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Author Topic: Provera  (Read 1431 times)


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« on: October 23, 2019, 09:49:48 PM »

Hi I've just been prescribed Provera 2.5mg due to problems with Utrogestan, I'm very progesterone intolerant, post menopause for 3 years, was in Utrogestan for 3 months first month took for 25 out of 28 days, had pmt type symptoms nets two months took for 12 days out of 28 day cycle, I had one very light period, which lasted 2 days. I've suffered severe pmt type symptoms again so doc has put me in Provera 2.5 mg Continious , question is won't this cause me to have symptoms again with being in a continuous regime


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Re: Provera
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2019, 11:47:48 PM »

Not necessarily paulapo.  We all react to different things differently.

I would be the opposite of you.  I was put on Provera and cannot take it (it was by far the worst thing I have ever taken in my life and believe me I have had all the progesterones) but I can do Utrogestan on a cycle.  It took a while for utro to settle down, about 5 months to be exact but I've been on it for over a year now and I'm fine.  I had cramping and PMT symptoms for the first 3 months, then they tailed off to lesser PMT symptoms and then after 5 months they disappeared altogether.  My periods on Utro start after 5 days and in the beginning lasted 4 days and now only last 2.  Your womb lining must have been thin to only last 2 days which I would suggest was because you had been on it continuously for a month before you went to a cycle.

The thing is these things take a while to settle down.  I didn't get rid of all my symptoms and I had a list as long as your arm for 7 months when I woke up one day and thought actually I feel ok this week.  Some of us take longer than others for things to be ok.  If you think about it taking Utro on a cycle means that in 3 months your body has only had 36 days to get used to it, its not really that long in the scheme of things.

I hope you get on with the Provera ok but my own view from my experience and reading on here a lot that 3 months sometimes isn't enough to get a progesterone to settle.  You are going to have to keep checking how you feel in yourself and work out whether how you react to Provera is different from how you reacted to the Utrogestan.


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Re: Provera
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2019, 01:54:47 AM »

I was prescribed continuous Utrogestan and it was dreadful for me. I could barely move due to migraines and an almost zombie like state. I also could not get on with elleste duet or femoston tablets  I am now on continuous 2.5mg Provera with Oestrogel and have never felt better. I'm 54 an meno. Don't be put off by whether people tell you it's dreadful or great only you can tell by trying. I knew pretty quickly but would agree it takes three months to settle into an established routine. Good luck


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Re: Provera
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2019, 06:05:01 AM »

Good morning Paulao

I'm another member who juast couldnt tolerate Utrogestan either orally or vaginally.

I use Provera long cycle as I'm one of the older members on the forum yes it took a while to settle and it was a couple of months before I could take the whole 14 day course but now there are virtually no symptoms and no nasty withdrawal symptoms. Which just proves we all different in the way we react to things.

There are a couple of members on the forum who have been prescribed a low dose of Provera continuously for the same reasons as you and as far as I know it's worked so I would give it a go.

Good luck and keep us updated.

So pleased to read everything's going well kdee69.

Lanzalover x


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Re: Provera
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2019, 07:15:18 AM »

So pleased to read everything's going well kdee69.

Lanzalover x

Thank you. Honestly I put off and put off taking them for so long and then when I did, I felt absolutely fine. I almost take one gleefully now every night knowing that it's doing all the right things in terms of my womb! Funny how things affect you  ;)

Paulapo, one thing I've learned on here and other places is that whatever you are looking for, you'll find so many differing experiences ranging from amazing to dreadful,
but ultimately it will come down to your body and how you react.
Good luck and remember, even if Provera doesn't work, there may be another that does xxx


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Re: Provera
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2019, 08:18:10 AM »

paulapo  - you've had great replies from the other girls and would just like to agree - do try it and see. It will at least keep your progestogen levels stable so I agree - go for it - you have nothing to lose! How old are you btw?

Hurdity x


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Re: Provera
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2019, 09:06:22 AM »

Hi ladies and thank you for your replies, I'm now wondering if I should give the Utrogestan a few more months if I haven't given it long enough, then it's the thought of my poor husband suffering again. Mood could also improve and I guess that one continuous cycle and 2 months on a 12 day Utrogestan cycle isn't long enough, so I'm going to give the Utrogestan 3 more months, I'm 55 .


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Re: Provera
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2019, 12:37:49 PM »

Hi Paulapo - just as I said there are no hard and fast rules for this, just trial and error.  I kept going with my Utrogestan because I had been out of sorts and all over the place with hrt for a very long time (I had tried 6 different kinds none of them worked.  Femeston, that loads of ladies love cause mega migraines, everol bad bleeding, a 3 months thing called Tridestra, that progesterone phase just dropped my mood to not being able to get out of bed and well Provera - I was given that the separate Premarin oestrogen and it sent my head doolally!

My side effects when I started as I said were the cramping and I had poor mood but it was very up and down, but given that my mood was pretty much rubbish for 3 years before, up and down was an improvement instead of just down and panicky, so I gave it plenty of time.  Like the ladies say, there are loads who love Provera and there are loads who love Utro- you just have to let your body decide - good luck, keep us posted xx


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Re: Provera
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2019, 12:58:09 PM »

Ok I'm going to give it a bit longer then go from there, having a couple of good weeks is better than being continually low etc and like
Your self I've struggled for so long as well as all the ones I have tried and sent me off the rails.