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Author Topic: Desperate! What is wrong with me? Too much or too little?  (Read 1753 times)


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Desperate! What is wrong with me? Too much or too little?
« on: September 07, 2019, 07:17:28 AM »

Hi Ladies,

I feel so miserable I think I am going to be the first person do die of sleep deprivation! (Ok, exaggeration I know, but I cannot even think straight anymore)

I read all the threads about this already. I tied it all from acupuncture to antihistamines to herbal stuff. In the past, I was able to sleep but wake up 3 -4 hours later but now it is not happening either. I am just like a zombie. Can't fall asleep or stay asleep.
My GP prescribed Zopiclone this week and I tried 2 pills (7.5mg) last night. Didn't do a thing apart from giving strong metallic taste in my mouth. I am dreading to go to bed.

I am 46, peri, on 100mg vaginal ultrogestan 12 days a month and estrogel 2.5 pumps. Increasing estrogel did not agree with me. I had digestion problems, my endometriosis got aggravated, I grew an ovarian cyst and all went away with 2 months of reducing estrogen (it was a patch at the time, we moved to gel, on my arms and shoulders). I don't think I am on too little oestrogen. Can it still be too much oestrogen? Would it cause sleep disturbance?Dr Uzzi Reiss in his book says "ring check" can help understand if there is too much estrogen in the body. According to this, yes I have too much. However, my breasts are not getting big and painful like they did with the patch. I feel ok in myself, no night sweats or anything.

I am just suprised how I can still function. I will probably collapse at one point. This is not easy with a 6 year old boy and a demanding job that requires travel every now and then. One next week. Arrrgggh!

Any ideas please??

Tanks for reading.



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Re: Desperate! What is wrong with me? Too much or too little?
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2019, 07:37:32 AM »

You sound so stressed and I know from my own experience that being stressed makes things so much worse. I struggle with sleep as well. I do take Phenagan(antihistamine) sometimes to just make sure I get 6 hours sleep.
The only thing I can suggest is Mindfulness or some form of relaxation technique. I do Mindfulness and it helps me cope with the sleep deprivation. When I'm trying to fall asleep I do find the Mindfulness helps. DG x


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Re: Desperate! What is wrong with me? Too much or too little?
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2019, 07:45:11 AM »

Thanks Dancing Girl.I do yoga and meditate daily. I think there is some sort of chemical imbalance in the brain due to hormones being all over the place.

What do you think about my comments on estrogen levels please? Can this be the reason?


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Re: Desperate! What is wrong with me? Too much or too little?
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2019, 08:47:51 AM »

Hi it's probably fluctuating hormones that are your problem x


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Re: Desperate! What is wrong with me? Too much or too little?
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2019, 08:54:46 AM »

Hello Nicky boo,

Just wanted to say that hrt caused fibroid growth in my case. I came off it soon after starting to take it. 2 months.

What were your symptoms that made you want to take it?


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Re: Desperate! What is wrong with me? Too much or too little?
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2019, 09:35:39 AM »

Nicky - I wouldn't tinker with the oestrogen dosage as I doubt this is your problem. Have you had your thyroid function checked recently?

I suspect you have just gotten into a cycle of poor sleep and this is difficult to break.
If you are functioning quite well during the day most of the time then maybe you don't need so much sleep. There is the strategy of going to bed late having done the the winding down system and then getting up at 7am regardless of how the night went. By observing a strict regime it can reset your sleep. Of course travelling really does mess with sleep routines. Look this up on the internet. DG x


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Re: Desperate! What is wrong with me? Too much or too little?
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2019, 12:16:07 PM »

Thanks again Dancing Girls. What you said about thyroide hormone made me think.

Nobody ever suspected it and I haven't had a check for at least 2 years - when I had a general check up. Nothing had showed up then. I will discuss this with my GP. Thanks.


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Re: Desperate! What is wrong with me? Too much or too little?
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2019, 01:43:43 PM »

Hi nicky. Yes I am exactly where you are. Sleep problems are my biggest issue in Peri. I have had them on and off for 3 years now. LIke you sometimes I think I can't carry on I am so like a zombie. I had 10 days a few years ago when I couldn't sleep - I tried everything going. Like you Zopiclone did nothing for me at all. I went back to another GP and he put me on Nitrazapam - one of the older sleeping tabs. I have only used a course of it three times in the last 3 years and then only for a week - tapering down after two night of taking one tablet. It did seem to reset my sleep and mean I am mentally more capable of doing all the sleep hygine things.

I am sure it is high oestrogen with me that causes this. I can be feeling fine / lucid/sleeping OK then a few days before my period I will have a wide eyed sleepless night . After that I find it hard to get back on track. I had 4 months of no periods and my sleeping was fine.
Then last month another period and bam had another sleepless night. Been OK for 4 weeks again again last night was a no sleeper.

So I am trying to:
1. Get some exercise every day, even when I am knackered.
2. Not drink  caffeine after 2pm each day.
3. I am doing Mindfullness Apps and also a anti stress CD by Paul McKenna
4. New one this - I am taking cold showers before bed to reduce my adrenaline.

Yes I have had basic bloods done (fine). GPs say it is Anxiety.  Tried Sertraline for a week (terrible side effects for me) and HRT once mid cycle when I felt terrible (also made me feel worse / more hyper).

I have read every sleep book under the sun but think I just need to accept it and be gentle with myself . This is just what it is like for some women in Peri unfortunately. I find it hard not to dwell on it during the day - especially if I can tired.

Let me know who you are getting on.


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Re: Desperate! What is wrong with me? Too much or too little?
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2019, 06:22:53 PM »

Thank you Squeaker99. I feel like I need to relearn to sleep. I have been using over the counter Sominex and an audio book called guided sleep by Absolute Peace for the past 2 nights. I managed to get some sleep. Still not great but I get "some" sleep - which I desperately needed.

I will suggest trying another sleeping pill to my GP. Thank you.

You suggested the reason for your sleepless nights may be too much oestrogen, but doesn't oestrogen gradually drop before a period and gradually rises afterwards?

My GP suggested that she would refer me to the insomnia clinic in the local hospital. I am waiting to hear from them. Not sure what to expect but we will see.


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Re: Desperate! What is wrong with me? Too much or too little?
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2019, 11:28:32 PM »

Hi nicky boo. Another night of tossing and turning. yes I feel like my sleep 'switch' doesn't work properly. My husband thinks
I am just getting too anxious. It's 12:30 now and the whole house is asleep. It is the loneliest feeling in the world. I feel this must eb chemical as I have had it off and on for 3 years with maybe months when I am fine . I just never feel sleepy anymore. When I lie down my mind just races. I would give anything to just be able to drift off. My body feels knackered. Let me know if you have any luck with anything.


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Re: Desperate! What is wrong with me? Too much or too little?
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2019, 07:26:21 AM »

Switching the brain off is the toughest thing when it comes to falling asleep - especially when meno hits. HRT can help to balance things a bit but good quality sleep eludes me these days and if I get 6 hours sleep and only visit the loo to pee 2 times during that 6 hours I feel I've had a good night. I often hit a wall about 3pm in the afternoon and can't function. Sleep deprivation is the worst symptom of meno. DG x


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Re: Desperate! What is wrong with me? Too much or too little?
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2019, 09:16:31 AM »

Agree completely Dancing girl. I was a different person two days ago; positive, doing stuff, coping. I am a fuzzy headed, anxious wreck now .

I am so frustrated that I am sure my sleep issues are connected to my Peri hormone cycle. I get bad just a few days before my period and was fine when my periods stopped for 4 months.  Does anyone know my ' rights' on gettings my hormones tested in the UK? Can I do this privately by post (I live in the sticks).  I have tried HRT /ADs with no success party because I don't know which hormone is causing this and is it due to high or low levels. I think that is why my HRT attempts didn't work.