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Author Topic: HRT and weight...  (Read 1915 times)


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Re: HRT and weight...
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2019, 07:05:30 PM »

Yes that is impressive Foxylady!! Well done for that massive weight loss! You must be so thrilled. That is really encouraging for others

However, Artmouse - I would say you're maybe right about the 5:2 - I wanted to do it but couldn't find two days in the week when I could cope with being hungry and not doing exercise apart from the weekend and it would spoil my weekends!! I get absolutely starving in the morning so wouldn't be able to do much on those days as I would be thinking about food all the time!!! I did the alt day fasting once for two weeks and it was horrible! I know the 5:2 is only two days per week but still. How do you keep up exercise while on the 5:2 without fainting? It may not be suitable for many women especially if peri due to blood sugar issues and our flucutating hormones. In fact I did read somewhere that it wasn't especially suitable for women....all respect to those who can do it and keep it up!!! Probably depends on our own individual metabolism whether we can cope with it....

Hurdity x


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Re: HRT and weight...
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2019, 07:18:04 PM »

Hello again ladies.

Just to emphasis that we are all different I often eat and snack after 6pm and have a bowl of oats just before bed and this regime hasn't changed my weight at all. Plus I've never had water weight.  My habits go against  the norm probably but work for me for some reason.

I have an elderly neighbour who successfully controls his weight by having fasting days and he is in good shape.  A good trick if you could do it lol.

Wishing you all well.



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Re: HRT and weight...
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2019, 07:24:12 PM »

Fasting is wonderful for overall health. Even just 1 day a week will give benefits. I have a friend whose husband is Muslim, and he fasts regularly and obviously on religious fasts. He looks 15 years younger than his age. Fit as a butcher's dog. But, and it's a big BUT, he doesn't do any of the other nasties either!


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Re: HRT and weight...
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2019, 04:54:41 PM »

Hi Ladies,

The fast 5:2 is not as bad as it initially sounds, it is 800 calories for 2 days so not an actual fast! I do it on a Sunday & Monday, if you are quite savy you honestly don't feel like you are hard done by for example lower calorie meat such as turkey, pork, fish generally is lower calorie eg prawns and fill your plate with veggies or salad. Eggs are a great staple for us as they keep you feeling full, had x2 boiled eggs & slice of wholemeal toast about midday and just finished a plate of pork marinated in teriyaki sauce with peppers & onions. Tend to just have the x2 meals on a Sunday if I have a long lie but on a Monday I'm working so will have x3 meals. As long as you are sensible during the week and don't go to overboard with sugary things then should see a steady weight loss. I also drink plenty of water. My general rule is that I have one day a week where I will have a cake or dessert (I have a terribly sweet tooth, or did, I feel like the 5:2 has stabilised my blood sugar levels so I don't have the same cravings I used to for sweeties & cake). There are lots of general health benefits in relation to intermittent fasting. Dr Michael Mosley has some good books on it & a helpful website & forum. All the best those thinking of trying to lose weight, it isn't easy but the buzz when you start to see the numbers on the scales get lower & you fit into the 'thin wardrobe' again is immense. x


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Re: HRT and weight...
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2019, 03:48:02 PM »

I love the sound of thin wardrobe, have to say!!


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Re: HRT and weight...
« Reply #20 on: September 16, 2019, 05:17:55 PM »

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