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Author Topic: Has anybody tried raising the bed head for reflux?  (Read 3794 times)


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Re: Has anybody tried raising the bed head for reflux?
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2019, 07:37:39 PM »

Yes. I think ppis like omprazole effect the gut. That must be why the absorption of b12 etc lowers. I'm on prescription folic acid ATM. I had tingling hands and feet. 2 weeks on folic acid and the tingles have stopped.

I think rantadine acts in a different way but it doesnt work for me. Have you tried it?


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Re: Has anybody tried raising the bed head for reflux?
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2019, 07:42:18 PM »

Aha, yes, that's what happened to me the mefalonic acid and iron tablets caused the reflux, then the omprazole made me severely anemic etc! Plus the rebound acid afterwards.

Thanks again x

How long were you on omeprazole for and can you remember the dosage? The reduction in stomach acid stops the absorption of iron and B12 through the gut. I've been on it for a year and my GP said that I will need blood tests for iron, B12 and calcium after two years of use. Not sure whether that's too long.

Taz x


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Re: Has anybody tried raising the bed head for reflux?
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2019, 08:01:05 PM »

Taz. I've been on it 3 years. After about 6 months I went doc with the tingly numb sensations and blood test revealed low b12. They didnt connect it. Since then I've had several low folate tests. I can now recognise the symptoms. But By the time I've got symptoms it's very low. Doc admitted last month the omprazole is causing it.

One thing I would say is once I'd been on it over 2 years and still couldnt come off it I asked why and was sent for an endescopy. They also tested for h  pyroli. All clear. But worth checking. There are some conditions only PPIs seem to work for.

They are just a devil to get off of.  Ideally after 6 months they should be stopped to see if symptoms are gone but I was just left on them for 2 years with nobody questioning it or linking the absorption of iron issue until this year. I suspect this is unfortunately common.

Do you feel you have symptoms of low iron etc. When my iron was low I felt very tired. B12 and folate seem to be more neurological for me. I.e. tingly/numb  hands, feet, lips and mouth and light headedness,.



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Re: Has anybody tried raising the bed head for reflux?
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2019, 08:12:03 PM »

Such a shame it wasn't mentioned to you when you first started. I was diagnosed with a hiatus hernia following the lump in the throat feeling and ulceration. I was on 40mg but have reduced to 20mg and hope to eventually get on to a maintenance dose of 10mg. The hernia will obviously always be there so I will always need the PPI I guess. Although I worry about the long term effects life is so much more comfortable now.

I don't have any symptoms of low B12 or iron but because my GP mentioned the long term risk I'm watching for them. I checked the leaflet and these risks are both mentioned but who reads all of the possibilities?

Taz x



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Re: Has anybody tried raising the bed head for reflux?
« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2019, 09:09:35 PM »

True taz. I'm on 20. Mg.    Hopefully the 10mg will control your symptoms. Now the  higher dose has hopefully healed the ulceration. I guess that's the idea.
 I dont seem to get symptoms til my levels  go right into the red.  I wish I could buy the same strength fix acid and b12  OTC I could then stay on it all the time. So I would stop getting so low every few months.

If and when you get tested get magnesium tested too.

I've recently tried going to every other day on 20 but acid is,back by evening of the day off. I think I'm going to ask for 10mg. Is 20mg controlling your acid?



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Re: Has anybody tried raising the bed head for reflux?
« Reply #20 on: October 28, 2019, 01:02:49 AM »

Yes, fingers crossed, so far it's working well. I can still have a hot drink without feeling my throat is scalded which is how I gauge it and the irritating tickly cough has stayed away. I also don't wake up in the night with that choking feeling. Absolutely hated that!

Taz x
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