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Author Topic: Could womb lining be building up? -  (Read 3536 times)


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Re: Could womb lining be building up? -
« Reply #30 on: September 11, 2019, 09:53:29 PM »

Hi sheila  thanks for coming on..ohh i honestly dont know!! Felt ok today as fresh start and trying and a sequi and as u know last night was my first 200mg. This afternoon tum  niggles and a bleed.

So is it my period which wouldve been due (or is a lil late as been a bit over place since startong hrt but my dates are saying last week..around  nowish) it a reaction to the utro/prog?!?

Im.due to push up another 2 utro soon ( or wouldve earlier) and as day 2 of my 12 days but been hoping someone would know or advise!!  I dont know what im supposed to do...stop or carry on?!?! Been researching all eve but so much saying stop and re start  todays bleed as day 1 of cycle and hope to sync with natural rhythms...or as close to..and some saying carry on! Dotty said carry on but then thinks to stop and count today as day 1 of new sequi. So tired and confused and dont know what to do!
« Last Edit: September 11, 2019, 10:10:31 PM by Jmargaret »


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Re: Could womb lining be building up? -
« Reply #31 on: September 11, 2019, 11:00:22 PM »

It wont be the utrogestan which has caused the bleed, it doesn't work that quick, with just one tablet!  It will be you natural period.  If you are having a proper bleed on your own, I would agree with Dotty.  Stop and count this day 1 and start again on day 15 with 200mg.  You could of course continue with utro orally but trying to use it vaginally I think would defeat the object because it is unlikely to be absorbed if you are bleeding properly.

Like Hurdity I have never had a bleed during my utro days so I cannot advise properly but it seems sensible to say that if your body is shedding the womb lining on its own, it won't need any help until the next cycle - well it makes sense to me...anyone??x


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Re: Could womb lining be building up? -
« Reply #32 on: September 12, 2019, 06:31:30 AM »

Hi ladybt ! I muat jave jsut missed yr post. I stayed awake hoping for a reply and did some reading and then just after midnight.decided id just insert 2.and least know was helping protect womb IF wasnt period. Woke and heavy bleed IS definiteky my period - sort of glad as need the release but just gutted it didnt come sooner and i i hoped and i had started the utro! Ok so lets say the bleed will wash away the utro so to speak  so its inneffective/doesnt count. I will forget i took and took start counting down from.yesterday from.when bleed started and re add on day 15! Sound ok? Hopwf the ones i took last night dont apply and didnt  do owt.
Feel.drained. headache. Period i know but yesterday got thrown again when bleed came and just when i thought id taken bull by horns and started the utro!

As i said sort of glad im on my period...knew was.coming, although later than i a little  reassitance that i still know how my body feels and havent totallly lost connection with it (almost!!) 1 was yesterday regardless of having pushed 200mg up again last night yeah?

Thank you so much - youve all been a godsend. Rest day for me today. X


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Re: Could womb lining be building up? -
« Reply #33 on: September 12, 2019, 06:53:08 AM »

Jmargaret..... count yesterday as day 1 and start the Utrogestan on day 15 which will be 25th Sept. use Utrogestan for 12 days.

Then start the Utrogestan on 25th of every month. I know that's longer than 28 days but it's the advice given by a lot of doctors and specialists as it's easier to remember the date .

You might get erratic bleeding to begin with but just continue with the same cycle and your bleeding should settle down .

Have you tried the Utrogestan orally? I take it orally and have no problems. X



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Re: Could womb lining be building up? -
« Reply #34 on: September 12, 2019, 07:14:24 AM »

I'd be interested to know if anyone has the answer and an explanation why. From my school biology progesterone is involved in building up the lining for the embryo to implant and when it stops being produced the lining sheds. So it follows that continuing with prog will at best do nothing and at worst prevent proper shedding. So I stop utro when my bleed starts even if I haven't reached 12 days. This also keeps my cycle in step with the hrt cycle. Is this theory right or wrong?

Hi sheila - I'll do another thread about this as my post and explanation about this is long so don't want to clog up this thread!

Hurdity x


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Re: Could womb lining be building up? -
« Reply #35 on: September 12, 2019, 07:16:02 AM »

Jmargaret - great advice from Dotty. Just to add also if you have irregular ovulation then your own body's tendency to bleed may come at different times but as you get further towards menopause as Dotty says - the bleeding should settle and hopefully become more or less predicatable.

Fingers crossed!

Hurdity x


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Re: Could womb lining be building up? -
« Reply #36 on: September 12, 2019, 07:24:13 AM »

Hi all and thanks again!  Will do this Dotty - 25th start Utro again and do as you said thereon. Tried utro orally a few days at beginning bit felt sick - im a bit sensitive to tabs.

Just been telling my husband what im doing now (patient and supportive as he is I do think he does a secret eye roll each time! Dont blame him.!!) and he asked if i just have until 25th on nothing - I explained no I still apply my gel daily etc (3 pumps).  Then i asked him to be honest and had he noticed ANY improvments of positives since i started hrt. He answered "not really Marg". Uh. Part of me was thinking take the opportunity whilst im on period to even stop the gel. Clean slate. No hrt.  But then the other part feels i need to hold on even if just to try this sequi way and also there just may be the missing link i need/my body needa amongst this litttle minefield.Ive a feeling i need testosterone but kbiw thats a near future thing and focus is on estro/prog for now! I'll know on gel only again  after this period if any real benefits from the gel anyway wont i (didnt really for the last 3 weeks gel alone but think worrying and then pmt added to the mix.and possibly flattened any good stuff!)
Having a rest today. Feel mentally drained and left eye headache thingy.but sort of glad im on a period...feels a release.
Hope you are all ok? X

« Last Edit: September 12, 2019, 07:31:14 AM by Jmargaret »


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Re: Could womb lining be building up? -
« Reply #37 on: September 12, 2019, 07:32:05 AM »

Jmargaret.... whatever you decide to do you've got to stick to it and be consistent with it for at least 3 months.

My advice would be .... don't stop the gel. If you do that then you will be starting again and you won't have a clue where you are.

But, on the other hand, you could stop everything for a few months and make a note of all your symptoms and feelings. Then start again and see what changes you notice.

The choice is yours but whatever you do you've got to stick to it.

I kept a diary when I was really ill with all this. It helped me to see small changes and I knew when I was improving because I stopped writing in it. The lovely ladies on here helped me so much when I was desperate and with their help I slowly improved.

Try to stop worrying and over thinking and just go with it. X


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Re: Could womb lining be building up? -
« Reply #38 on: September 12, 2019, 07:48:41 AM »

"Then i asked him to be honest and had he noticed ANY improvments of positives since i started hrt. He answered "not really Marg". Uh. Part of me was thinking take the opportunity whilst im on period to even stop the gel. Clean slate. No hrt."

It's what YOU feel that is important - not what your husband notices! After all you might be good at hiding how you feel just to get by each day!

Hurdity x


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Re: Could womb lining be building up? -
« Reply #39 on: September 12, 2019, 11:38:11 AM »

Thanks again ladies. So appreciate it. See how I go.

Hurdity - my husband -  I wasnt asking for approval or validation etc - all I meant was I wondered if perhaps anyone close to me had noticed things maybe I hadnt (as been, or feel as though anyway, in a mindfield with it all so havent seen woods for trees!)  I base everything on how I feel and never how anybody else does or thinks and will continue to do so! But appreciate what you meant.xx



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Re: Could womb lining be building up? -
« Reply #40 on: September 14, 2019, 09:04:55 PM »

Little update ladies - few days into heavy period. Still on my 3 pumps gel. Still waking most mornings with left side eye pain type headache. Realised today ive wolen or had this eye pain near constant ....ever more since starting hrt. Will see if eases when period does. Felt poo today...just tired and then fed up of this dull pain behind eye. Went for  a lovely woodland walk today but halfway through felt lightheaded clammy and dizzy
 Not sure why. Didnt like it...scared me a little and a wtf happebing. Why.
Wondered if low blood sugar or just my period or just too much estro and not enough prog at the moment. Hmm.
Had paracetmol most days for the eye pain...Sometimes eases most times doesnt. Not sure estrogen alone suiting me as been on a good 3 pumps now for nearly 4 weeks (and just estrogel) and not really got anything positive to report  - no energy bursts.and no real.feel.good be honest (as you probably know hahaha!!) Will be interesting to see if adding the progesterone on 25th helps any.

Anyways just thought id check in. I hope you are all okay . Lotsa love.x


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Re: Could womb lining be building up? -
« Reply #41 on: September 15, 2019, 10:26:35 AM »

When I get eye pain it's because my eyes have changed so my prescription is wrong. Might be worth a visit to the opticians specially as I think you said it started before hrt?


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Re: Could womb lining be building up? -
« Reply #42 on: September 15, 2019, 10:39:35 AM »

Hi sheila no my eyes are all good and only recently tested. Its a headache but presents itself around and behind the eye.. i suffered them.many yrs ago and would get the odd one but not much but definitely more so since hrt...daily. i looked at my diary last night and every day or nearly every day since started hrt ive had. Through the night and this morn its spread across forehead too. I put another post up before asking if poss too much estrogen? So tired of not feeling myself sheila. X
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