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Author Topic: Not sure what's, what.  (Read 1959 times)


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Not sure what's, what.
« on: July 17, 2019, 07:27:23 PM »

Hi all, I am a soon to be 56 year old new member and have been reading lots of posts but can't really find what i'm looking for so hope someone out there can help.
A brief history :- I had a subtotal hysterectomy (ovaries & uterus) aged 40 and was on HRT (Climaval) until 51. At the 10 year anniversary, almost to the day of the surgery, my cervix prolapsed quite badly and I had to have it removed and a repair job done inside. At 51 my then GP told me I had to have a menopause so took me off HRT. I had been coping okay up until the last year or so when all the menopause symptoms have got out of control . Thankfully I have moved house and the GP I have now is open to my trying HRT again and has just put me on Estradiol 1mg gel nightly for the menopause along with Dermovate Cream for the LS. Early days yet but hope to be feeling a little better sometime soon, fingers crossed!
My question is, and please forgive me but I am a little bit naive about what the inside bits should look like, and can't find any images only diagrams on the internet but i'm fairly certain I have another prolapse, this time possibly bowel. I have a feeling of there being 'something' in the way, a dragging/pulling sensation which is sometimes quite sharp and a general ache at the top of my pubic area along with some lower back pain. I do suffer with fairly bad IBS and have trouble with emptying my bowels completely in one go, so most days am in and out of the bathroom a lot. I also suffer with bladder weakness despite my best efforts with my pelvic floor.  If I look with a mirror I can see what looks like a 'plaited rope' at the top of my vagina? Which I'm sure I couldn't see before. There was just a 'black hole' at the top after my cervix was removed. The reason I am asking is because three weeks ago I had an internal examination by my new GP and she said nothing about it. She was checking for a Cervix as my notes were sadly lacking in information about my previous surgeries and she wanted to make sure I didn't have one, as according to her I was overdue a smear test! The thing is that since that examination the pain has got worse, the bowels more troublesome and I have completely wet myself without warning four times now, which is a new and alarming development for me as until recently I had more of stress leak (coughing, laughing etc.) than anything else. If anyone can help I would be really grateful as I am going back to the GP in a couple of weeks for a progress report and don't want to appear stupid if I say I think I have a prolapse when I don't.
I've just read this back and it's very long and rambling, sorry. I hope someone can help, thank you in advance.


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Re: Not sure what's, what.
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2019, 08:10:20 PM »

You ramble away - that's what the Forum is for!

 :welcomemm:  prolapse is common.  I am sure that ladies will be along to give advice.  Your GP could refer you to a specific incontinence Nurse, no woman should have to put up with leaking.  'the right to be dry' campaign  ;)

As oestrogen levels drop muscles may become lax = aches and pains plus prolapse as well as hiatus hernia [heartburn/reflux].  Bladder may become irritated and lack control. 

It could be that there is bruising but it could be hormonal. 

Do read our thread about vaginal atrophy.  Make notes!  It's not something many of us know about prior to all this menopause lark!

You could be referred to a specific physio. for advice about lower regions, pelvic floor etc..  But the important thing is to get checked for a prolapse, however, if that GP was having a rummage  :o I would go to my Practice Nurse. 

Lots on IBS here too.  I have slow transit  >:(  ::) - unless I am anxious or on the Motorway, go figure  ::).  Recently I've had lots of soft fresh fruits and that 'worked' for me - but at the wrong time, when I was away from home  >:(


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Re: Not sure what's, what.
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2019, 08:11:21 PM »

I did a search here and there are several threads about prolapse.

Vaginal atrophy will pop up too.  IBS appears in several guises ........


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Re: Not sure what's, what.
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2019, 08:40:42 PM »

Hi Kay. I feel for you as I had a hysterectomy (leaving ovaries) due to a prolapsed womb five years ago and am now waiting to see uro gynae again as I know other things are prolapsing. Like you my bowel symptoms and bladder symptoms are causing problems. When the uterus is removed then you are likely to suffer prolapses as the uterus is a supporting structure. Prolapsed bladder and bowel are common as is vaginal vault prolapse where the top of the vagina prolapses down. This is very common after hysterectomy as the top of the vagina isn't attached to anything so can telescope down.

The most important thing for you at present is to start HRT again as this helps strengthen the pelvic and vaginal tissues. I am 65 now and my HRT is seen as imperative to try to keep my pelvic floor health as good as possible.

You need to be referred to uro gynae so that any prolapses can be assessed and so you know what you're dealing with. Prolapses are not always spotted during internal examinations especially while lying down. You would need to bear down and cough etc while being examined.

Keep up any pelvic floor exercises you have been given. We're on this journey together it seems! You'll find lots of support on here so keep posting.

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: Not sure what's, what.
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2019, 09:35:40 PM »

Hi there

I still have my womb but have both bowel and bladder prolapse. They were repaired some time ago but are close to needing a repeat surgery. The ‘plaited rope' is familiar, but you also have some other symptoms. From experience you need to keep an eye on any constipation - find a remedy that works for you as we are all different but it is not good to get constipated. The bladder weakness may respond to reduced caffeine and reduced alcohol?

If you do have a prolapse then you may or may not need surgery. Docs can't always detect it if you are not ‘bulging' at the time of the appt. sometimes they can only really find it if you squat on the bed.

Maybe some hrt and some pelvic floor physio might be helpful? Having had mine repaired I'm not rushing back to go through it again as the recovery was difficult.

Hope you find some answers soon. I think any feeling of being ‘not right' is worth discussing with your doc, and if they seem ill equipped to answer, perhaps a referral to a gynaecologist?



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Re: Not sure what's, what.
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2019, 07:48:41 AM »

Morning soon to be ........ when's your birthday, you get  :cake:  ;)


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Re: Not sure what's, what.
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2019, 07:50:59 AM »

Have a read of the 'wet myself' thread, last couple of responses are quite informative.


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Re: Not sure what's, what.
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2019, 06:37:01 PM »

Hi everyone. Thank you so much for all the helpful info and advice I will be following all of it up both on the forum and with my GP.  I just find sometimes (most times) with my GP that I get flustered and almost word blind when in there and forget a lot of what I went in to discuss. Also having a 'one complaint per appointment' up for discussion is rather limiting at times, especially when certain conditions are related, which I am finding is the case with Menopause. I have taken a list in with me of things I need to mention only to be reminded of the 'one complaint' rule! and getting a double appointment to have more time to discuss stuff is pretty much impossible. I think one of the frustrations I am having is that no one treats the whole person, they only treat the bits individually so in an appointment I try to mention the one thing that's bothering me the most and everything else gets sidelined! Still hopefully I will get there in the end and in the meantime i've found this wonderful forum and all you fantastic non-judgemental ladies to share with. Thank you all so much., Kay. (my birthday is September 12th).



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Re: Not sure what's, what.
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2019, 07:44:13 PM »

12th September - better have this  :cake: 'cos by then I'll have forgotten  ;D - a symptom you understand  8)

If your GP won't discuss multiple problems ask for a referral to a menopause clinic: not a Gynaecologist because they don't know much more about meno than GPs seem to know. 

I always take a list with me and pass over, "Can you prioritise this for me?" which doesn't allow the GP to say 1 issue each appt..  In fact I never feel rushed.  Years ago I was told that I would have to wait so I told them I needed a house call ....... so they 'fitted me in' ;-) and my GP wasn't busy at all  >:(

Make that list.  Maybe seeing your Practice Nurse might be the way to go, ask for a well woman appt.?


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Re: Not sure what's, what.
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2019, 08:43:43 PM »

Hi Kay

I get flustered, too. Will they do telephone appts at your surgery? I found at my GP I could arrange a phone appt and these were not rushed, so I could write it all down and think straight, then any tests or exams could be discussed and arranged at a future appt. Might not be possible at your docs, but it really helped me as I can get emotional when discussing such personal matters.

Just a thought and best of luck



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Re: Not sure what's, what.
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2019, 08:52:59 PM »

Hi Kay

I get flustered, too. Will they do telephone appts at your surgery? I found at my GP I could arrange a phone appt and these were not rushed, so I could write it all down and think straight, then any tests or exams could be discussed and arranged at a future appt. Might not be possible at your docs, but it really helped me as I can get emotional when discussing such personal matters.

Just a thought and best of luck
I really dislike phone appts. Firstly the surgery won't tell me an approx time and it is so easy to miss it. Secondly I want to see the doctors facial expression/body language.


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Re: Not sure what's, what.
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2019, 09:06:28 PM »

Totally understand that - works for me when discussing something complicated like hrt, but yes, a personal choice. My docs stick to time and will have as long a conversation as needed. X


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Re: Not sure what's, what.
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2019, 10:13:51 PM »

Totally understand that - works for me when discussing something complicated like hrt, but yes, a personal choice. My docs stick to time and will have as long a conversation as needed. X
Mine don't stick to the time at all. Once I was told about 11am but got the call after 5pm. Or I give them a time range and they ignore it and ring when I am on the tube. They keep the call short.


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Re: Not sure what's, what.
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2019, 10:12:29 AM »

Hi everyone just a quick update on where I am and more advice please. I have been back to doctors and the good news is the LS is under control for now and am on a reducing regime for the Dermovate over the next six weeks or so. Whilst doctor was checking things out down below I asked her about a prolapse, she wasn't terribly thrilled, said she hadn't noticed anything before, but I stuck to my guns and explained all my symptoms again and she rather reluctantly said she would have 'ANOTHER' look. I do have another prolapse and according to her it is only a 'mild' one so nothing to be referred about. Not sure I agree as I am pretty uncomfortable with it most days but I got the feeling this was just one thing too many to deal within the time allowed. I will have to revisit it with her at a later date. As to the HRT it hasn't worked, my symptoms are worse and she has taken me off it and said there are no other alternatives and I just have to get on with it! Is this true or am I being fobbed off yet again? The only good thing to come out of the appointment is a referral to a Pelvic Floor specialist, which I am pleased about as given what's happened recently with wetting myself, I think I am in need of a refresher course. Your thoughts and advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Kay.


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Re: Not sure what's, what.
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2019, 11:20:13 AM »

You're being fobbed off by a GP who doesn't understand menopause and who may be watching the budget  >:(

No one should be wet!  Many go to a physiotherapist who specialises in womens health. 

If it's mild but giving symptoms it needs looking at by a Professional.  Maybe ring the appt. Clinic at the Hospital and ask how you get referred for advice?
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