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Author Topic: Newbie, just seen Prof Studd, Peri questions!  (Read 3583 times)


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Re: Newbie, just seen Prof Studd, Peri questions!
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2019, 03:11:24 PM »

I have given it a go and am terribly ill, as I think the diagnosis is incorrect, and the symptoms I'm having point to an inability to break down and clear estrogen, that's what this thread is about.


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Re: Newbie, just seen Prof Studd, Peri questions!
« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2019, 06:09:36 AM »

Thanks Wrensong, I agree.

It took me three attempts to get onto natural thyroid hormones, not because they don't work, but because there were other issues preventing them working.  It was just a case of figuring those issues out and trying again.

And I utterly disagree that the solution for women like me and wrensong is to tough it out, that's barbaric, if you know how we were suffering you wouldn't say that.  Please don't guess at what my issues are, I've laid out my reasoning at length in this thread - in fact have answered all your questions in this thread which tells me you didn't read it.  In fact from further research over the weekend and a conversation with my func med doc, I'm pretty confident I know what the issues are. Sometimes running into trouble is just pointing to something else that needs sorting, it doesn't mean HRT doesn't work or isn't needed.  The body is complex, thyroidectomy patients like Wren and me are doubly complex - because if we didn't have complex issues, we wouldn't have had our immune systems blow up.

What does piss me off endlessly is the way in which doctors fail to figure these things out for complex patients like me and Wren, it's appalling we're left high and dry trying to work it out on our own.  Instead doctors wash their hands of us, I expect better from fellow women navigating the menopause.



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Re: Newbie, just seen Prof Studd, Peri questions!
« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2019, 08:55:55 AM »

Hi again Reb, the anguish in your last post has brought tears to my eyes  :bighug:  I know it can sometimes feel as though we're alone with medical problems when co-existing conditions complicate the road to diagnosis & treatment, but in my experience there are some very caring & dedicated medics out there who do their very best to help the likes of you & I.  I think as you've sadly found, the problem is partly that awareness of the complexity of some conditions is often not as good as it could be & also that sometimes the tools medics have available to treat us are inadequate.  I think there's also, sadly, an element of luck determining whether or not we meet the right specialist for the job. 

I sense you're long overdue for some good luck & I really hope you manage to find the right person to help you through the challenge of a complicated menopause & beyond.  Please let us know how you get on & do PM me if it helps to chat.  I have everything crossed for you.

There now seems to be a post missing from this thread - an earlier one of Jari's, which means the thread now makes less sense.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2019, 09:03:47 AM by Wrensong »


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Re: Newbie, just seen Prof Studd, Peri questions!
« Reply #18 on: August 19, 2019, 09:36:14 AM »

Oh - OK Jari - thanks for explaining you've removed your earlier post.  I thought I was seeing things - or rather wasn't!  I don't think the thread makes as much sense now, but in answer to your question it's not up to me to say what anyone should do if they think again about something they've posted.  I often go back & revise stuff I've written to try to make it clearer, but somehow didn't realise it was possible to remove an entire post.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2019, 07:43:23 PM by Wrensong »


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Re: Newbie, just seen Prof Studd, Peri questions!
« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2019, 11:32:07 AM »

Thanks, I know there are good doctors out there, it's just a case of finding them, and as you know most of the time it has to be private, I've spent a fortune over the last ten years to find someone, anyone, who knows what the heck is going on with me.  It's really affecting my work, I was such a great earner before I got sick, the financial worry of paying for all this 'help that doesn't help' is taking it's toll.

I'm now six days off HRT and the shaking has mostly stopped, and the histamine response tamped down a bit, but my period is now due, my stomach is enormously distended and I'm getting horrible stabbing pains!  I might go back to Greek gynae here for an ultrasound (and trying not to fret or be paranoid that by some cock up - would just be my luck - that maybe they did put in a mirena without my consent, something weird is defo going on).

The trouble is, as you know, that endocrinology is terribly conservative, most research is badly designed, and most doctors are too scared to step off the pathway, I've had many conversations with endos off the record, with genuine fear in their eyes, saying 'I'd lose my job if I said that these days of course'.  And as my endo surgeon finally admitted when I was still flat on my backside 18months after optimal 'metabolic correction' on T4+T3 "well, to be truthful, we still don't really know all the jobs the thyroid does, so we don't really know the full implications of taking it out".

And yes a post has defo disappeared, never mind.

And on the histamine thing, this was interesting - speaking to an immunology specialist in Athens on the phone this afternoon




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Re: Newbie, just seen Prof Studd, Peri questions!
« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2019, 07:38:28 PM »

Interesting article Rebecca, thanks for sharing. x
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