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Author Topic: Apprehension for Oophorectomy  (Read 1316 times)


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Apprehension for Oophorectomy
« on: October 06, 2019, 07:43:11 AM »

Hi all,
I'm a newbie on here so your help is much appreciated.

I had a hysterectomy last June after suffering with both endometrIosis (in child bearing years) and adenomiosis with heavy bleeding in recent times.
I had a total hysterectomy leaving my ovaries intact at my request as they were still working and no disease evident.  I was desperate not have my ovaries removed as I was afraid to go into immediate menopause. I suffered with PMT all my life as well as depression, the menopause would not be welcome at anytime due to these.

Since my op I've had a problem in my urethra area whereby it's uncomfortable to wee. It feels like I have either a water infection or cystitis. It's not painful but more aggrevating and just uncomfortable in my day to day life. More importantly I was rushed to A & E in May this year with what turned out to be a blood filled cyst on my ovary. After an MRI and TVS they found the cyst is still there and growing and is attached to the tube from my kidney o my bladder. As a result I now need a cystoscopy and both my ovaries removed. My questions are has anyone else had these bladder issues ?but really importantly to me is I'm really quite worried about the affect the medically induced menopause is going to have. I've not much of a libido but desperate for this to change and would love my mood to improve. Although I've suffered with depression due to life events, I am taking anti depressants and have been stable for many years. The side effects of course are weight gain and loss of libido, I just am worried so much that this will get worse after my ovaries are removed. My Consultant said he will put me on Estrogen only HRT immediately after my op saying he will try and get me back to how I felt when I was pregnant with both my Sons. I was so happy, felt really wonderful nothing too much bothered me and I had such a surge in my sex drive!!  ;D  Ladies, sorry for the long post but I'm really quite apprehensive and would love your comments please!!
Thank you for listening?

 Im now 49had everything removed except my ovaries


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Re: Apprehension for Oophorectomy
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2019, 01:21:55 PM »

Hi Daisychain  :welcomemm: 

So sorry to hear you have been through the mill with depression, gynae issues & consequent surgery, but you have come to the right place for support & I'm sure lots of members will want to respond to your post.  I'm short of time today so can't write as much as I'd like in reply, but just wanted to say quite a few of us on here have had BSO, cystoscopy too (I've had both) so you are not alone with your fears & please ask anything you want.  Nothing is silly, nothing taboo here & we are all learning from each other.

In addition to oestrogen post-BSO you may find you need testosterone to help with libido & sexual function.  Women produce far more of this in fertile years than they do oestrogen & the ovaries go on producing it for some years postmenopause.  So BSO can lead to a requirement for this hormone to be replaced as well as those more usually thought of as the female sex hormones.  I would ask your gynae about it, but he/she will probably want to get your oestrogen levels up first, both to see whether this alone will be enough to get you feeling well & to avoid any androgenic side affects from any T replacement you may need.  The para relating to T reads as follows:-

"Altered sexual function
1.4.8 Consider testosterone supplementation for menopausal women with low sexual desire if HRT alone is not effective."

Endometriosis & adenomyosis are outside my experience so I can't comment on the prescribing of HRT in relation to those, but hopefully other women in your situation will be along to give their experiences.

I wish you well with the surgery & recovery.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2019, 02:48:24 PM by Wrensong »


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Re: Apprehension for Oophorectomy
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2019, 02:23:06 PM »

Hello Daisychain and welcome to the forum.

Unfortunately I can't help you with your queries but endometriosis is the subject on Panorama tonight.  One of the trailers for the programme  featured a forty two year old woman who had just had her womb, ovaries and cervix removed due endometriosis.  If her story is included in the programme you may learn about her subsequent HRT regime and how she is being cared for and this may give you some of the information you need.

Sorry I can't be of more help but I wish you well for your operation.

Take care.


Yorkshire Girl

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Re: Apprehension for Oophorectomy
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2019, 03:57:39 PM »

Hi Daisychain sorry to hear everything you've been through. Can I ask one question in relation to  "I suffered with PMT all my life as well as depression, the menopause would not be welcome at anytime due to these." I had my total hysterectomy along with BSO because of my severe PMT, to me menopause is more preferable to suffering effects of PMDD, just a thought and from my perspective. I've been very lucky that my HRT is working a treat & have a fab GP.


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Re: Apprehension for Oophorectomy
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2019, 10:18:20 PM »

Daisychain - I had hysterectomy with oophorectomy on Walentine day this year - I was scared as hell - 33 and menopause? But when I made a list of positive and was like: on one side - something that can be beyond my imagination how it will be, and on other: endometriosis, huge amount of pain, cysts on ovaries, depresion, pain, heavy bleeding and more pain.... well - jumping from bridge probably would be more painfull than chosing to remove everything in my case  ::) I'm without any pain, I dont have bleeding, I have my life back - for my kids and for myself :) My libido went up like stupid after surgery - and bladder... my op is still monitoring me as probably it changed position after surgery and I need to be carefull for infections, but he think that everything will eventualy go to proper places :)
Beeing scared is natural - especialy when you are scared of something that you dont know of, but sometimes life can give you a nice suprise :) Fingers crossed for you  ;D


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Re: Apprehension for Oophorectomy
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2019, 08:31:03 PM »

Hi ladies, thank you very much for all your replies. I think I'm going to have to just go for it and have the surgery. I'm just worried about this sudden drop in hormones changing me into a depressive, old, miserable, woman with anxiety issues!!   ::)


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Re: Apprehension for Oophorectomy
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2019, 08:30:18 AM »

Daisychan - if you will start HRT right after surgery you will feel even better than before  ;) HRT means that your hormon levels will be stable - not jumping like stupid. When I startred using it 10 days after surgery I felt like a new person  ;D My husband had to stop me with everything - I was literaly jumping and running  ;D I never had my hormons on so perfect lvl - I regreted that I didn't done it faster - I lost few years of my life burried in bed with pain :( Don't be negative - you went through hell - now can only be better :) Just don't go crazy like me after surgery XD


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Re: Apprehension for Oophorectomy
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2019, 09:35:11 PM »

Hi Viwi,
🤣🤣 Thank you so much for your post. It made me laugh and think, yes, I'm doing the right thing. I'm going on Estrogen the day after the surgery. I'm a happy, bubbly woman who needs to start living again once these ovaries are out. I don't want the lack of hormones to throw me backwards. So fingers crossed. And thanks again. Xx


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Re: Apprehension for Oophorectomy
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2019, 05:57:02 PM »

Daisychan - happy that I made you laughing :) My husband wasn't laughing when I started cleaning windows 2 weeks after surgery and went shoping for few hours next day :D (3-4 days on HRT) My ginekologist shouted on me via phone - but I felt great XD I had so much energy - like 500% of what I had before surgery :D
Looking at it from time perspective - I was zombie before surgery, and sick zombie at that. I didn't had strenght for anything, pain was horrible, my anemia was killing me - that wasn't a life :(
Fingers crossed that you will take your life back too  8)


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Re: Apprehension for Oophorectomy
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2019, 06:31:41 PM »

HI Daisy chain,
I too had BSO 3 years ago, but didn't go on HRT as gynaecologist thought there would be no problem!! Once my oestrogen supply was depleted I was in a mess. I eventually  saw a meno specialist who put me on hRT patches (plus prog as have uterus) and after a few weeks was back to my old self (took a while to build reserves back up and get the right dose).

So my advice would be to start as soon after the op as possible. I have never required/needed Testosterone, unlike some other BSO ladies. You could get them to check your E levels pre op so that you have some idea how much E you will need post op to compensate?



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Re: Apprehension for Oophorectomy
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2019, 08:03:19 PM »


Just make sure you have a great team behind you, and a good GP who understands. I was promised that having my ovaries removed would be the answer to my prayers...unfortunately its not worked out that way for me.
Im struggling 3 years down the line to find a suitable regime that works for me. Im not sure I would change my decision, but I wasn't prepared for the aftermath.
Hope all goes well for you.  :)


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Re: Apprehension for Oophorectomy
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2019, 11:04:23 AM »

Hi Rhiner and Shell,
Thank you ladies for your comments, they are very welcome and I'm actually feeling a bit happier about my op.
 I'm lucky in that I can say 100% I've got a fantastic GP and consultant. My op is planned for Wed 20th Nov. So I shall keep you all informed how I get on.

Thanks again.