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Author Topic: Estrogel Side Effects  (Read 17965 times)

Tracey E

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Re: Estrogel Side Effects
« Reply #45 on: September 17, 2019, 07:29:37 AM »

Glad you feel a bit better tracey. Ive woken same o same o...left eye side migraine. How many pumps were you on?  X

Jm migranes are a side effect of Estrogel. I would make an appointment to see your doctor if they are persisting. Did you suffer from mgranes prior to taking Estrogel? I had three ocular migranes whilst I was on it and alarm bells rang for me then. I've never had a migraine before ever.

I was on two pumps, just upped from 1.5 as my hot flushes were coming back. X


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Re: Estrogel Side Effects
« Reply #46 on: September 17, 2019, 07:44:08 AM »

HI again Trace - yes ive an appt next wednesday so just over another week! I did used to suffer from what i can only describe as left side eye pain and man it used to be bad..lasted days and I mean awful then I got pregnant with my son and i recall i was a  few months and had once that i just couldnt take any more and went to a specialist that same day who couldnt do much as i was preg but said sounded like sinus pressure type headache and like eye pressure pain (eyes all fine by the way) then....after my son was born (nearly 14yrs ago!!)  didnt seem to get them !!! Was a miracle .But slowly over the years i may get one now and again but not for weeks on end !! I was on 2 pumps and upped to 3 three weeks back as felt flat and soöoo fatigued..i did, looking back in my diary have a few 'normal' headaches when started but put it down to just body adjusting and reacting etc, but this one seems to be constant and same place - left side of eye where used to be!  This weekend though from saturday onwards I have felt unwell...almost virusey....and this morn my lower back and hips feel achy..whole body does actually. Still havent put gel on this morn...yet. aaargh..what to do. So fed up. Part of me saying....i could poss have a coincidental virus and blaming it on the gel, part if me thinking it could ALL be the gel. At such a loss.x
« Last Edit: September 17, 2019, 09:55:27 AM by Jmargaret »

Tracey E

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Re: Estrogel Side Effects
« Reply #47 on: September 17, 2019, 07:56:55 AM »

Big hugggs, :bighug: If these severe migranes started whilst taking Estrogel then the Estrogen might be causing them. I can only speak for myself when I say the negatives for me were out numbering the pro's. Maybe a few weeks down the line I'll regret coming off it, I don't know. It just seemed the right thing for me to do as I was feeling so poorly Jm. Why don't you book an emergency same day appointment at your doctors to get seen quicker? X


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Re: Estrogel Side Effects
« Reply #48 on: September 17, 2019, 08:11:22 AM »

I know! Its so hard isnt it Tracey as so much goes on. Also I do sort of get the importance of us women getting estrogen and i also feel with me theres been a missing link somewhere hormone wise for a loooong time. My docs dont do emergency appts but i will ring now see if any cancellations. They do have same day open access but i wont go to any other doc except the one i do as she knows me and my history and tbh shes the only one i would trust!!  (Still havent applied my gel yet hahaha - laughing as i type as its becoming funny sort of haha) x
« Last Edit: September 17, 2019, 08:33:23 AM by Jmargaret »


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Re: Estrogel Side Effects
« Reply #49 on: September 17, 2019, 08:17:09 AM »


Sorry the peg didn't work for you!
I didn't take my HRT yesterday, I was a bit fluttery in the chest yesterday afternoon. So this will be day 2 for me no HRT. I'm not sure how long it takes to leave your system after you've only been on it a month. I spoke to a pharmacist in the afternoon to check it was ok to just stop them and he said yes, but you may get a return of symptoms you had before. so I'm kind of waiting for a headache.......

I've decided I'm going to try doing things without. Hope you feel better soon my dear x

Tracey E

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Re: Estrogel Side Effects
« Reply #50 on: September 17, 2019, 08:20:24 AM »

Hi Hurdity, I eat a fairly good diet tbh, I have sent off for a gluten allergy test though just check if all well that way.

I'm not sure that gluten allergy test will necessarily show up anything if it is the test for actual coeliac disease? There are different types of problems with gluten - coelics are unable to digest gluten - here is some info.

However there can also be non coeliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) and there has been some research on this related to FODMAPs ( Google this if you haven't come across them!).

You may be sensitive to gluten ( but which might not show up on a test) or  foods high in FODMAPs. What I don't understand is how individuals can become sensitive later in life when once they were not - and it could be connected with hormones, mnenopause and HRT (I haven't read enough about it).

The reason I mention this is I also had gut problems - a lot of belching and burping, wind, stomach gurgling and discomfort etc. Went to the doc who felt my tum and did some general blood tests (not gluten tests or anything like that) - all seemed normal. She said no alarm bells were ringing and suggested I try dietary changes - first gluten free and then if no better then low FODMAP diet. I took one look at the latter and thought it was far too fiddly but I have been very low or no gluten ever since and there has been a huge improvement. My use of indigestion tabs has reduced drastically as has discomfort so I'm going on with it.  I have been on HRT for many years so it's not related to that but just seems to have got worse in recent months - why I don't know.

Juist a thought - it might be easier to try this than to have to go without HRT if the oestrogel is otherwise suiting and benefitting you?

Hurdity x

Hi Hurdity, Sorry I've only just got round to reading your post. Believe me I didn't want to leave off the HRT but the bloating, belching and palpitations were just beyond me. Over the last few days my body seems to have deflated, if that makes sense. My tummy no longer feels distorted and painful and for the first time in three weeks my palps have gone. :)

I really don't know what alternatives there are left me now HRT wise  :(


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Re: Estrogel Side Effects
« Reply #51 on: September 17, 2019, 09:57:02 AM »

Hi Mogster - glad yr feeling okay. Yet to apply todays gel....normally rub it in at 8am....still debating!!! X

Tracey E

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Re: Estrogel Side Effects
« Reply #52 on: September 18, 2019, 06:23:44 PM »

Just a quick update, 6 days into going cold turkey with the HRT. Well first of all I feel more energised, no hot flushes during the day just one last night. Bloating going and palpitations are getting less frequent. Morning aches and pains have gone and I've lost 3 lb in weight, guess it was water retention. I feel more alert and wuth it if that makes sense. I've had full bloods done today then an ECG in Friday.

Still wondering whether the flushes will return, I guess only time will tell. :-*


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Re: Estrogel Side Effects
« Reply #53 on: September 18, 2019, 08:48:18 PM »

Hi trace !! Thanks for letting us know! glad you feel ok. So glad!  Im day 2- still a lil under the weather BUT i do think i had a possible virus and my conclusion is this....Ive felt so NOT right the last few weeks on my hrt, (all areas, espec the constant headache that was becoming unbearable) -  just the gel -  and been in turmoil what to do that I think I missed my intuitions call - and was sent the virus to get my attention!! Thats what im saying anyway to justify my stopping gel! Only time tell with me but i do hope i regain some oomph and energy within a day or so, so can  see clearly again and have some clarity at least and re-assess!

Did you feel ok tight away, ie enerrgy etc or has that just come with the days?
So very glad you feel ok! X

Tracey E

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Re: Estrogel Side Effects
« Reply #54 on: September 18, 2019, 09:00:33 PM »

Hi Margaret, tbh I felt better from the second day onwards. I was on such a low dose of Estrogel anyway I don't think it was having much effect, I was having more hot flushes on it than off it. Plus all the other side effects were awful.

How are you feeling today ? Have the headaches eased now and are you still taking your gel?


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Re: Estrogel Side Effects
« Reply #55 on: September 18, 2019, 09:19:22 PM »

Hi gel day 2 today. Head has eased yes.....just a smidge of it still lingering. Feel ive a bit of a cold symptoms..but if was virus then poss that so just feel a bit off today, you know like a virus can make you feel...but head easing so seems too much of a coincidence dont you think...that i havent had my gel and head is easing off...after many weeks !!!
I can only wait and see...x
« Last Edit: September 18, 2019, 09:22:52 PM by Jmargaret »

Tracey E

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Re: Estrogel Side Effects
« Reply #56 on: September 19, 2019, 06:48:30 AM »

Hi gel day 2 today. Head has eased yes.....just a smidge of it still lingering. Feel ive a bit of a cold symptoms..but if was virus then poss that so just feel a bit off today, you know like a virus can make you feel...but head easing so seems too much of a coincidence dont you think...that i havent had my gel and head is easing off...after many weeks !!!
I can only wait and see...x

Yes it does Margaret, briiliant news though. :) Keep me posted on how you get on. Last night I didn't have an hot flush, so my fingers and toes are crossed that they might have abated. X


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Re: Estrogel Side Effects
« Reply #57 on: September 19, 2019, 10:30:58 AM »

Hi Trace...hope you are still feeling ok and had a good flushes.

I woke and still have headadhe 😓  and dont feel too well, almost flu-ey, so again dont know if i definitely have a virus or just bearing the brunt of the hrt gel.  Was worried this morning id been too stopping gel but i felt crap anyway so...!

Keep you posted...and you me/us x

« Last Edit: September 19, 2019, 01:14:19 PM by Jmargaret »

Tracey E

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Re: Estrogel Side Effects
« Reply #58 on: September 19, 2019, 11:48:33 AM »

It's early doors yet Margaret, I've no idea how long it takes for HRT to get fully out of our system. Take care and try not to worry. :) X


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Re: Estrogel Side Effects
« Reply #59 on: September 19, 2019, 04:04:27 PM »

It is trace. And yes ill try not worry and just ride out...hard though when got this bloody eye pain type headache. Seemed to ease yesterday pm but back. Vile it is. Also feel tired and flat but maybe expected with a lingering headache eh.
Hope youre still ok love xx
« Last Edit: September 19, 2019, 04:14:39 PM by Jmargaret »
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