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Author Topic: New member whose's a worried 41 year old  (Read 2472 times)


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New member whose's a worried 41 year old
« on: August 12, 2019, 02:49:54 PM »

Hi All, I went to the doctor today and had confirmation that I'm on my menopause journey. I'm only 41 so it was a surprise (although I must have know because my symptoms suggested it). They want to put me on HRT because of my age, which is scary. I'd love to connect to other's in their early 40's (or anyone really) because I have no-one else to talk to about this.

Thanks xx


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Re: New member whose's a worried 41 year old
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2019, 03:09:33 PM »

Hi ZoeS....
Glad to have you here... : :welcomemm:

I'm 54. 4 years post meno...I'm on Femoston Conti....and it's working for me... :yipi:
Ask anything you like, there's always someone on to offer advice and support...
There's a lot on here your age bracket, so don't feel alone...
Keep posting....and good luck...

Jd xx


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Re: New member whose's a worried 41 year old
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2019, 04:32:07 PM »

Hi ZoeS and welcome!

Why scary? At such a young age I would be scared not to! HRT will protect your health for the future.

That aside, ask away about any particular concerns you have.

Best wishes,

JP x


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Re: New member whose's a worried 41 year old
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2019, 06:54:47 PM »

Hi Zoe
Nothing scary about HRT - it is essential for you for many reasons but mainly to protect your heart, bones and bladder. My peri menopause started in my mid 30s and I was post menopause by 42.
It can be trial and error finding the right HRT type - I suggest you try Femoston 1/10 first as it has a kinder progesterone so is tolerated well by many women. Do read up all the info on this site to get clued up - print off the various HRT types listed on this site to help with discussions with GP.
Keep us posted - we are here to support you. DG x


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Re: New member whose's a worried 41 year old
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2019, 08:02:45 PM »

Hi ZoeS, welcome to the forum. I am 41yrs, have had 3yrs + of symptoms, unfortunatley it took 3yrs for me to get a diagnosis. I feel let down & frustrated as I felt my symptoms were menopausal from the start but was discounted due to my age & bloods were normal (now realise it is symptoms professionals should be treating not blood results as they fluctuate on a daily basis). I am delighted to now be on HRT as I am clear on all the benefits long & short term to my physical & mental health. I am on my second regime of HRT, started this one mid/end June, previous one had been on for approx 3 months, although felt an improvement still had symptoms causing me issues (biggest one for me that still continues is insomnia although much better than before, maybe it's my expectations). Read up as much as you can on the subject, Rockmymenopause is another great website, it has a symptom diary you can print off, I found it useful. If there are specific things you are interested in you can put it i the search & you will get a load of info. Also see if there is any menopause groups locally that you could attend, I found one that was invaluable to me.
That is really positive that your GP is wanting to treat you with HRT as so many of us have a prolonged fight to get anywhere. Have a look at other aspects that can help your symptoms, lifestyle, diet/exercise, supplements aswell as HRT (necessary due to your age for bone & cardiac health). x


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Re: New member whose's a worried 41 year old
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2019, 09:09:18 PM »

Hi ZoeS

I  highly recommend the following 2 books

The 2nd one is written by one of our members. She uses the name Mary Jane on this Forum. The first one explains in a lot of detail how you can benefit from HRT and contradicts some of the myths about cancer risks.

I am 56 and have only just started HRT but i didn't have early meno as you have. Mine started at about 46-47. My main problems have been VA and aching muscles/joints plus osteopenia.


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Re: New member whose's a worried 41 year old
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2019, 05:33:29 PM »

Thanks for those links Katejo, I have ordered Mary Jane's but hadnt come across the other one!! x


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Re: New member whose's a worried 41 year old
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2019, 07:30:05 PM »

Thanks for those links Katejo, I have ordered Mary Jane's but hadnt come across the other one!! x
  It is what persuaded me to give systemic HRT a try before I reach 60.

Golden retriever

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Re: New member whose's a worried 41 year old
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2019, 10:44:43 PM »

Hi ZoeS
I can totally relate to you. I am 42 and was diagnosed after 4 years of symptoms 3 years ago.
I first started on femoston 1/10. Felt great and then anxiety started and changed to femoston 2/10.
All was fine then last year started to experience an increased level of anxiety but to be honest was going through a few personal things and close to a burn out.
Changed the regime, estradot 50 and Utrogestan 200mg (twice daily for 15 days). And slowed down on work too.
I continued with the patch and Utrogestan for 4 months but felt so groggy and foggy for the days on Utrogestan that I decided to go back to the femoston 2/10.
One year later now, I can honestly say it hasn't been easy but feel a lot better on this combination.
I do bikram yoga, have reflexology every month and sometimes twice and see a Counsellor on a monthly basis.
I have started to calm all aspects of my life down a notch. I am a tutor and have had the summer off and it has helped greatly.
Though having a lot of time off also has its disadvantages. I am not married, no boyfriend and no children so sometimes think a little too much on these subjects.
Having early menopause is very difficult and having no one to discuss this is hard.
None of my friends are going through it and sometimes I think they think I make up how bad I feel.
I can honestly say, I feel sooooo much better than I did last year.
My piece of advise, you know more than anyone how you feel, talk about it, don't panic, I can assure you it will pass.
If I get a really bad day of foggy brain or feel very down, I keep saying, one day less and I have got through it.
Any questions at all, I'll try and help.
I'm a little slow on the response as not always online.
Hope this helps GR xx

Yorkshire Girl

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Re: New member whose's a worried 41 year old
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2019, 04:00:13 PM »

Hi Zoe and  :welcomemm: I was post menopausal at 44 after having a hysterectomy and waiting 6 weeks to go on HRT was awful. As you are young you need HRT to protect your bones and to help with the symptoms of menopause, like me your lucky with a supportive GP unlike other ladies on here. No need to worry, just be patience as it takes around 3 months to work and might need tweaking here & there. Good luck.