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Author Topic: Help  (Read 699 times)


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« on: August 05, 2019, 07:17:20 PM »

Hello there. It's been a long time since I've visited.
I don't really know where to start. I've been going through the menopause for some 10 years and I've been on various different types of HRT during that time, mainly for night sweats. I've just changed from Tridestra on to Femoston Conti (think my GP is now at her wits end and running out of options!)
I thought that symptoms might start getting better, the older I got (I'm 54 this year) but they just seem to be getting worse. To the point where I actually hate myself and the way I'm feeling and what I've become. I feel fat, ugly, permanently hormonal (either in a rage, or tearful to the point of sobbing uncontrollably) frightened and anxious. I'm very argumentative, even when there's nothing really to argue about. I hurt. My bones ache. I get rashes up my arms, that itch to the point where I could rip my skin. I have shocking nightmares. Night sweats. I crave sugar and go through stages when I am absolutely ravenous and can't control my appetite. All, according to my GP, possibly menopause related? There's endless symptoms.
I don't even know why I've written all this on here? To get it off my chest? To ask if there is anyone else who is feeling the same way? I feel so totally alone. I can't really speak to my husband - he's a bloke! And my elderly mum (who lives with us and I care for) is so wrapped up in her own health issues there's no point in talking to her. I've become a bit of a loaner - avoiding friends due to the way I'm feeling. I actually don't recognise myself anymore and, if I don't like myself, how will anyone else like me.
Sorry for rambling. And sorry again.


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Re: Help
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2019, 07:22:26 PM »

I feel your pain, I avoid everyone and don't go out unless I have too. I don't know who I am anymore either and I hate the way I feel and behave.
I'm sorry I don't have a solution but sometimes it helps to know you aren't the only LOON in the world 😂 xx


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Re: Help
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2019, 08:02:51 PM »

Hi Gillc.
I could've wrote your post, that's exactly me....well, the letter...
The anger was terrible...
Anyway, I'm on femoston conti,  it took a while to settle in, and now I'm almost back to how I used to be....( don't think we ever get back there) but, I'll settle to where I am now...
Sure, I have blip days, and the anxiety when it comes out is now under control, I CAN keep it under wraps, so there is hope for's not easy, and doesn't happen over night unfortunately, but keep slogging away at taking the Femoston and I'm wishing it kicks in for you like it has me.....there was a point when I didn't think it was going to work, but with perseverance, one day, it all started to get better, I've been on it now for about 18 months, and feeling more like myself for the last 5 months....keep going, keep posting, tell us how your feeling, it will get better.....xxxx