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Author Topic: Changes in bleeding again - normal or not?  (Read 1128 times)


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Changes in bleeding again - normal or not?
« on: September 30, 2019, 07:00:22 AM »

Hi ladies,

I wonder if anyone can give me an explanation as to what is happeneing. I am on cyclical HRT and my periods for the last 4 months or so have changd from " normal Bleed" to watery discharge before normal bleed , then bleed followed by more watery discharge, which makes me sore.

This has no developed to just bits a womb coming out, no blood -  Is this normal? I am on a relatively low dose pill and am wondering if I need more estrogen? I am early 50s .

I did mention it to my GP and he just said sounds like hormones .
Should I be worried and insist on a scan? Is this normal?

Any advice would be much appreciated.




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Re: Changes in bleeding again - normal or not?
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2019, 04:19:09 PM »

Hi pepperminty

I can't explain what you're experiencing - not sure what you mean about "bits of womb coming out" as if it was uterus lining it would be bloody. Does it have an offensive smell? Is it coming at exactly the time you expect your withdrawal bleed? If so then it must be related, although if strange gunk is coming out then if you are concerned do go back to your doc? I would have thought anything abnormal would be tinged with blood but maybe someone else can shed light on this? Sorry I can't help further...

Hurdity x


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Re: Changes in bleeding again - normal or not?
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2019, 11:57:21 AM »

Hi Hurdity,

thanks for replying. It is when I would expect a bleed, but no blood just bits of uterus in a watery substance , no blood at all really, just tinged with pink. I assume it is uterus. I am a bit worried, but my GP is a bit clueless. I am not sure what is happening.



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Re: Changes in bleeding again - normal or not?
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2019, 06:52:46 PM »

Sorry I still don't understand what's coming out. You say bits of uterus? If it's not red and just tinged with pink what exactly is it that's coming out? Does it look like skin or mucus or what? If it's tinged pink then that's probably all you're going to get that month. Can you remind us what HRT you are on? (I'm thinking Femoston?). If you are worried then do ask for a scan alhtough it is usually abnormal bleeding that would be a cause for concern and referral rather than lack of it. Are your smears up to date and are you getting any pain? If painful and/or offensive smell then defo see your doc again. Some women's bleeds dry up on sequi HRT as they get later beyond menopause - mine did which is why I was able to stretch the cycle as I wasn't bleeding on a 4 week one.

Hurdity x


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Re: Changes in bleeding again - normal or not?
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2019, 06:32:12 PM »

Hi Hurdity,

bits of skin, black coloured in a watery non mucus - like water. I am on Femosten 1/10. Yes I get some pain, like a cramping ache more than usual throughout the month now. Today I just got a tiny bit of blood inbetween the bits coming out. My bleeding is no longer like a period at all. It is causing my lady bits to be very sore with the water like discharge .  There has been an awful lot of water like discharge over 5 days- about quatre of a cup some days. I suspect I am post peri now.
 I wonder if increasing my estrogen would help - causing more of a bleed or trying continuous combined? Or even changing type- but I am not sure if that would help. All I know is I cant have this every month as my nether regions are really sore from being wet all day- I would have to change every hour to stop causing soreness. I m not sure what I should do-  I may have to stop HRT if this goes on. Who would be a woman ?

Thanks again for the support- it really helps



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Re: Changes in bleeding again - normal or not?
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2019, 09:04:27 PM »

Hi Hurdity,

bits of skin, black coloured in a watery non mucus - like water. I am on Femosten 1/10. Yes I get some pain, like a cramping ache more than usual throughout the month now. Today I just got a tiny bit of blood inbetween the bits coming out. My bleeding is no longer like a period at all. It is causing my lady bits to be very sore with the water like discharge .  There has been an awful lot of water like discharge over 5 days- about quatre of a cup some days. I suspect I am post peri now.
 I wonder if increasing my estrogen would help - causing more of a bleed or trying continuous combined? Or even changing type- but I am not sure if that would help. All I know is I cant have this every month as my nether regions are really sore from being wet all day- I would have to change every hour to stop causing soreness. I m not sure what I should do-  I may have to stop HRT if this goes on. Who would be a woman ?

Thanks again for the support- it really helps


You probably know this, but copious watery discharge can be a symptom of vaginal atrophy.

JP x


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Re: Changes in bleeding again - normal or not?
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2019, 05:55:14 AM »

Hi JP,

thanks- I know that it is a sign of atrophy, but mine is cyclical just before my bleed. I think there is something else going on also . There must be a scientific explanation . And a possible solution like - too much estrogen because I am post meno or too little for a normal bleed etc.



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Re: Changes in bleeding again - normal or not?
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2019, 08:06:18 AM »

Hi pepperminty - sorry this is bothering you and I really would ask your doc to take a look if it is causing soreness etc and you are worried. It is difficult to say what you need really ie more oestrogen or conti,. The only thing you can do is try something different and depends how you feel generally re whether you would benefit from more oestrogen? Are you using Vagifem or local oestrogen too? I would suggest this as first option but also ask doc too if you are worried about the discharge.

Maybe instead try the 2/10 for a few months and see how you feel on that?

Alternatively you could go onto continuous combined if you tolerate the progestogen OK as your bleeds have dried up more or less on the cyclical, so if you are post-meno then your hormones levels will be constant more or less. The 1/5 would be the same oestrogen level but also then try local oestrogen too.

Sorry I can't help further!

Hurdity x


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Re: Changes in bleeding again - normal or not?
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2019, 06:04:50 PM »

Thanks Hurdity,

I use local estrogen. I will try upping my dose of HRT again and see if that helps. I am thinking that conti maybe the way to go, but what to try with all the issues at the moment - don't need that stress! I have now called the local meno clinic and they will call me back next week - they must have come across this before.  It can be sooo draining !

I hope you are feeling better- I haven't kept up with much recently as had a lot on. I know you weren't absorbing and having tests.



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Re: Changes in bleeding again - normal or not?
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2019, 08:10:32 PM »

Good luck with the meno clinic...  yes it's all a right pain isn't it- we have to be vigilant with ourselves for years don't we?!

Thanks for asking (and remembering!) I'm fine - will update the other post.

Hurdity x


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Re: Changes in bleeding again - normal or not?
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2019, 07:20:01 AM »

Hi Hurduty,

thanks, glad you are ok!  if they come up with any ideas , I will post for info.
