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Author Topic: Intrarosa has arrived!  (Read 15080 times)

Tracey E

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Re: Intrarosa has arrived!
« Reply #30 on: November 22, 2019, 02:13:14 PM »

The main thing to remember about Intrarosa is that trials showed in order to be as effective as Vagifem used tiwce a week it needed to be used EVERY DAY. However if you intend to use it as part of a mix of treatments eg you use systemic HRT as well, and perhaps estriol cream too - then it sounds like a useful addition to treatments - especially in its form of delivery ( like the old Orthogynest estriol pessary). You may find if you are post-menopausal and using not other HRT or VA treatment, that it isn't quite enough - but clearly worth a try!!

Perinowpost - very interested to hear it doesn't irritate your bladder too - I find vagifem always does this the day i use it....

Nairncat - your GP should be able to bypass the local formulary list as long as they can justify it - mine always does...(in England anyway).

Hurdity x

My friend uses this and doesn't use any other form of HRT and she says it's very effective for her VA.

Tracey E

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Re: Intrarosa has arrived!
« Reply #31 on: November 22, 2019, 02:13:54 PM »

Just been back to GP to go over my new regime and asked if Intrarosa was available in Lothian yet, yay, it is! Any ladies in Scotland who are interested to try this should now be able to get it.

Great news   X


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Re: Intrarosa has arrived!
« Reply #32 on: November 22, 2019, 02:43:51 PM »

The main thing to remember about Intrarosa is that trials showed in order to be as effective as Vagifem used tiwce a week it needed to be used EVERY DAY. However if you intend to use it as part of a mix of treatments eg you use systemic HRT as well, and perhaps estriol cream too - then it sounds like a useful addition to treatments - especially in its form of delivery ( like the old Orthogynest estriol pessary). You may find if you are post-menopausal and using not other HRT or VA treatment, that it isn't quite enough - but clearly worth a try!!

Perinowpost - very interested to hear it doesn't irritate your bladder too - I find vagifem always does this the day i use it....

Nairncat - your GP should be able to bypass the local formulary list as long as they can justify it - mine always does...(in England anyway).

Hurdity x

My friend uses this and doesn't use any other form of HRT and she says it's very effective for her VA.

That's great Traci! It should be when used correctly.... I was referring to using it less than the recommended daily insertion as per kilted cupid alternate day usage, which might be fine if you are taking other HRT but may not be sufficient if used less frequently than recommended, and if using no other HRT.

Hurdity x


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Re: Intrarosa has arrived!
« Reply #33 on: November 22, 2019, 06:04:34 PM »

Traci - that's great, really pleased your friend likes it. I think it's the best VA treatment I've used, very gentle and very effective for me.


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Re: Intrarosa has arrived!
« Reply #34 on: November 22, 2019, 09:59:06 PM »

Kilted...that sounds great.  I already take Vagifem daily but still have some discomfort.  Thx for the info.  Think this might be a viable alternative and plan to discuss with Dr. in Dec.  I am in Canada so have to see whether it is available.


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Re: Intrarosa has arrived!
« Reply #35 on: November 25, 2019, 06:09:30 PM »

Hi Whatsupwiththis,

Unfortunately Intrarosa it's not available in Canada, despite being originated in Canada! I suppose it's going to be available soon, though. Fingers crossed.



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Re: Intrarosa has arrived!
« Reply #36 on: November 25, 2019, 10:42:03 PM »

BeaR..fingers AND toes crossed!  I am willing to try ANYTHING at this point.


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Re: Intrarosa has arrived!
« Reply #37 on: November 25, 2019, 10:50:59 PM »

Yes, ma'am.  :yes:

Maybe write an email to Endoceutics?



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Re: Intrarosa has arrived!
« Reply #38 on: December 18, 2019, 04:28:17 PM »

Anyone else using Intrarosa and getting positive results?


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Re: Intrarosa has arrived!
« Reply #39 on: December 18, 2019, 05:37:26 PM »


Is anyone using this in Scotland?  I have just seen advice which is now actively discouraging use in Scotland.  I want to ask my GP but also don't want to give her a problem



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Re: Intrarosa has arrived!
« Reply #40 on: December 18, 2019, 10:04:19 PM »

Hi nairncat - I don't know how the system works regarding recommending medications in Scotland but this is the reason given from the link you gave:

"The holder of the marketing authorisation has not made a submission to SMC regarding this product in this indication. As a result we cannot recommend its use within NHSScotland."

However clicking on the "detailed advice" the small print says this:

"This advice does not override the individual responsibility of health professionals to make decisions in the exercise of their clinical judgementin the circumstances of the individual patient, in consultation with the patient and/or guardian or carer."

In other words this recommendation does not have to be followed if you decide with your doc that you want to use it and give a good case? After all it is licensed in the UK.

Why do you want to use it?

I've no idea why Theramex haven't provided the information nor on whose initiative this should be done - but you could write to Theramex maybe or just prepare a good case if you want to try it and the reasons why you don't want to use the existing products ( Vagifem or estriol cream) and see how you get on?

Do let us know! :)

Hurdity x



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Re: Intrarosa has arrived!
« Reply #41 on: December 19, 2019, 01:50:39 PM »

Hi Hurdity

Thanks for your reply - that is helpful.  I'm just looking for something to help with the v.dryness and this seems to be having success with ladies who like me have really struggled.  I'm using vagifem daily and  the gel/tablet regime but since starting the gel/tablets 6 weeks ago I've turned into an emotional wreck (separate post), and I can't continue like this.  I'm exhausted and cry at everything so wondering if this along might be a solution.  I work full time and its really hard.


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Re: Intrarosa has arrived!
« Reply #42 on: December 19, 2019, 04:52:54 PM »

Hi again Nairncat - I've just looked further down thread and in fact kilted cupid reported that it was on the formulary list for Lothian back in November but the latest list says it is not recommended - for the same reason - ie not a medicinal one.  (She reported she is using it but got it from abroad). Just to re-emphasise it is licensed.  Also there was that letter re HRT in Scotland in relation to the shortages - no idea where it is now - but implied that docs would need to look for other products if regular one wasn't available. Sorry can;t remember the wording!

Like I said earlier in this thread, the trials showed it has to be used daily to give the same effects as Vagifem twice a week so if you are already using vagifem daily it might not do the job you want it to - although always worth a try as the coconut fats may also be soothing...

I think Perinowpost is using it - maybe she mentioned this earlier in this thread but I can't see the other pages as I write....

Hope you manage to stabilise soon....

Hurdity x


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Re: Intrarosa has arrived!
« Reply #43 on: December 19, 2019, 05:21:34 PM »

Hi Nairncat

Yes as Hurdity says I'm using it. I like it, it doesn't give me a sore bladder like Vagifem does, so I can recommend it  x


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Re: Intrarosa has arrived!
« Reply #44 on: December 20, 2019, 06:26:34 PM »

My doctor told me today Intrarosa is black listed in Leics so he can't prescribe it to me. :(
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