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Author Topic: New member strange sensations  (Read 1752 times)


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New member strange sensations
« on: August 04, 2019, 06:09:58 PM »

Over the past few months I have had new sensations which start like a wave of fear in my stomach then I sometimes loose focus for a few seconds or I can feel a bit unwell or just not right. They last seconds or a few minutes . They seem to occur months apart in a cluster of 1 every few hours lasting 24 hours. My gp thought they could be menopause related but referred me to a neurologist in case they were seizures. I have had an mri which was normal and the neurologist thinks they could be a perimenopause symptom or anxiety . I am an anxious person and I have a coil fitted so I'm not sure what's happening with my periods. I am 50 years old . When I get the sensations I find them scarey and I wondered if anyone else had experienced anything similar ? Thank you


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Re: New member strange sensations
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2019, 06:18:27 PM »

MENOPAUSE  >:(  ::)

It's The Change - does what it says on the tin.  Also, although natural, those strange sensations can be upsetting.  However, yours haven't killed you or sent you to Hospital  ;)

It could be that your body is hungry.  Suddenly.  It makes me feel really sick so I have learned to eat every 3 hours trying to eat B4 my body requires energy.  I also feel quite strange suddenly when moving: go to put my foot down but it lands elsewhere, never enough to fall but I look drunk  :o.  Over 25 years now .......

The coil can put out less as it ages.  How long have you had it inserted?  How is your diet over-all?  When was your last monthly period, work from there? 

Also put 'Mirena coil' into the search box.  Make notes ;-)


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Re: New member strange sensations
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2019, 06:25:12 PM »

Thank you for your reply. I have had the coil fitted for over 5 years but my gp said because of my age I could keep it for 10 years but before it was 5 years so I was wondering if it would be less effective . Do you think it's worth asking for a new one to see if that helps ?
My diet is fairly good and I don't think it's hunger. I do eat a bit too much chocolate at times but normally my diet is ok and I have stopped drinking at home although it was only a few glasses at the weekend but I thought it might help. Thanks so much for your reply I really appreciate it x


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Re: New member strange sensations
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2019, 06:28:27 PM »

Can it every be a 'bit too much chocolate' - not on this site it ain't  :D

I think that the marina has a shelf life?  Check on the threads here, put it into the search box.  Lots of ladies find that alcohol no longer 'suits' them  ::) but I haven't been keen on drink - if Himself opens a bottle of something special I'll have a sip and yep, there are white wines that I would, if a drinker, take to.  'coke' is my current go to  ::).

Browse round.  Make notes ;-). 


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Re: New member strange sensations
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2019, 06:36:08 PM »

Marina  ;D - predictive text  ::)

I looked at the NHS web-site : Intrauterine system (IUS) : 


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Re: New member strange sensations
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2019, 09:14:31 PM »

Hi hayleta. You describe exactly the symptoms I would get just before a hot flush hit. Do you experience any hot flushes or sweats? That awful feeling of doom which begins in the pit of the stomach would appear right out of the blue for no reason. I'd then feel slightly sick like I might need the loo, followed by a raised heart rate and become slightly breathless before the flush/started. They were also very regular. Every forty minutes for a couple of days before disappearing for a few weeks. Eventually they became every twenty minutes with no breaks which is when I made the decision to start HRT.

You will find lots of support, advice and friendship on here.

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: New member strange sensations
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2019, 08:45:08 AM »

Had that sinking stomach  ‘doom like' feeling so's absolutely awful.
Apparently (can't remember link) it's caused by a cortisol rush so there is a real physiological reason for it!


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Re: New member strange sensations
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2019, 01:00:45 PM »

Hi taz
I do get hot flushes although they are quite mild , I also get cold flushed and I have noticed these after the fear stomach sensation I think what worries me is the loss of focus I sometimes get with it I guess I just have to take a minute , when I feel unwell I have to stop for a few minutes . Haven't had any for 4 weeks fingers crossed they won't return. Thank you for your reply x


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Re: New member strange sensations
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2019, 01:03:27 PM »

Hi sweet pea
Thank you for your reply did you feel unwell or loose focus at all when you got the feeling of doom in your stomach? Do you still get the feeling?
Thank you xx


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Re: New member strange sensations
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2019, 02:29:55 PM »

Hi Hayleta

I first experienced this feeling just before a hot flush.  It's difficult to describe to anyone who hasn't experienced it but it's unmistakable.  Then I started getting the feeling in the middle of the night, would awaken from sleep with a sort of ‘woosh' from the stomach then the feeling of doom. Think it really must be cortisol being released by the adrenal glands, as I could actually feel it flushing through my body. Horrible horrible feeling.  Affects the brain in that it makes you feel inexplicably desperately scared and doom laden for a few moments till it dissipates.  Then sadly I started waking with these cortisol rushes, would wake up, feel fine for literally a couple of seconds, then bam, be hit with ‘the dooms'.  Wanted to curl up and sleep for ever and found it hard to get out of bed. Was literally terrified of nothing.  Thanks cortisol.   There's quite a lot on this site about the morning dooms, half of them written by me probably!!    It was the bane of my life for about a year.  The ovaries apparently, as a final bid to remain in control, can go a bit haywire and kick out all sorts of horrible much oestrogen gave me THE most vile taste in my mouth twenty four seven for about four months.  Like poison.  Secreted in our saliva!  Ovaries of course regulate the release of cortisol and other hormones so you really don't know what you are going to get...but I found once I knew what it was, and I was not going mad, it helped enormously to deal with it. 

Did loose focus a bit but probably because I was so worried when it happened.

I have been completely menopause ‘symptom free' now for about a year. Still got ‘dried up' bits, and  get achey joints but hey, I'm nearly 60.   I have to say it was the worst five years of my life but I'm finally out the other side!    It was hell, Purely because I had all these weird mental health symptoms as well as the physical, it was just horrible and I'm a over thinker anyway so had myself with all sorts of diseases.  It was *just* menopause.   ::)

Never underestimate the power of hormones and how too many, or lack off can totally upset the balance of the body.

Hope you feel better soon x
« Last Edit: August 05, 2019, 02:34:34 PM by SweetPea »


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Re: New member strange sensations
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2019, 03:04:33 PM »

Thank you sweet pea I'm pleased you are feeling better. I am totally an over thinker and I always think the worst so even though the dr has said it's probably menopause or anxiety because it's not proven I start thinking what if it's something else . To know others have experienced something similar is calming because if it is menopause then I can cope with it . Thank you so much for your time and message xx


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Re: New member strange sensations
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2019, 03:39:28 PM »

You are so welcome. Please take time to look around the site, as the members here are SO helpful, there is a wealth of information, and sometimes it seems we women who are actually going through this thing know an awful lot more than the medical profession  :P

If it happens again....just say to yourself ‘this is caused by hormones, there is nothing sinister going on' and wait it out.  I'm sure you'll be fine. You also know your docs are looking into it for you.



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Re: New member strange sensations
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2019, 05:36:45 PM »

Yes heylata. You are not alone with this. I have had dozens of visits to dozens of doctors thinking I had all kinds of things.
The overriding symptom is panic. However 3 years on all of these symptoms have changed or gone away completely. The tingles/the headaches/muscle and bowel oddities/ weird discharge/mood swings/ awful memory/brain fog which comes and goes.
Try and stay away from Dr Google, don't hold back from talking to a GP - try several! - as this may just reassure you. Put a date in the diary for 10 days time and usually the symptom will go away again (till the next time!). I sometimes find a phone consultation with a GP useful as I don't feel as guilty bothering them. Eating little and often things like bananas and fruit/nuts helps me mentally too..and stay hydrated.