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Author Topic: Does anyone take Utrogestan every other day?  (Read 2309 times)

Blue Kingfisher

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Does anyone take Utrogestan every other day?
« on: November 05, 2020, 07:43:13 AM »

Hi there,

I’m on 4 pumps oestrogel and Utrogestan. I feel good on the Utrogestan (200mg vaginally) until about day 6 of using it & then I feel drugged, too hot etc. I haven’t gotten on with 100mg Utrogestan even when taken vaginally & no idea why. Anyway, I’m wondering if it’s ok to use 200mg every other day or whether this will just make things even more unsettled! Does anyone else do something like this with HRT? I’m presuming I should still use the same amount of oestrogel every day though else I won’t know whether I’m coming or going I guess!

Feels like I will never feel well consistently on HRT!


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Re: Does anyone take Utrogestan every other day?
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2020, 09:01:31 AM »


This regime was offered to me by the GP/memo specialist I saw for progesterone intolerance.  However, I had to abandon it as the withdrawal effects on the day off were too much to cope with. You could try it though, maybe you’ll fare better x


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Re: Does anyone take Utrogestan every other day?
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2020, 09:25:35 AM »

When you say every other day do you mean as a continuous regime or sequential? I know the Newson clinic recommends vaginally every other day as a continuous option. I was recommended by them to try 100mg vaginally every day in a bid to stop my periods being so heavy - this has been  a complete success but am wondering whether in a month or two to drop back then to vaginally every other day to minimise side effects. What were your side effects on 100mg?

You are right, this wouldn't change the oestrogel part of the reigime.


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Re: Does anyone take Utrogestan every other day?
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2020, 10:14:58 AM »

I don't know the answer but personally I wouldn't do it without medical advice. Are you peri or meno? If you don't have a cycle of your own you use a long cycle.
I find I'm like a zombie when I'm producing my own progesterone but on non-ovulating cycles it's barely noticeable.

Blue Kingfisher

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Re: Does anyone take Utrogestan every other day?
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2020, 11:27:09 AM »

Hi all,

Ive been recommended by a doctor to try a Conti regime & as I don’t get on with 100mg Utrogestan vaginally, to stick with 200mg vaginally and take breaks from the Utrogestan when I feel it’s building up too much. She did say the down side is I may have break through bleeding depending on how much progesterone had built up & how long I break for.

My symptoms on 100 Utrogestan vaginally are like a zombie. I feel totally nauseas, completely off balance & feel like I need to be in bed to sleep it off. I can only tolerate 2-3 days at this dose at best & its horrendous. No chance of being able to work etc.

I’m wondering, if the reason I feel so dreadful on 100mg Vs 200mg is because my oestrogen is too high? I’ve been on 5 pumps ostrogel (blood levels 399) & although the Studd clinic kept wanting me to increase the gel or have an implant, the doctor I’m now seeing disagrees & thinks I’m on too much oestrogen replacement. Quite frankly I don’t care who is right but I have noticed that unless I’m laden up with progesterone I crash really badly after applying oestrogel. I reduced the gel to 4 pumps on advise of the doctor, stuck to that for 2 weeks but now find I’m fairing better on 3 pumps (less nausea and cotton wool head feeling). I reduced it to 3.5 pumps for a couple of days prior to dropping to 3 pumps. I wonder: Perhaps I would tolerate the 100mg Utrogestan better once my oestrogen levels go down some more.....

I’m not sure if a sequi or Conti regime would suit me better to be honest. If I was on sequi........I’m not even sure of my options? Is it take Utrogestan for 12 / 14 / 21 days? I’m 52, been on HRT for 4 years & periods were all over the place with oestrogen measuring less than 19 prior to starting HRT. I’ve no idea if I still have a natural cycle but my gut feel is I might.

The idea of reducing HRT sits well with me as i feel pumped up on the stuff like one of those poor dairy cows! Id like to try reducing it gradually under this different doctor to see if it’s actually helping me at all to be honest. I know I should know more about my options off the top of my head but like many of us on here, I’m going through this hormonal crisis at the most demanding time in my life both professionally and family wise and to be honest it’s a wonder I’m still standing let alone working!

Never easy is it? Surely it has to get better at some point right?!

Blue x

Blue Kingfisher

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Re: Does anyone take Utrogestan every other day?
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2020, 02:23:22 PM »

Yes Birdy, I feel better on the 200mg but can only tolerate continual daily dosing for 5-7 days & then need to break. Feel terrible on 100mg from day one on one single dose. Might be I tolerate 100mg better when my oestrogen levels have come down a bit? Was on 4 pumps now on 3 pumps for about 4 days. I’ve never been able to understand this as all logic points to me fairing better on 100mg.

Blue Kingfisher

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Re: Does anyone take Utrogestan every other day?
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2020, 05:47:32 PM »

Yes, good point Birdy. All a complete farce really & best to listen to your body but that’s a skill in itself blinded by hormonal fluctuations both natural and applied. I will hobble on trying 200mg every other day & see how that pans out. Will re-try 100mg at some point to test the lowered oestrogen theory! X