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Author Topic: Ongoing bleeding mirena and oestrogel  (Read 2718 times)


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Ongoing bleeding mirena and oestrogel
« on: October 08, 2019, 05:42:04 PM »

Hi ladies
Looking for some advice.  I'm almost 55 and have had trouble with HRT from the word go really - 4 years ago was put on continuous when I hadn't been a year without periods which caused bleeding.  Sequential gave me really heavy periods.  So I went for the mirena and oestrogel and 7 months in was still bleeding/spotting and so had hysteroscopy and everything was clear.  Since then (June 2017) I have continued with the mirena/oestrogel and had the odd spotting occasion which sometimes happened when I changed from oestrogel to oestrodose and vice versa.  I stopped using the gel at one point last summer, but had to resume because of the flushes.

Anyway, a week ago I started a light period and reported this to the doctor who sent me for a scan and I have a hysteroscopy on 22 October.  I stopped the oestrodose a week ago and the period - still light has continued.  Would this be because the lining is shedding due to the progesterone being dominant now - would it go on for this long?  The doctor said that it was unlikely anything was wrong with the mirena being in situ but I am worried about this bleed.  I would like to get the mirena removed at the hysteroscopy so I can finish with HRT as I really don't want to go through this again, but I have osteopenia so I don't know what to do for the best.  Any advice?
Dolly xx


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Re: Ongoing bleeding mirena and oestrogel
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2019, 12:11:31 PM »

Hi Dollydream

Sorry to hear about your problems with the Mirena and bleeding.

If you have been diagnosed with osteopenia then I am sure you are aware that taking oestrogen is the best thing you can do to help prvenet osteoporosis but how to do this without bleeding?

What dose of gel are you using ie how many pumps? Also how thick was the lining at your recent scan? Can you find out.

The things is aside from any problems you may have in the womb - and that will be determined by the hysterosocpy (and maybe biopsy?), the bleeding could either be because you are not yet menopausal so these are just very light periods or it could be too much progestogen if your oestrogen dose is low - although after 3 + years of the mirena the daily amount of progestogen being released will be lower than in the first couple of years. With too much progestogen the uterus lining can become atrophic ie too thick which can also cause spotting though I would have thought as you are taking oestrogen this is unlikely. Just a few thoughts...

Womb lining is usually shed after withdrawal of the progesterone not the oestrogen. Progesterone changes the structure of the lining after stimulation from oestrogen.

Hope all goes well at your appointment and you work out a regime that stops bleeding as well as the flushes :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Ongoing bleeding mirena and oestrogel
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2019, 10:59:12 AM »

Hi Hurdity

Thanks so much for replying.  I've been using 2 pumps of the gel and I stopped using it just over a week ago.  Don't know how thick the lining was as I didn't have a great experience at the scan, there were 2 sonographers - one was doing the scan (a young lad in his early 20s) and calling out medical terms that I didn't understand to this woman who was looking at my previous scan so I asked about the lining.  She said that the lining looked thinner than the last scan (it was reported in 2017 at 11mm so I was glad to hear that) but they couldn't really see it properly as the mirena was in the way.   Then there was a point when the lad asked her to check something questioning whether it was "abno" and she looked over, squinted at the screen and said yes and he put on a pained expression!!  When I asked if something was wrong the woman said "we have to report everything".  I was too stressed to ask at the end and by that time they were busily discussing their forthcoming flu injections.

I rang the doctors yesterday to see if the scan results had come in but they hadn't and she said they can take up to 2 weeks - but as I have been referred for a hysteroscopy following the scan, there must have been something on there which needs checking out.

I am wondering whether this is a period as I've been on HRT for nearly 4years and hadn't gone a year without a period when I started.  Mum had a late menopause and loads of issues with fibroids in her 50's - I can't ask her about it though as she has anxiety and if she thought there was something wrong it would send her into overdrive.  If nothing sinister is found at the hysteroscopy I would like to get the mirena out now, have a bone scan and see where I am with the osteopenia (last scan was 2016) and then review the HRT situation.  I really can't be going through these tests again as they so worrying. :-\
Dolly xx


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Re: Ongoing bleeding mirena
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2019, 11:00:14 AM »

Hi Ladies,

I´m new here and looking for some advise. I´m 52 years old and live in Spain.

I first started HRT nearly 3 years ago, this first made a big difference, prior I had hot flushes every 20 minutes, mood swings, sleepless nights, no sex drive, brain fog, anxiety and my husband thought I was going mad. I was on patches Evopad 50 and Utrogestan 200mg for 12 days out of 28.

To being with things were going well, after about 6 months I started bleeding each month after taking the progesterone tables, normally at around 8 days in. The bleeding was lasting longer and longer, around 2 weeks out of 4.

I went back to my gynecologist and she did a full check up, which was normal. The bleeding continued so the Mirena coil was suggested in place of the progesterone tables. I decided to go this route thinking the bleeding would stop.

Having the Mirena coil fitted was extremely difficult, the third attempt was successful but was extremely uncomfortable. I thought after this the bleeding would stop but it continued. I went for my 6 week check up afterwards and explained the bleeding had been continuous since having it fitted. I was told this was normal and would settle down in time. It is now 3 months and I am still having bleeds, not continuous but like a light 10 day period each month. Before menopause my periods were extremely light, lasting only 1 day. My next check up is in another 3 months.

I don´t feel the coil has help me as well as the progesterone tablets did, (bleeding apart). I´m certainly not sleeping as well and do get the occasional daily hot flushes, especially during the night.

Has anyone else had similar experiences or have any suggestions?

I don´t know wether to have the Mirena removed or try something different?

Please help  :-*



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Re: Ongoing bleeding mirena and oestrogel
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2019, 11:33:42 AM »

Elaine233.....i had constant spotting for 4.5 months when i had my Mirena fitted.


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Re: Ongoing bleeding mirena and oestrogel
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2019, 03:35:09 PM »

Hi Elaine

As per my original post at the top, I've had bleeding issues with all the HRT's I've tried so I'm probably not the best person to advise.  A lot of women have success with the mirena though and the bleeding spotting completely goes, so I would try and persevere for the next 3 months if you can.  I know how frustrating it is to keep bleeding when you're not supposed to, but it may turn out OK.  I would keep a diary of the bleeding, so you can show the doctor when you go back.

Dolly x


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Re: Ongoing bleeding mirena and oestrogel
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2019, 07:05:12 PM »

Gosh Dollydream that scan convo sounded very unprofessional in front of you? I know it's a pain having tests and stuff but it is good to know that the docs have our good health at heart. Bit of a worry with all the bleeding but if you're not yet post-meno or have fibroids then this could be the explanation. Hopefully you will know after the hysteroscopy and biopsy etc, but yes you will want to check your bone health. If you can find a way to stay on oestrogen for a few years more that would be so beneficial if you still have osteopenia, so I hope they (docs) will work with you on this to find the optimal regime. The Mirena is the best way probably to control bleeding as it even stops periods sometimes before women become menopausal.

Fingers crossed that all is OK for you and let us know how you get on by updating this thread?

Hurdity x