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Author Topic: Any success on alternatives to hrt anyone ?  (Read 1369 times)

friend of lhasa apso

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Any success on alternatives to hrt anyone ?
« on: September 20, 2019, 02:12:58 PM »

Hi there , :)
Just wondering if any one has tried herbal remedies etc instead of hrt  .
    I've just come off my hrt patch &utrogestan as had severe bloating and didn't think was really helping my symptoms.
Back to gp  tonight ,but I've got awful fatigue back and feel as though I'm walking like I'm drunk !also quite breathless going up a hill !! Doesn't feel normal .
 I was thinking of ginseng tablets for energy and also sex drive .
 Also wondered about Avogel preducts .
   Any advice much appreciated x


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Re: Any success on alternatives to hrt anyone ?
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2019, 05:32:49 PM »

Hi. I came off Elleste Duet due to really bad migraines. I really thought I'd be able to power through. I'm quite a strong willed person and would always prefer a less chemical route where possible.
I lasted about 6 months. I don't know you have asked about successes so I apologise in advance. I took black cohosh, st john's Wort, increased my soy intake and also Evening Primrose Oil for the hot flashes. I can honestly say nothing worked. But I actually could have coped with any physical symptoms but it was the emotional ones. I was paranoid, tearful , had dreadful flashes of anger. I had what I could only describe as brain freeze moments. Whole words would disappear. And it was if they had been obliterated. Nothing I could do would retrieve them at that moment. I was forgetful and so out of sync mentally.
What did help was going back on HRT. I remember the feeling of absolute relief when I realised I felt “me” again. Have you considered a diff type of HRT? I moved on to Oestrogel and and a diff type of Progesterone ( not utrogestsan - I absolutely felt like a zombie on that and had horrific headaches). I also take one pea sized amount of Testogel and that's really helped my sex drive. Honestly I really wish the “natural” route has worked but for me, sadly it absolutely didn't.

friend of lhasa apso

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Re: Any success on alternatives to hrt anyone ?
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2019, 03:06:58 PM »

Hi thanks for your reply .
I don't think hrt suits me ,I've tried it for over a year now and I thought it helped with the horrendous insomnia I had ,but the severe bloating and stomach issues have been really hard to cope with .
 I'm having a trial without it for time being and have just started taking ginseng to help with awful fatigue .I also take a well woman multi vitamin which has evening  primrose in it .
     For sleep I'm trying a stress relief brand from tesco ;but if I'm really desperate I take phenergan over the counter which really does the trick .
    My gp told me hrt doesn't suit everyone and to soldier on and it will settle eventually,but I know that's not much consolation when you're suffering in the here and now .
    So I guess I'm just hoping things will improve soon and that the hrt I've had will hopefully balance out my own hormones if that makes sense.


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Re: Any success on alternatives to hrt anyone ?
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2019, 06:21:31 PM »

Hi there
I don't and never have taken hrt,like kdee,the flushes and sweats I can cope with but I suddenly got anxiety and then depression due to health anxiety,it was dreadful,I mean really dreadful,went to dr who needless to say handed out ADs,which I tried but after 3 days the nausea was unbearable,so I stopped,slowly but surely,it left as quickly as it arrived,so if you CAN ride through any mental symptoms then great. I take the well woman too for 50+ also vit b12 and a cranberry & probiotic all in one,nothing works  for flushes,the come and go of their own accord,I've tried everything.Anyway,good luck & I hope all goes well for you


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Re: Any success on alternatives to hrt anyone ?
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2019, 07:54:36 PM »

Hi friends of lhasa ipso (now where did that unusual name come from?!!!)

Sorry to hear you're struggling and HRT hasn't worked out for you right now.

I can't remember your story ie how old you are and how far into menopause but even though you have stopped HRT - if you are not very far along the journey, don't rule out trying again at a later stage maybe with a different type if symptoms become unbearable. It might just be not right for you at the moment.

In the meantime really concentrate in getting ourself into tiptop health ie really good diet (lots of fresh produce incl fruit and veg with little sugar and fat), healthy BMI (in normal range), low alcohol, no smoking, keeping fit, outdoor fresh air, reduce stress, enough sleep etc and concentrate on YOU as much as you can - and you will hopefully be able to cope better and will certainly stand you in good stead in the years to come.

Hope you are feeling a whole lot better very soon :)

Hurdity x

friend of lhasa apso

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Re: Any success on alternatives to hrt anyone ?
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2019, 11:37:49 PM »

Thanks for replies Jaypo and hurdity!
  I'm 53 and when my symptoms started was about 51 .
  The name lhasapso comes from my little dog of that breed , he's similar to a Shitsu but bigger !
  My flushes are bearable at moment ;it was for the fatigue insomnia and low mood and low libido I was taking hrt for .
   I think I'm probably post meno now as haven't had a bleed in quite a while.
   I will take your advice on board and see how I go for time being, thanks all xx


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Re: Any success on alternatives to hrt anyone ?
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2019, 07:03:24 AM »

I wish you all the best. It's a beast isn't it the menopause. My boss sailed through it with nothing but a stiff upper lip and now can't understand how I can't either! Mind you, she also took half a day off to attend her fathers funeral and came back in the late afternoon as she had a call “she couldn't miss” 😕


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Re: Any success on alternatives to hrt anyone ?
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2019, 07:09:07 AM »

Hi I think I tried every herbal remedy available. I was determined to soldier on , but hrt has given me my life back. X

friend of lhasa apso

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Re: Any success on alternatives to hrt anyone ?
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2019, 03:13:47 PM »

I know it's a roller coaster isn't it !
I think my gp must be one of the lucky ones who didn't have many symptoms, so didn't take hrt but did admit she had awful insomnia .
      I have had the anxiety ,palpitations and mood swings but I do take citalopram  for depression, been taking for a long time so possibly it's helping to buffer some of the other symptoms .
       I know this is off topic ,Jaypo but I noticed photos of your little dogs and wondered if one was a lhasa apso like mine 'they look cute .🐕


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Re: Any success on alternatives to hrt anyone ?
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2019, 04:10:08 PM »

No they are both poodle chihuahua crosses 😊

friend of lhasa apso

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Re: Any success on alternatives to hrt anyone ?
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2019, 10:14:33 PM »

Aww they're so sweet 😍


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Re: Any success on alternatives to hrt anyone ?
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2019, 07:40:43 AM »

You think'the chihuahua one thinks she's a Rottweiler & the poodle one is a diva  ;D

friend of lhasa apso

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Re: Any success on alternatives to hrt anyone ?
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2019, 03:25:14 PM »

Ha ha !small dog syndrome 🐈


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Re: Any success on alternatives to hrt anyone ?
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2019, 03:55:27 PM »

For sure