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Author Topic: Hello new member - going back to HRT... struggling & confused (again!)  (Read 761 times)


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Hello everyone i'm back on this wonderful site. I remember being here about 13 years ago at 37.. I'm now 50.  I spent 10 years on kliovance and was all good. Then I had some bad episodes of 11 day straight continual migraines ending in hospital twice (combined with 2 x bereavements in 2 weeks guess could have been that) and I felt maybe HRT wasnt helping me (I was getting sweats prob stress!) So i came off it and was 3 years feeling (I thought lol) ok you know? Then in the last year I feel it's been going south but different symptoms.  Joint pain - unbearable, to the point of walking different etc. Anxiety - well where did that come from? Feeling on edge, under pressure, can't relax, worried, staying home (normal now!) etc but not major sweats a few here and there at certain times/foods. constant UTIs making me so unwell week on week.  then 6-8 weeks ago my hair started falling out, weight went up then down. I've been so upset by it I love(d) my hair.  So the doctor has gone on and on and on about taking HRT again. I'm sure she thinks i'm cuckoo and that HRT will be my saviour for my symptoms.  In the meantime well we know Covid 19. So i did some bloods (myself!) at home and sent off.  They came back that I had high progesterone. now I've never encountered that always low this low that.  Does anyone have any knowledge, or experience of high progesterone?  Soooo long story short I'm now 7 days into oestrogen tablets 100 mg at night and estrodel gel (2 pumps (started 1 wondered if it made any difference) and my ovaries, insides, vaginally also feel weird - like they are throbbing/aching.  I love an evening snack - that's out the window.  Does anyone also have any advice on the time for taking the gel/tablet - does it always have to be just before bed so it restricts eating? are the side effects bad or do you feel this stuff does nothing this bio? Thanks everyone - hope all well and I appreciate any advice and for even reading this ramble! ;D


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Hi do you mean you are taking Utrogestan tablets?

I use oestrogel and Utrogestan and it's worked very well for me x


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I use gel and cyclical utro. I use gel at night but that's just for convenience. Did you know you can use utro vaginally? I think (not 100% sure) if you take it this way it doesn't matter if you've eaten. Used vaginally it needs to be immediately before you go to bed (gravity!).