrogen levels, Hurdity.  I came off this a year gone February and most of the peri-menopause symptoms improved/disappeared! I wondered if it was a coincidence but perhaps not!  I will not be going back on it then. :)