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Author Topic: Totally floored by insomnia help  (Read 15243 times)


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Re: Totally floored by insomnia help
« Reply #15 on: August 09, 2019, 06:50:09 PM »

I have just this minute remembered a site/programme called Sleepio (free in some part sof England seemingly, otherwise you need to pay). It was set up by a sleep specialist, it was discussed recently on a tv documentary about sleep, I saved the name in my phone. Might be worth a try especially for those who get access to it free!!
Squeaker99, I've replied to PM.


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Re: Totally floored by insomnia help
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2019, 07:01:47 PM »

Get out of bed ;-).  What's to lose.  Have a wander round the house, make a cuppa - anything to break the habit .......... oh tell yourself 'this too will pass' ........ if the 'I won't sleep' starts, then give it a  :kick: ;-).  It's about making new habits!


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Re: Totally floored by insomnia help
« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2019, 07:31:28 PM »

Birdy - thanks for the suggestion about seed cycling.  Frustratingly, I have to be very careful with all seeds & nuts these days - for 2 reasons.  1) they are high in arginine which is thought to encourage flares of the cold sore virus & that plagues me & 2) I have recently been advised to reduce omega 6 fats (inflammatory) while suspected Sjogren's is under investigation.  While flax seeds are said to be rich in omega 3, I believe pumpkin, sunflower & other seeds are high in omega 6.

Squeaker - like you, I rarely get up at night.  Doing that, I've learnt, especially having to switch on a light, makes me even less likely to get back to sleep.  If you are doing breathing exercises, counting, visualisations when you can't sleep you are doing all the right things.  Breathing exercises vary so I don't know what type you've tried but I find CLKD's suggestion of controlled deep breathing - counting breaths in & out & pausing between can really help.  BUT for me, I have to keep at it longer than you might imagine to reduce pulse rate & anxiety when these are raised.  About 20 mins at a time seems to encourage the relaxation response to kick in - for me at least.  You need to find the right rhythm for you - some exercises tell you to breathe in to 4 & out to 8, some in to 3 and out to 6 or whatever - some counts are simply not relaxing as they are too unnatural to your normal rhythm.  Best to experiment to find a count that feels natural to you & this should then, gradually help you unwind.

I find visualisations can help me drift off - they may have to be very detailed for you to get immersed & forget yourself though!  Take yourself on a journey - maybe a long walk somewhere you love and concentrate on every detail.  What you can see, the sounds, how the breeze feels on your face, the ground beneath your feet, the weather, conversations with a companion . . . One I used to repeat in imagination was the journey from home to Greece on holiday.  I'd start with packing - all the items that would go into my suitcase, remembering weighing the suitcase, carrying it down the stairs, the drive to the B&B near Gatwick, the evening at the B&B, the early start, checking in, boarding the plane, the flight, arrival, the journey to the villa & so on.  As detailed as you can manage.   Just make it a pleasant scenario you've found really relaxing in real life -  FGS don't do my flight to Greece if you're afraid of flying!!

I find exercising too hard at any time of day is now also counter-productive to sleep - exhaustion seems to tax the body & counter-intuitively actually exacerbates insomnia for me.  Exercising late in the evening is also a bad idea, as the raised body temp that results is not conducive to sleep.  Also make sure your bedroom is cool & as dark as possible.

Someone - I think Birdy, mentioned the importance of complex carbs in the diet - I absolutely agree - poor blood sugar control alone can be a major disruptor of sleep & this condition, which has many horrible symptoms, becomes more common at menopause.  Good quality, lean protein at each main meal, in addition to complex carbs, helps spread the glycaemic load, slowing digestion to prevent spikes & troughs in blood sugar.  It's important to eat well in this way throughout the day as chronically poor sugar control can have an impact on sleep later.  A small meal of complex carbs with a little protein just before bed (something like a bowl of no added sugar muesli or some oatcakes, both with a little high protein (Greek) natural yoghurt) can help get you through the night.  Though some people sleep better on an empty stomach - maybe experiment to see what works for you.  Maybe read up on hypogylcaemia or search for posts on it on here if you don't already know much about it.

I think the hardest thing to accept when we're worried about insomnia is that we have seemingly little control over it.  We are so used to being in control of our lives before menopause muscles in that it can be overwhelming & panic-making to find suddenly normal has gone completely out of the window & nothing we do seems to begin to restore the way our bodies previously worked as adult women.  Going with the flow in these circumstances can be very, very hard to do, but by day, distraction, diversion, concentrating on what we CAN do in life, building in time for enjoyment in whatever form does it for us & as many forms as possible - CAN gradually loosen the grip menopause has & that includes the worry of insomnia.  Tell yourself this is a PHASE - it will pass, I may not be quite the same from now on as I was in fertile years, but I WILL cope, I WILL learn how to get through this.  And believe me, you WILL come out the other end alive, all the stronger & wiser for it.  Tell yourself if that idiot Wrensong can do it, anyone can!!


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Re: Totally floored by insomnia help
« Reply #18 on: August 09, 2019, 07:33:28 PM »

Just seen the posts made while I was typing my last - yes to Foxy's Sleepio - this was recommended to me by a consultant Neurologist, though I have yet to try it!


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Re: Totally floored by insomnia help
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2019, 07:35:39 PM »

Not idiotic at all Wrensong.  It's about sharing experiences and for people to see if any are appropriate to try . 



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Re: Totally floored by insomnia help
« Reply #20 on: August 09, 2019, 07:43:09 PM »

wrensong .... the words of inspiration in your post moved me to tears...thank you.

be gentle...accept....go with will pass ..... breathe......all so true

You have all helped me so much today ladies :thankyou:



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Re: Totally floored by insomnia help
« Reply #21 on: August 09, 2019, 07:46:16 PM »

My pleasure Squeaker  :)


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Re: Totally floored by insomnia help
« Reply #22 on: August 09, 2019, 07:52:05 PM »

So anyone not sleeping - remember this thread ?  ;)


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Re: Totally floored by insomnia help
« Reply #23 on: August 09, 2019, 08:31:04 PM »

Nite nite ladies. I will report back on what a long refreshing sleep I got in the morning  :o ;D


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Re: Totally floored by insomnia help
« Reply #24 on: August 10, 2019, 08:16:25 AM »

Thanks Wrensong, I will have a trial without the flaxseed & see if I notice any improvement, I do have 2 days where I don't take it (my fast days) but can't say I've noticed any difference those days but probably too short a period. Will update on how it goes! x


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Re: Totally floored by insomnia help
« Reply #25 on: August 10, 2019, 08:47:54 AM »

I slept.  Did U?



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Re: Totally floored by insomnia help
« Reply #26 on: August 10, 2019, 08:51:50 AM »

Kind of, slept from 11pm till 1.30am (up at loo!) then dosed/dreamt till 7am. I've always found my best sleep (restorative sleep) is my first sleep in the night, just a pity it's so short!! Feeling tired again during the day (that had passed but back again!).


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Re: Totally floored by insomnia help
« Reply #27 on: August 10, 2019, 09:55:01 AM »

Foxy, yes I imagine a 2 day break too little if it is perhaps having any significant hormone disrupting effects.  With any luck, if you find it helpful in other ways, you will not find it has been adding to symptoms & will be able to continue with it.  I sometimes wonder whether my being on T3 as well as T4 might account for some complications & unexpected reactions to medications, supplements etc, especially those that seem to be contrary to the majority experience.  Very interested to know whether you feel any better or worse without the flaxseed though.  Can I ask how much you have been taking & whether for digestive reasons?


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Re: Totally floored by insomnia help
« Reply #28 on: August 10, 2019, 12:40:42 PM »

I am back on here having thought I had nailed Peri and the anxiety train it brings with it. So wrong.
I have had two consecutive nights with no sleep and am terrified it will kill me. Really.
I had a bad 10 day stretch a few yeas ago but since then have generally been OK or only have the odd
night. For me it is the fear of not sleeping that fuels the anxiety. I am exhausted but get into bed at 10pm
and am not only wide awake but hyper, heart racing. Yes I have read all the Sleep Hygine aids, the books
the audios. Been to GP (yesterday), My brain is so foggy now I can only think about 1)The fact I won't sleep
tonight and 2) A few more night of this will kill me and 3) I love my kids so much.... :'( :'( :'( I feel very alone with this.
I know what I should do but find it impossible to stop my brain telling me these awful things.

I guess I am looking for reassurance and empathy from people who have been through this. I know it is Cortisol/Adrenaline
based due to Peri.

I never game sleep a thought before Peri. It just happened and I never worried about a bad night, even though my
son slept badly for 7 years!

I've always had sleep problems and racing mind, particularly pre menstrually and then peri. Like you I also was worried I would not be able to cope the next day. What I have found is that I now realise I can cope even if I feel quite rough, especially if I'm busy it helps me a relax a bit and maybe get a bit more sleep as a consequence. I also try the exercise in the middle of the night that I found on here, where you focus on loking at certain objects and listening to sounds in the environment and concentration on feeling where your body is. This is helpful, particularly if I start to feel panicky in the middle of the night.
I tried magnesium, it didn't seem to work for me and I had very bad stomach / bowel issues with it.



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Re: Totally floored by insomnia help
« Reply #29 on: August 10, 2019, 02:54:52 PM »

Wrensong, I take a table spoon on my greek yoghurt in the morning with my fruit (5 days a week) been taking it since maybe April time after reading about it on here I think. I thought it had helped my nails & hair & stomach generally but now ot sure it might just be the HRT!! I'll keep you posted though.
I never had any sleep issues until around 3 years ago, worked shifts & actually slept better although for less time on nightshifts (really deep sleep whereas light sleeper at night :o). x
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