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Author Topic: What the heck is my body doing  (Read 10407 times)


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Re: What the heck is my body doing
« Reply #45 on: October 21, 2019, 04:53:15 PM »

Good luck with the Sandrena Tc - hopefully there will still be plenty left somewhere in the supply chain to keep us going for a while... do let us know!

Hurdity x


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Re: What the heck is my body doing
« Reply #46 on: October 21, 2019, 04:58:57 PM »

I'm o.k thanks BeaR  I'm always better when  on eastrogen only. I've .got to start conti utro tonight.

C and w only gave me 56 sachets so at 2 a day not going to get me far. I checked estradot a week or so ago  and pharmasist said still "red". I will have a ring round tommorow.

Thanks hurdity. She wanted to give me more but that's all the c and w pharmacy had  How are you getting on with your patch change? Xx


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Re: What the heck is my body doing
« Reply #47 on: October 21, 2019, 05:17:22 PM »

All good so far thanks Tc - fingers crossed it stays that way. It's ridiculous all this ringing round but hopefully it's only temporary... also hopefully there won't be too much of a run on Sandrena 1 mg with oestrogel still being readily available according to the BMS September info... on the Orion info at the end it said: "If difficulty obtaining supplies, the company has suggested contacting their customer care on 01635520300 to guide them to the wholesale suppliers." so that's one avenue to explore re Sandrena at least?

Oh and good luck with the utro! I'm on day 3 of my course at the mo' (but only 100 mg vag right now...).

Hurdity x


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Re: What the heck is my body doing
« Reply #48 on: October 21, 2019, 06:04:58 PM »

Good to hear you're doing o.k on the eastraderm hurdity.

Thanks for that number. Its handy to know that.

Hope you get away without any migraines on the utro this time.

And yes, what a wonderful way to spend a day, phoning round pharmasists!!!!!!

Much love xxx


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Re: What the heck is my body doing
« Reply #49 on: October 21, 2019, 06:53:34 PM »

Hi Tc,

Good to hear from you, fingers crossed you'll be OK on Utrogestan.  :-*



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Re: What the heck is my body doing
« Reply #50 on: October 21, 2019, 08:11:48 PM »

Thanks BeaR xx


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Re: What the heck is my body doing
« Reply #51 on: October 22, 2019, 10:39:02 AM »

Just wanted to add something which came out of the appt. In case  anyone is following my story because they have similar issues. I want to give the whole picture.and forgot something. Important and maybe interesting.

Testosterone ...I had thought I wasnt absorbing it (no benefits whatsoever  after 6 months)  but doc said it could well be contributing to my meagre E levels. So whilst I'm not getting much estradiol from the patch the testogel may be converting., possiblyeven responsible  for the lions share.   My FAI numbers bear this out as not much  T available.  I know this conversion thing in the precense of low E will not be news to any of you ladies but....

Heres the thing. She doesnt see this as a problem at the moment  and certainly not a reason for holding off on T until E levels rise. Quite the opposite

It's not the ideal situation obviously  as I'm not getting any help for low T symptoms due to conversion but , the fact that I absorb so little transdermal E means any E  I'm getting from conversion is not a bad thing in my current situation.and stopping could potentially cause E to drop further 

It's a different take on the "only using  T once E is replete"  theory..  it seems T may be benefiting me after all just not in the way it's intended.

I should also add that having had BSO there is less likelihood of becoming  overly testotrogonised.  Although it could still happen. Miirena has potential to raise T and  if E levels rise from implant  some T from testogel should be free'd up. So great for hopefully finally seeing some benefits from T  but a bit unpredictable in terms of how much and how quickly available T may rise so I will need to be closely monitored with bloods and dose adjusted accordingly to ensure it doesnt go too high..



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Re: What the heck is my body doing
« Reply #52 on: October 22, 2019, 10:55:42 AM »

Thanks for that interesting update Tc. I was a C&W patient too and nobody was bothered about my oestrogen level when I was prescribed T. I think we knew it was still low.

JP x


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Re: What the heck is my body doing
« Reply #53 on: October 22, 2019, 07:58:45 PM »

Thanks for reporting on this Tc - it's an interesting question which has been raised before. I know that theoretically this should be possible - after all testosterone is one precursor of estradiol to which it is converted via the enzyme aromoatse, in certain tissues. The question is - does it?

The last time I looked up the only study I could find where a lot of these things were measured - is the product information for the previously licesned "Intrinsa" patches. I can't remember all the details except one important one that estradiol and i think estrone levels were unchanged after ( can't remember the time period) Intrinsa application - maybe 3 months maybe a year - soz forget! The trials were done in women on HRt and they compared transdermal and oral - which itself comprised estradiol or equine oestrogens. It is all very complex and invloves all sorts of interconversions as well as SHBG which plays a role. For example testosterone binds to SHBG with higher affinity than estradiol so if you add testosterone then theoretically it could displace some estradiol bound to SHBG into the bloodstream so it becomes bio-available? Maybe? Therefore levels could be increased without T being converted to E. However I don';t think the trials were done on women with low oestrogen - but already taking HRT and can't remember the doses. Just about to sign off so won't look up now but it is an interesting area - yet again more research is needed.

Thanks for sharing Tc and just adding a few rambling thoughts of my own :)

Hurdity x



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Re: What the heck is my body doing
« Reply #54 on: October 23, 2019, 08:36:02 AM »

Thanks joaniepat .

Hurdity.   The higher T binding may lead to less available E., I've read that too. It would seem whilst conversion of T to E is an issue, , there is a potential opposing effect too as you describe.  It realy does seem like there are differing views on this doesnt it?

From myself and joaniepat experience c and w would appear to fall on the side of E levels not being an indicator in prescribing T.

With my results it is clear that not all the T I'm taking is available. It's going somewhere else, in my laywoman's terms, but then my low E on high dose patch is a puzzle not yet solved.  Is it simply non absorption or is something else happening to within my body to make it unavailable.

In some senses we are all Guinea pigs when it comes to T, replacement I feel.  possibly it's not been in clinical use for long enough . To gain a clear enough picture, certainly of long term effects 

Thank you for your thoughts. Xxxx


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Re: What the heck is my body doing
« Reply #55 on: October 23, 2019, 12:24:44 PM »

afternoon ladies

need some advice

currently using estrogel 3 pumps and ovestin x2 week

i started hrt for dampness down below and went through a period of where i thought it was improving but last few weeks and i think since increasing to 3 pumps of gel the dampness is back in my knickers the minute i sit down my knickers are wet i don't think it's wee as smells sweet but is getting worse i also have developed increased sweating in groin and around my vulva is really wet moist . when i lay down and straight my legs it feels like i'm going to leak wee so i don't relax and have to keep my knees bent . i wasn't aware but my mri scan showed a batholomew cyst ! could this be the cause , there is no significant prolapse whatever that means but it feels not right ?

my other question is due to raise in estrogen could this be causing more fluids to produce ? i'm sick of wet underwear and to be honest everything feels lower down


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Re: What the heck is my body doing
« Reply #56 on: October 23, 2019, 01:47:10 PM »

Sammie. I think you mean bartholins cyst. Here is some info

You may be producing some more lubrication but if you've been checked for infection and it's clear and you feel like you're weeing yourself it could be a bladder issue. Maybe see doc again xxx


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Re: What the heck is my body doing
« Reply #57 on: October 23, 2019, 02:03:28 PM »

Hey TC - I have been off the forum for quite a while just popping in but not reading as much. I missed all your stuff about the C&W appointment and have only just read so some belated  :spin: :jiggy: :cancan: celebrations from me!  Wow, someone who listens...can we all go or can she train everyone else??

I really hope things start to come right but at least you can go and ask questions as you go along and I'm really pleased to hear that she has written everything down so your GP keeps on the straight and narrow as well.  I am still ok, doing my own thing (long cycle yahda... yahda!) but its been a complete year and no one has checked on me at all, so I asked my GP about bloods, a scan and why I hadn't had a follow up from my one appointment at the Meno clinic.  I have written on a another post that a letter came back saying "as I was ok, then they didn't need to see me or test anything"!  I now as I put it "officially have it in writing that I am not entitled to see anyone about anything, and nor do they care"! 
I fingers and toes and just about everything else is crossed for you.  Let us know how you are getting on though!
much love xx


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Re: What the heck is my body doing
« Reply #58 on: October 23, 2019, 02:49:03 PM »

Hiya lady. Good to hear from you. Thank you.

Saying they dont need to see you.. I thought anyone on HRT was supposed to be monitored yearly. It says that in the NICE guidelines.  Ignore that letter lady. If you want a review then ask for one. After a year I dont think it's too much to ask. What a bloody cheek . >:(

Thanks for crossing everything for me. Much love x❤


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Re: What the heck is my body doing
« Reply #59 on: October 23, 2019, 02:56:49 PM »

I did ask for one Tc, I asked my GP, the GP thought there should have been one and wrote to the meno clinc and that's what they wrote back! >:( - so what to do now?
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