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Author Topic: The Mirena Experience Thread  (Read 2962 times)


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The Mirena Experience Thread
« on: October 05, 2018, 07:35:26 AM »

Hello everyone - please help us with your experiences on the Mirena! There are plenty of negative horror stories on the internet and so this will enable all of us who are considering the Mirena to get further clarity about its use and effect.

when did you first try the Mirena?
how many times have you tried the Mirena?
what other hormonal treatment did you use in combination with the Mirena?
please also let us know when you initiated that treatment (ie. before the Mirena by X amount of weeks/months/etc; at the same time as the Mirena; after the Mirena by X amount of weeks/months, etc.)

can you share with us your Mirena insertion experience?
any tips for us on how to better prepare for that day?

side effects
what side effects have you experienced as a result of the Mirena?
how long did they stick around for?
try to differentiate between side effects from the Mirena and those from another hormonal treatment taken alongside it - if it proves too hard to do (and it can be!) please feel free to share any and all side effects you've encountered with the Mirena. it would all be appreciated.
are you parous or nulliparous?
some say the Mirena might be uncomfortable/painful for nulliparous women (never given birth) compared with parous women (have given birth). please let us know your thoughts and whether you found that to be the case.
have you experienced PMS or PMDD in your past?
it is suggested that women with PMS/PMDD could be sensitive to negative side effects of progestins.

apart from endometrial protection, what other pros have you experienced with the Mirena?
any other comments you would like to share about the Mirena?

Thank you so much!


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Re: The Mirena Experience Thread
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2018, 08:33:57 AM »

Good idea for a thread - so many women a scared of Mirena.

I had Mirena in post meno(aged 53 when fitted) with Oestrogel alongside. I wanted a non bleed HRT option and had tried various pills and patches which all gave me excessive side effects. I suffered a premature meno so had been on HRT since my mid 30s but took myself off HRT at 49 because of all the scares in the media about HRT.  So, when I had the Mirena fitted I had been off HRT for 3 years but had had a few months of trying various conti HRTs.

Fitting was uncomfortable and had cramps for a few hours afterwards - all bearable though - probably should have taken some Ibuprofen beforehand.

Had some bleeding and spotting for a few weeks and had occasional spotting throughout the 4 years I had it but nothing truly troublesome.

I felt a bit of sedation/fatigue for the first few months - slept like a baby which was great.

In hindsight I realise I did get some post natal depression after the birth of my first baby but just soldiered through.
I used to get awful periods cramps till I went the Pill and HRT pills and patches all made the nasty cramps come back.

Basically the Mirena was the best HRT progesterone I ever had - not perfect, but then nothing will be. After this I tried Utrogestan and had far more problems and this has made me give up on HRT.  Probably should have had another Mirena.
 DG x


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Re: The Mirena Experience Thread
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2018, 10:59:00 AM »

So good to hear, DG! Very encouraging that the sedation/fatigue side effects only lasted a few months for you! And even more encouraging to hear that someone has found the Mirena superior to Utrogestan - the latter is praised as having a better side effect profile due to being bio-identical but if someone is sensitive to hormonal fluctuations and not so much synthetic progestins, then the Mirena would probably be a more stable and consistent option.


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Re: The Mirena Experience Thread
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2018, 08:30:41 PM »

I had the Mirena coil fitted 10 years ago at 45 years old as I was having unbearably heavy periods. My Gyny recommended it when i was referred to him to have a polyp removed that was found when I had a smear test. I had it inserted under a general . I never had another period and had no side effects at all . My PMS disappeared and I felt more on an even keel . I had suffered with heavy painful periods since I was 16 . He said to leave it in until I had gone through the menopause . I am having it removed this week as it has done its job . He told me that if I read all the negative reviews online that I would not have it done. I choose to read them after I had it and I honestly could not identify with any off the negative reviews. I would recommend it to anyone who has problem periods.


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Re: The Mirena Experience Thread
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2018, 09:39:55 PM »

Hi Elia

In answer to your question re the mirena my experience was as follows:

I tried it (nearly) 2 years ago now in January 2017 and had it removed 6 months later to the day in June 17.
I had it only the once.
I used it in conjunction with evorel 50 patches, testim gel, vagifem and ovestin.

Insertion really hurt but only for a minute, so although unpleasant it was was doable.
I would take (and did) a couple of strong painkillers.

Side effects (for me) included: continuous low mood/lack of joy, bloating/weight gain and quashed libido.

I am parous (have given birth).

I had undiagnosed post natal depression after the birth of my first child (was fine with the subsequent 3 children).

Pros - I slept well while I had it in.  Also, no periods/withdrawal bleeds.

Cons - I would not recommend the mirena for women with progesterone intolerance.  They say absorption is less with systemic prog but I didn't find that the case and never felt well on it, but in fact started to feel better within 48 hours of having it removed.

Hope this helps x

« Last Edit: November 12, 2018, 08:43:55 AM by Perinowpost »


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Re: The Mirena Experience Thread
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2018, 03:33:53 PM »

when did you first try the Mirena?
fitted january 2014

how many times have you tried the Mirena?
just this once, due to be replaced december 2018

what other hormonal treatment did you use in combination with the Mirena?
none initially.  it was fitted following ablation to help with excessive blood loss.

please also let us know when you initiated that treatment (ie. before the Mirena by X amount of weeks/months/etc; at the same time as the Mirena; after the Mirena by X amount of weeks/months, etc.)

can you share with us your Mirena insertion experience?
Dr tried once at the surgery, couldn't get it in.  Sent to gyane, they couldn't get it in.  Fitted under GA, which was helpful as I have panic disorder, so being knocked out stopped that.

any tips for us on how to better prepare for that day?
I've elected to have the Mirena replaced under GA.  I guess prepare as normal for a GA.  And don't be afraid to ask for GA if you have panic disorder or HA that would make fitting difficult.

side effects
what side effects have you experienced as a result of the Mirena?
I think I gained weight, around one and a half stone (10.5 to 12 stone) - although if I eat less and exercise more the weight seems to come off.
I have more energy, but that's probably because I'm not bleeding heavily anymore.
how long did they stick around for?
As other effects weren't dramatic, they did and didn't stick around.

try to differentiate between side effects from the Mirena and those from another hormonal treatment taken alongside it - if it proves too hard to do (and it can be!) please feel free to share any and all side effects you've encountered with the Mirena. it would all be appreciated.
are you parous or nulliparous?
3 x kids, vaginal births.

some say the Mirena might be uncomfortable/painful for nulliparous women (never given birth) compared with parous women (have given birth). please let us know your thoughts and whether you found that to be the case.
I don't know, as I've never been a woman who hasn't given birth - first baby at 21.

have you experienced PMS or PMDD in your past?
Yes, massively destructive PMDD, formally diagnosed by GP, big red cross on medical records, etc.

it is suggested that women with PMS/PMDD could be sensitive to negative side effects of progestins.
Given how severe my PMDD was, I didn't find the Mirena caused significant issues.

apart from endometrial protection, what other pros have you experienced with the Mirena?
well, mine is very tied in with prevention of excessive blood loss, so that's been a massive pro for me.

any other comments you would like to share about the Mirena?
I was 50 this year, and started Estradot 50 patches in the summer at the suggestion of the sports therapist where I work - I had been experiencing various aches and pains and knackeredness.  obviously, the Mirena fits quite well with this, hence why I'm getting replaced in the near future.

The whole weight thing.  I'm not sure.  I managed to put on weight even though I was cycling to and from work, walking a lot (especially with the dogs), etc.  But it's difficult to figure out whether I just need to exercise more (now I'm not a run around mum, kids all grown) or what.

I have quite a colourful mental health history, associated with PMDD and trauma, however, if anything, the Mirena, and now combined with the Estradot, seem to have evened things out a bit.  I also have a lot more energy.


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Re: The Mirena Experience Thread
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2019, 12:24:12 AM »

I'm afraid I'm one of the horror stories with the Mirena...

when did you first try the Mirena?
Nov 2018

how many times have you tried the Mirena?

what other hormonal treatment did you use in combination with the Mirena?
Estrodot patches (bioidentical oestradiol) at 200mcg (twice weekly)

please also let us know when you initiated that treatment (ie. before the Mirena by X amount of weeks/months/etc; at the same time as the Mirena; after the Mirena by X amount of weeks/months, etc.)
Sep 2018 (approx. 2 months prior to Mirena)

can you share with us your Mirena insertion experience?
Had it done under twilight sedation in the hospital due to an “acutely anteverted uterus” so don't remember a thing.

any tips for us on how to better prepare for that day?
I had an initial (albeit failed) attempt at insertion in a regular GP surgery - so for those I would recommend an experienced, confident and relaxed practitioner for insertion. Don't be afraid to ask for local anaesthetic if you are sensitive to pain (like I am). And to relax.

side effects
what side effects have you experienced as a result of the Mirena?
Nothing in the first week - just mild insomnia, fatigue and anxiety.
Second week - insomnia got worse for 2-3 days until I finally slept out of sheer exhaustion.
Last 3 days on the second week I developed akathisia - extremely uncommon (if not rare). It's described as an extrapyramidal side effect where you feel extremely uncomfortable in your own skin - sitting still makes it worse and moving alleviates it but never enough. Best to google this if you're curious, otherwise PM me if you have any Q's etc. 

how long did they stick around for?
Akathisia symptoms increased/intensified over the last 3 days, then promptly subsided within 24hrs of removing the Mirena.

are you parous or nulliparous?
Nulliparous - no kids.

have you experienced PMS or PMDD in your past?
100%. PMDD was the reason I tried the Mirena (to take alongside my estrogen patches since unopposed estrogen can lead to uterine hyperplasia). Dr. Studd did warn me that it was not uncommon for PMDD women to not fare well on the Mirena - but was worth a shot

apart from endometrial protection, what other pros have you experienced with the Mirena?
Its convenience and endometrial protection is attractive - at least in theory.

any other comments you would like to share about the Mirena?
Everyone is different - but always listen to your body.


Two hoots

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Re: The Mirena Experience Thread
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2019, 09:41:24 AM »

This thread is really good timing for me, I'm having a D/C and mirena fitted next week. I had polyps removed in July and was told my lining was thick. I've been reading reviews, mainly bad but I think if things go smoothly you don't comment as much.  The consultant and both nurses I spoke to all had it fitted  :)



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Re: The Mirena Experience Thread
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2019, 12:42:43 PM »

Great thread as I'm considering it for when I'm post meno. Mostly concerned about side effects as I can't remove it myself


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Re: The Mirena Experience Thread
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2019, 02:12:33 PM »

I got merina fitted 6 weeks ago for heavy periods I took 3 painkillers 45 min before hand felt a sharp pain for a sec then was done I didn't spot for a few days then spotting started lasted 5 weeks now it's stopped I'm glad I chose it along with the gel it's a great choice no bloating or nothing I actually have more energy I'm walking 8 miles a day was so lazy before lol x


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Re: The Mirena Experience Thread
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2019, 08:07:40 AM »

if things go smoothly you don't comment as much.

Well said! Nothing can be more true. I hope my experience won't deter others from trying it - the negative reviews certainly didn't deter me as I decided to go ahead and try it for myself :)