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Author Topic: A slightly anxious new member  (Read 2418 times)


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A slightly anxious new member
« on: September 03, 2019, 05:24:08 PM »

Hello to everyone, my GP has recommended this site and it seems very supportive. I recently turned 54 and consider myself still peri menopausal as its not been a full year since my last period. I thought I was breezing through it all but I was feeling a bit fatigued with stiff ankle joints so I made a routine appt with my GP back in July to just see where I was at and to find out whether I would need HRT at some point.  I had bloods taken which came back all Ok except my cholesterol levels were a bit high. So I have been adapting my diet to try and address this. However about 10 days ago I have been suddenly hit by a weird feeling of ..maybe anxiety attacks? The symptoms are a feeling of pressure on the back of my head, feeling very spaced out and a rush of adrenaline, happening most days. Also a bit of mild tingling here and there like very mini electric shocks in various parts of the body. Obviously went straight to the doctor, he took my BP and it was high so he did a ECG there and then which showed a fast heart rate. He then prescribed 2.5 mg of Biscropol beta blockers which I have been taking for a week. A week on still not feeling myself, went back to the GP today and he is going to book another ECG for me as blood pressure still high (could be a bit of white coat syndrome going on as I took my blood pressure a couple of days ago on a friends monitor and it was much better). I have now ordered a monitor for myself. I am not actually feeling chest pains or hot flushes/sweats and HRT is not been recommended me at this point. I just feel a bit scared if I'm honest, I have never had this type of thing before. I have had very worrying family issues this past year so maybe things are catching up with me. Thanks in advance for any advice  :)


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Re: A slightly anxious new member
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2019, 06:37:19 PM »

Thank you both for responding ...  really helpful suggestions I will certainly look into those alternative remedies. Yes there has been lots of sitting in the garden in the fresh air breathing deeply  :)


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Re: A slightly anxious new member
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2019, 07:13:11 PM »

Hi Christine, don't worry, it sounds like quite normal meno symptoms. My hot flushes started around the time of last period.
Do you do much exercise? Brisk walking is very good and exercise helps to balance your hormones while you go through this phase.. it's just your hormones a bit unbalanced at the moment. 
Good diet and good supplements might be good too. X


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Re: A slightly anxious new member
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2019, 07:40:36 AM »

Hello again... sorry not quite sure how to respond to people individually but I have read all the kind responses. It is reassuring to know everyone has their own issues (although I wouldn't wish a horrid menopause on anyone). One minute I think Im ok and then suddenly Im feeling really weird but I will just have to battle through it. I will look into some supplements and the good thing is I have made some positive changes to my diet, e.g I've discovered that I like muselli after all as long as its mixed with yoghurt and fruit and not milk. So bye bye to sugary cereals. I'm an outdoor photographer so my exercise is lots of walking outdoors in the fresh air. Trying to think positive, have a lovely day everyone x


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Re: A slightly anxious new member
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2019, 01:27:22 PM »

Hi Christinedownsouth
Just wanted to welcome you, you've had some good advice from the other girls, and I have to agree with Birdy, fluctuating hormones can cause a lot of unwanted feelings, feelings we can't even describe.
Sounds like your on the rollercoaster too, hopefully you won't get any worse, but anxiety is the pits, and your not alone. Keep posting someone's always on to offer help and support...
Oh, and fresh air really helps...🙂 keep active...good luck...

Jd xxx



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Re: A slightly anxious new member
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2019, 04:39:44 PM »

Agree with all the above comments.  I had the tingling quite a bit, but was assured it's all part of the meno journey.  I, too, suffered with high blood pressure, but it was all due to whitecoat syndrome.  I had to chart my readings AM and PM for a week.  By the third day, I was hardly thinking about it and my readings were all around normal.  Our minds are very powerful!  Keep visiting this site, it's invaluable.


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Re: A slightly anxious new member
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2019, 04:26:05 PM »

This sounds like what I have had at times, once thought it was heart issue and BP was sky high due to anxiety I never had before. I am nearly 50y and in very late peri. I now suffer from white coat symptoms and use a wrist BP monitor at home but not too often since measuring it all the time does not help. Also have had tingling arms and feet, nausea, dizziness and all sorts of s***, and exercise helps the most, even if it is only a brisk walk. The anxiety at times making BP shoot up is very scary if one does not know what to expect I found. I am now on a low dose of HRT (only recently) but not sure yet whether this is suitable for me in long term.
Wishing all the best, AG


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Re: A slightly anxious new member
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2019, 10:14:34 AM »

Just an update ... I am feeling better through not 100 percent. My GP has increased my Biscropol from 2.5mg to 5mg per day and this seems to have hit a sweet spot and having an effect. My BP has come down considerably. Interested to read a couple of people mentioning that they are also having tingling sensations, I am still getting that a little bit but more annoying then anything else. Not sure how long I will be on this medication and whether I will be going down the HRT route at any point. Thanks again for everyones feedback its really helped me, I will continue to check in and hope I can help others x


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Re: A slightly anxious new member
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2019, 09:24:10 AM »

Hi christine. Just to say I had the tingling over the Christmas period for about 2-3 weeks. I am / was very anxious.
I also have white coat syndrome. Went to GP who said it was just anxiety/hormonal.  When I was reassured I stopped focusing on it and once I found something else to worry about it went away! Looking back I had worked myself up into a state - all that was in my head was about the tingling. I think if your BP goes up and down you can also get weird rushing sensations.  I have also had the small electric shocks and they were definitely due to stress/anxiety. It's not easy. Sometimes I think being on the computer does't help me. My grannie would have just got on with things. We have too many information sources to scare ourselves with.



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Re: A slightly anxious new member
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2019, 11:09:57 AM »

 :welcomemm:  browse round, make notes. Ask away.

Anxiety can become difficult to manage as hormones dip and surge. 


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Re: A slightly anxious new member
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2019, 09:14:34 AM »

Hi Christine
I'm another one here who has suddenly developed white coat syndrome/anxiety (never had either before) - when dr takes my blood pressure it's sky high.  I have a monitor now and dr is happy for me to monitor at home - I take a note of the readings and hand them in to her.   Like Squeaker my Dr. said it was anxiety/hormones.  This all came out of the blue - overnight.   I'm the same age as you. I recently started HRT (after resisting for years).  I also have been helped enormously by magnesium supplements (especially helpful for the tingling and palpitations I was having).  And have changed my diet to try to keep BP low.   
Hope you start to feel better soon.


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Re: A slightly anxious new member
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2019, 11:21:43 AM »

Hi Christine
I'm another one here who has suddenly developed white coat syndrome/anxiety (never had either before) - when dr takes my blood pressure it's sky high.  I have a monitor now and dr is happy for me to monitor at home - I take a note of the readings and hand them in to her.   Like Squeaker my Dr. said it was anxiety/hormones.  This all came out of the blue - overnight.   I'm the same age as you. I recently started HRT (after resisting for years).  I also have been helped enormously by magnesium supplements (especially helpful for the tingling and palpitations I was having).  And have changed my diet to try to keep BP low.   
Hope you start to feel better soon.

That's interesting about the magnesium. I know that magnesium varies a lot in quality - absorption etc. What brand and dosage do you take please?


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Re: A slightly anxious new member
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2019, 01:55:49 PM »

Hi Harmony
I take Magnesium Bisglycinate - I get if from Amazon.  I know that some forms of magnesium can cause tummy problems and I have IBS.  I've been OK with this form (did a bit of research before buying).  I hope it's OK to mention brands on this forum? (Love Life Supplements).  The only downside is that the recommended dose involves taking 4 big capsules a day.  I don't often take that many (too many tablets,on top of my multi-vit and probiotics) and I also get some magnesium from foods.  I stopped taking it recently and the palpitations came back.  I might at some point try the magnesium sprays.  Hope this helps


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Re: A slightly anxious new member
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2019, 07:06:49 PM »

Again, thanks everyone for your continued support and I was interested in the comments made about tingling/electric shocks. This seems to have got worse this week and I've just had a weekend away, unfortunately in a completely airless hotel room. On packing to leave this morning the room felt so stuffy and oppressive I nearly passed out and the tingling felt off the scale. Also on mentioning this to friends/family that I saw over the weekend the reaction to the tingling was "oh that sounds bad, never heard of that" so at least reading these comments I dont feel like I am going mad. I will look into this magnesium, the only steps I have taken towards other remedies was to ask in my local Holland and Barratt but they wouldn't sell me anything without Doctors advice as I am on beta blockers. I also find I am getting my lower BP readings at home. Anyway lets see what this week brings!


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Re: A slightly anxious new member
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2019, 05:30:56 PM »

I've had high BP at times - but only when measured in the GP surgery! I bought a BP measury thing on Amazon (about 25 quid) and was delighted that I am normal :) It's really well worth doing.

Also re the BP issues. Don't use mouthwash! There have been various studies shown that it has a detrimental effect on BP.

I also drank a lot of beetroot juice which is supposed to be excellent for BP.

For the irregular heart beats, I take Magnesium  - cholated mag, which I read somewhere was absorbed better? It really helps with the palpitations.

I did have an ECG and a 24 hour monitor just to make sure I wasn't about to peg it, (and to reassure me really) and I was fine, so I think these are all just hormonal symptoms. (I used to get palpitations the day before my period - not sure how this ties in hormonally??? During my 3rd pregnancy I was hospitalised with a crazy heartbeat so I'm sure I"m just prone to these things. I was on beta blockers for a good year, which worked but made me feel pretty numb and cold)

I've also experienced weird little electric shocks which are quite nasty, and made me think I was about to have a stroke.

I really hope your symptoms subside, christinedownsouth x
