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Author Topic: Oestrogen gel  (Read 3747 times)


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Oestrogen gel
« on: October 25, 2019, 04:30:56 PM »

I've been using hrt Gel for 3 weeks 2 pumps a day and my mood seems to be getting worse, I'm aggressive, irritable. Feel low.
This is unlike me, not my usual personality!
Due to start the uroestogan tomorrow for a week. Any advice ladies?


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Re: Oestrogen gel
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2019, 06:45:08 PM »

Sorry to hear this This meno is a nightmare and I am battling too at the mo Sending hugs x


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Re: Oestrogen gel
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2019, 10:45:48 PM »

Thankyou sammas. Best wishes


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Re: Oestrogen gel
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2019, 10:50:18 PM »

I feel awful, worse than before starting hrt.
2 pumps estregel, 200 mg urestrogan day 15-26.
Can't stop eating.
Chronic insomnia. Uti. Anxiety. Low mood.
I'm disappointed I really thought it would be the answer to my physical and mental symptoms.


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Re: Oestrogen gel
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2019, 01:50:32 AM »

It is really early days Battyboo and unfortunately it can get a little worse before it gets better when introducing hrt.  The minimum length of time for it to settle is 3 months so 3 weeks is a blink of an eye.  It took a total of 7 months on gel and utrogestan for me to get back to feeling like me but I had mega problems ongoing for a very long time.  I think the longer they go on the longer they take to settle.
You body is getting used to having something back which it hasn't had in any great amount for a while and it can react to that.
Don't be disappointed, just persevere.  It may be that 2 pumps is not enough for you.  I was started on 2 but ended up on 4 pumps because my symptoms didn't come under control but you need to introduce things slowly rather than jump up straight away otherwise the body cant adjust that quickly.
Work away on 2 pumps for the first month and then if the insomnia or other symptoms are not shifting, increase by half a pump for 2 weeks of the second month and then another half a pump in the 3rd/4th week of the second month and you will be up to 3 pumps.  By the end of the 3rd month you may need to have increased again but see how you go but I have to tell you hrt does not work quickly like other "medications" - it can be a real slow burn.  It really is trial and error I'm afraid and a huge dollop of patience  :(

The next thing is to see how you go on your cycles of utrogestan as that can be the problem part of hrt but you haven't started yet, so it cant be that affecting the mood, that must be being caused partly by lack of oestrogen.  You mentioned UTI - vaginal atrophy can masquerade as UTI symptoms when in fact it is not infection at all just lack of oestrogen causing dryness and soreness etc down below.  You would need a topical oestrogen to treat that which is applied directly to the area but your GP should check it's not an actual UTI.  Have a look at some of the theads on Vaginal atrophy.  I don't have it but plenty of ladies suffer really badly and it needs nipping in the bud quickly as it is more difficult to treat the longer it goes on.

Tell us a bit more about yourself, where you are in the meno journey? x


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Re: Oestrogen gel
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2019, 08:06:58 PM »

Hi thank you so much for your in depth reply so kind of you.
I am 52, had no periods for 10 months. I was prescribed Tridestra first, I felt  really not well and couldn't cope with the side effects,
I went back to my GP who prescribed estregel, 2 pumps, urestrogan 200mgim on the Progesterone at the moment.
Ive never been able to tolerate the pill or hormones since being a teenager.
I also take sertraline as this was the first approach ago from my GP for depression and anxiety.
I have chronic UTI symptoms every other month.
I've tried oestriol cream twice, again couldn't tolerate it.
I'm overweight, single now because of my moods and weight gain and physical issues.
Desperate to feel better. I was also hoping the hrt would regulate eating just can't stop eating, never full. I'm a full time carer so need so much to fee' better.



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Re: Oestrogen gel
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2019, 11:59:14 PM »

Hi Battyboo, I was given tridestra which is a 3 months hrt course and couldn't take it.
How do you use your utrogestan.  The official UK documentation says to take orally but the European leaflet says you can take it vaginally thereby bypassing the stomach and  the liver and cutting down side effects.  I use it this way and there are loads of ladies on the forum who use it that way.  Some consultants and GP's know it can be taken that way and advocate it others haven't a notion but then they are the one not likely to know much about hrt anyway.
Out of all progesterones there are the only one which has been any good is Utrogestan, the others caused problems but we are all different and another may suit you although some are considered "stronger" than others and utrogestan is considered a milder form.  Try using your utrogestan vaginally - basically, you take the capsule and insert it instead of swallowing it!  That might help.
As you are 52 and starting HRT and have had your symptoms for a while all I can do is to reiterate what I believe is the case - an opinion formed from reading a lot here about others experiences and my own.  The longer symptoms have been running riot, the longer it takes for the hrt to settle plus when you start off the body reacts because it is such a shock to the system although on the other side of the fence the missing hormones are actually what it needs - it's just forgotten what it is supposed to do with them which is sometimes why people feel worse instead of better immediately.  :)

What were your problems with the oestriol cream topically?


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Re: Oestrogen gel
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2019, 04:27:35 PM »

Sorry Battyboo is your utrogstan continuous or on a cycle?
Cant help with the oestriol cream and alternatives because I have never had to have it.  I am sure that other ladies with VA have had problems with some and not with others and they may be along soon to provide some words of wisdom on that as to what works.  Have you tried any vaginal moisturisers as a start before going onto the cream - might help if you are exceptionally sore.


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Re: Oestrogen gel
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2019, 05:30:59 PM »

Estregel is monthly cycle, I was, 10 months without periods I think I wish I had waited two more then I could have had continuous.
Tried everything, replens gave me a awful infection, vile.
Do you suggest I half the dose?


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Re: Oestrogen gel
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2019, 07:33:55 PM »

I have recently started estriol cream for VA as vagifem caused irritation and more urgency. Have you tried vagifem as most people seem to get on with it really well? It didn't suit me and estriol is much better but we're all different.


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Re: Oestrogen gel
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2019, 08:56:29 PM »

Hi Batyboo

Sorry to hear about your symptoms. Just picking up on the weight issues - saying you are never full and can't stop eating - have you had blood tests to check you out? Maybe you have a thyroid problem or something like that which hasn;t been diagnosed? I would really discuss this with your doc as it's so important for your future health ( depending how overweight you are eg how far above normal BMI range?), and also for your well-being. Do ask for help about this. HRT can't regulate your eating - only you can do that with help from your doctor and others after finding out what is causing you to feel like this by having tests and if necessary having medication if thyroid? Also unfortunately when you become closer to menopause metabolism slows down and muscle tone decreases so we need to eat less and exercise more just to stay the same weight. I was saying this to someone else on here only today. It's a right pain isn't it?! I used to love food - well I still do but there is so much I can't eat now or only very occasionally - so that I can keep within normal BMI. Lots of walking too!

Anyway all the best with the HRT and seeking further help if you need it :)

Hurdity x