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Author Topic: Whinge Alert :(  (Read 2215 times)


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Whinge Alert :(
« on: September 16, 2019, 11:04:42 AM »

I'm having a bit of a dilemma at the moment and you ladies are the people that will (hopefully) give me some logical stuff to think about.

I've tried two different kinds of HRT - First was Novofem which has 1mg of estradiol and prog is Norethisterone. Estradiol bit was ok, no massive improvement on my symptoms, which are silent migraine, nausea, brainfog. The progesterone bit is a different story, I had a horrible week of PMS that I'd never had before, upset tummy, anger, palpitations and adrenaline rushes, not to mention I noticed an increase in hair loss while on this brand.

I haven't had hot flushes or night sweats, I sleep well.

I had to really think about whether to attempt HRT again. The doctor prescribed Femoston 2/10. It was definitely better than the Novofem in terms of no hair loss (which improved when I stopped the first lot thank heavens) but I had increased joint pain in my wrists, but this time I've had a bit of an upset tum all the way through, worse in the prog zone.

I got my period 2 days after finishing the first month's tablets and went straight onto pack 2, so I am in the red pill bit at the moment, but I'm struggling. If the tablets aren't sorting out my main problem, and I only feel "ok" about one week out of the month, does there seem any point? 

HRT seems to be bringing me more side effects and things to deal with than were there in the first place. I think I want to stop, but I'm not sure if I can just stop taking them?

Sorry for running on, I just need to be where someone understands x


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Re: Whinge Alert :(
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2019, 11:06:00 AM »



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Re: Whinge Alert :(
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2019, 11:08:09 AM »

CLKD you're a good hugger. You seem to be dishing them out to me a lot lately, bless you and thank you X



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Re: Whinge Alert :(
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2019, 11:18:36 AM »

Youre not a whinger my love ...although I feel you as I often feel like the biggest whinger...espec of fact no....since I started on this forum hahah.

My question is it even worth it. I hobestly have felt 0 benefits this hrt..estrogel and utrogestan. Im now on 3 pumps gel..yet to add 200mg utrogestan (starting a sequi 25th this month - next week).  Since being on gel alone (where i hoped i would get and feel some of the hrt magic and be brand new-ish or get a glimpse of my mojo anyway!) And 3 pumps I have had a constant left eye side migraine, flat as a pancake, this weekend felt awful as headache NOT subsiding. I am a breath away from stopping the gel and hrt.  My hair feels awful too. Was shedding a bit prior but some zinc helped that but now shedding again and im a bit scared. You are not alone. Sorry i cant advise or reassure you in any way but I cant even reassure myself never mind anybody else.  Have a look at TraceyE post (estrogel side effects) where we have said what we were exp)
But sending you a hug.x
« Last Edit: September 16, 2019, 11:30:36 AM by Jmargaret »


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Re: Whinge Alert :(
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2019, 11:24:08 AM »

Hey Mogstar, sorry you are having problems but for some of us it is not unusual.  I tried 6 types of hrt preparations before I found one which suited me and gave me my life back.  It took a long time bearing in mind that you are supposed to try each one for a minimum of 3 months!  It does genuinely take a while for each one to settle and the quicker and more often you change the more confused the body can get.

I couldn't take Femeston, it gave me blinding headaches and I knew that right away and tablets gave me stomach issues. I have not had Novofem but I have had Elleste, and Everol and a couple that are now discontinued.  My issues are around the progesterone and lots of ladies don't get on with it very well.  I think the key to it is persistence, if you have the stamina  :-\ to keep going till you find one that suits.  My symptoms and my life were so bad during peri and meno that not taking hrt was not an option for me. :'( but I just wanted to let you know that it is possible to get it sorted although it does become a bit of a project when that happens and you need a supportive and knowledgeable GP.  My practice has about 7 GP's in and you never see the same one twice (or rarely) so I would go along and just say that the last 3 months lot wasn't working and ask specifically for something else.  I had so much joint pain during peri and onward I was even diagnosed as having fibromyalgia but in fact now I am on the right hrt, I only get usual "wearing out" symptoms from my joints associated with ageing an my panic attacks and anxiety were making me nearly certifiable.
I would work out what to try by using the forum and as  I went along I learnt more about my body and how it reacted so I could work out what to ask for and what didn't see to suit but as I said it can be a bit of pfaff but I got there in the end. x

It's everyone's choice what they do but all I like to say is sometimes it's better not to give up too soon?



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Re: Whinge Alert :(
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2019, 11:29:52 AM »

Ahhh JMargaret thank you lovely - I really appreciate you posting. I honestly feel like I never stop talking about this flaming (polite version haha) menopause. It's always something!! This hurts, that hurts, should I do this, or that. When you hear so many women raving about how wonderful they feel, it's amazing for them to have made such a difference to their lives. I am not in the slightest resentful of that, but I'm sat here thinking "huh??" "so why do I feel like sh*t?"  :-\ What am I missing??

I think it got to me this weekend, when you've just battled the rubbishy progesterone bit and then ohh wait, it's the rubbishy oestrogen bit now. WTF? When does the I feel great bit ruddy start??
I'm not even sure if I went to the GP what they could do, other than offer me gels, and it sounds like they come with their own issues.

I'm so sorry you feel rubbish too, genuinely. Migraines are blimmin awful. You have done more reassuring than you know by helping me realise I'm not the only one on the planet it doesn't seem to sprinkle fairy dust over :) Big hugs X


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Re: Whinge Alert :(
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2019, 11:41:19 AM »

Ahh thank you too Mogster. As Ladybt28 says - it takes time...and i am trying BUT hard when feel so rubbish and my god never had headache as long as I have. Every day. No wonder i feel sh**.
I wouldnt mind if i just KNEW. KNEW what was what - ie - ok so...3 pumps is what you need and it may settle and balance out when you add the progesterone part...OR...3 pumps is too much for you hence the headaches (but didnt feel any good changes or better  on 2 neither pffff) OR......whatever!! Just got no clues and feel in a right mess. Wtf.
I just finished my period before weekend so wondered maybe felt worse weekend due to that but unsure. Feel like punching my own bloody face to punch away this headache.....seriously though....cant go on like this. Feel like ive no control over my body and who i am anymore. Im not naive, far from it, but really did thinl and believe it would be the missing link fo me..estrogen anyway...and Id get a dose of what lots of lucky others felt -  "amazing, new life, brand newness". Ha. Not me. (Or you hahaa)  Thank god for this forum though eh X


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Re: Whinge Alert :(
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2019, 12:03:43 PM »

Lady BT

Thank you so much for your post, you have clearly been through the wars with many kinds of HRT! I think you've hit the nail on the head, really. I know exactly what you mean about giving the tablets time to work for 3 months each time, I know I haven't done that. It feels alien to me to resign myself to another couple of months or more of possibly feeling awful like that before you decide they are wrong for you anyway. I just hoped I would have felt at least some kind of benefit. I think you have been very stoic in persisting till you found one you liked, you are braver than me for sure.

 I Just don't like the way they make me feel things that I didn't have wrong with me in the beginning. I started HRT with the hope that it was doing some good in the background, at the suggestion of my GP as I have mild osteopenia, treatable with calcium supplementation.


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Re: Whinge Alert :(
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2019, 12:06:39 PM »

Maybe think which symptom you would like to ease?  Is it, easing anything?


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Re: Whinge Alert :(
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2019, 12:10:58 PM »

Ahhh JM

Bless your heart. Headaches are the worst. Hear me out on this but my osteopath shared a post on the old book of faces about an accupressure point that cures was random, but a lady who had tried everything to shift her headache put a clothes peg on her hand between her thumb and forefinger (think webbed bit). Got to be worth a try.

I have also been looking into homeopathy as I already take something for vertigo that does help. I know what you mean about it being the cure all!!

Take care of yourself, no punching please ;) XXX


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Re: Whinge Alert :(
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2019, 12:33:30 PM »

Mogs, im off to get a peg. The meanest one I can find in my peg box. If that doesnt work ill try a pair of pliers. Big ones. 😂. Keep you posted.x


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Re: Whinge Alert :(
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2019, 02:08:41 PM »

Hi ladies.  Ladybt28, do you mind me asking which regime finally worked for you please ?  I've already tried about 6 or 7 (lost count now😞) over the last 2 years and have found the side effects are just too awful to suffer but I know when I stop, the meno symptoms start to creep back in. I'm currently taking Femoston conti (stuck it for 6 months now) but I'm thinking of stopping as feeling pretty rubbish still.  My HRT was discontinued 2 years ago.  I was on that one for 12'ish years and when I started that it worked within a week so finding this whole fiasco a right old fandango !!

Thank you.

Rosie63 x


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Re: Whinge Alert :(
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2019, 03:30:20 PM »

So Rosie, I originally started on PrempakC (which was discontinued and = conjuncted oestrogen and norgestral) for about 6 years through peri but it didn't work at all really.  I had symptoms the whole time I was using it and they were getting worse although I didn't know that at the time because it was all new to me!  GP just kept wanting to add in more Anti depressants and pain meds, but that wasn't the problem. Then when it was discontinued I was on Premique which was also discontinued after a couple of months(also conjuncted oestrogen).

Then, I was prescribed Cyclo-progynova but chemist couldn't get it so I was given Elleste Duette - that didn't agree so then it was
Tridestra for 3 months but that involves pills which upset my stomach and the progesterone was too strong.
Then we went to Femeston 2/10 but that gave me 3 months of headaches.
Then Evorel patches - sequi I think, but they didn't control the flushes or anything else and I was generally getting worse. (there is much confusion after this cos I ended up in hospital with sepsis caused by something else and they just slapped everol conti on me but that made me bleed!)
Then we went to separate Premarin (which is conjuncted oestrogen) and Provera continuous and in August last 18 the Provera absolutely sent me do-lally - I was nearly certifiable.

So the since then I asked for gel and utrogestan.  Started 2 pumps and now on 4, but although I am now (after all that) considered post meno I wouldn't take the utrogestan continuously (especially after the Provera incident - which was beyond scary).  I choose to bleed so use it 200mg 12 days vaginally, so it bypasses the stomach etc. (but I do use my gel on what they call a "long cycle" - on the ok of my gp which is 21-28 days and then the utrogestan.
Took 6 months to settle and get rid of 95% of all my horrible symptoms.  Turns out a lot of my "health problems" were hormonal thoughout my life but now except for a pre-disposition to depression, all sorted!  No Ad's, no anxiety, no shakes, aches, pains, cramping, swollen feet, headaches or paranoia!  :)


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Re: Whinge Alert :(
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2019, 04:33:32 PM »

Thanks Ladybt28. I'm so pleased you got there in the end after, what sounds like, a horrendous time for you. Isn't it strange how different we all are because it was actually PrempakC I was on for 12 years or so and it worked really well for me.

Thanks again for taking the time to reply.

Rosie xx


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Re: Whinge Alert :(
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2019, 04:36:38 PM »

 :o Ladybt28 you poor thing! Blimey what a journey you've had!

Do you mind me asking what symptoms you were getting in peri that led you to seeking out HRT in the first place, please? I have kind of wondered all along whether I should even be on it because it was mainly headachey/migraine aura kind of symptoms I was getting rather than flushes etc.

I am a bit of a worrier naturally but the HRT has given me palpitations, particularly the Novofem in Progesterone phase. But today I'm getting the old heart fluttery moments and it's only today I've not taken my pill. x
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