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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Health anxiety is taking over!  (Read 2493 times)


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Health anxiety is taking over!
« on: July 10, 2019, 08:40:27 AM »

This may be long, I apologise in advance.  I have always been a little anxious, worrying over stupid things but right now it is taking over my life.  I will start at the beginning if this sorry episode which was last August.

I noticed blood when I went to the toilet, googled, as you do and convinced it was a hemerrhoid or tear.  It was a one off, all was fine.  A few weeks later on holiday in Greece I ‘thought’ I saw blood again but thinking about it it could have been too many tomatoes!  I had a big wobble which resulted in me not eating properly for a couple of days and then got diarrhoea.  I broke down to my husband, he calmed me and I got on with life happily for another 9 months.

For absolutely no reason at all, except for discovering that beetroot crisps turn your poo a red colour and thought I had soreness in my bottom so googled again.  Discovered anal cancer!  Oh god, never knew this could happen, further reading led to me being in a high risk group, even though it is rare.  To cut a long story short an old boyfriend performed anal sex on me without consent several times, 35 years ago, he was dumped and then I discovered he had given me genital warts, which were treated. No HPV has been found in any smear test since 1986.

Convinced myself I had either bowel or anal cancer, started feeling back ache, maybe ovarian cancer!  Booked for a free, NHS, over 55’s bowelscope.  Went to GP, rambled on about back ache, worrying it was cancer and was sent off with ibuprofen and cocodomol and told not to lift.

Anxiety increased as discomfort in anal area remained, with a nervous tummy, decided the pain was coming from my tailbone area but discomfort made me aware of every twinge, pain or feeling and was scared to go to the toilet.

Started feeling sore in my vagina, got a canestest kit, test stick made me bleed, so went to the GP. without an examination or swab, she diagnosed BV and gave me anitbiotics.  A few days later, still sore, I treated for Thrush.  No improvement led me to check for soreness in the mirror.  In horror I saw, and felt what I though to be lump in my vagina and booked an emergency appointment with the GP.  She felt nothing sinister inside, felt my tummy, no lumps.  She said that what looked like a lump was actually loose skin due to laxity.  She said she noticed eczema around the labia and gave me canestan HC to treat the soreness, took a swab, which came back normal. 

A week later, I had my bowelscope, no polyps, no tumours just a few small hemorrhoids internally and her words were ‘nothing to worry about’. Healthy bowel.  Took the results to the GP and discussed my health anxiety issues and she prescribed my an anti anxiety medication, which is still unopened as I do not want to go down that road.

Fast forward two more weeks.  I am still feeling soreness in my tailbone, keep feeling I need the toilet when I don’t, sore around my anus.  Convinced they missed my ‘anal cancer’ in the bowelscope.  Sick, feeling every bodily twinge. Bowel habits are normal.

 Can I be imagining all of this?  It has really taken over my whole life and I don’t want to do anything, difficult when I work, self employed, looking after children 55 hours a week.

I have read that the menopause causes anxiety, could this be it? Do I have tailbone pain which is causing the bowel feelings too?  I am a mess to be quite honest.  Cannot face another GP appointment, my usual doctor is now off until September.  Feel like a time waster.

I have self referred to a wellbeing service for counselling on health anxiety but the wait is long.  Just want to get well before my holiday in August.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2019, 08:44:12 AM by Donnadoobie »


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Re: Health anxiety is taking over!
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2019, 10:12:06 AM »

My advice would be to take the anti anxiety meds. I too suffer from health anxiety- really it's just general anxiety which always “attaches” itself to something. The last time it got too much for me I found that the meds helped a great deal. I got off them gradually but have recently started them again.


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Re: Health anxiety is taking over!
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2019, 10:57:47 AM »

Me and anxiety have been together for over 30 yrs. really cranked up when I was about 22. I call my thoughts my ‘bunnymen' long story.....
I started treatment at 24 yr old, tbh there is no magic cure, but you certainly live and learn.
For me the most useful things have been meds', relaxation and distraction.I just need to switch my brain off sometimes and unscramble all my spaghetti thoughts.
I remember trying CBT and being asked what is it that worries you specifically......... mmmmm everything!!! I couldn't tell them, because if knew that then i'd Be able to manage it.....
I laugh about it now or at least know my brain is up to mischief. My GP often asks me when am I going to reduce/stop the meds...... I defo know the answer to that... never. Why stop when I clearly works and I am not prepared to suffer when I know I don't have too.  If I am ‘addicted' so what it worked, I am well and don't plan to stop.


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Re: Health anxiety is taking over!
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2019, 11:42:17 AM »

Your GP was incorrect to prescribe ABs without a swab result from a Lab. which is what worries me the most about your treatment thus far.

You may have vaginal atrophy - do read the threads on this and bladder issues.  Make notes.  Go to your Nurse Practitioner and ask for appropriate treatment. 

The coxxyc is a very tender area.  I damaged mine aged 11 and it still gets sore when constipated.  I had to sit on a cushion for over 3 months - not good at that age  ::).  It stiffens if I sit for too long in the same position.

What anti-anxiety medication have you been given?  If you were a diabetic, would you not take what was suggested?  Without my combination I wouldn't be here.  It doesn't need to be for ever but to get you relaxed enough to take informed decisions without anxiety.  I would suggest taking it for 6-8 months then review. 

My GP does the tick-box questions Sgtvhilts - if I had to stop it would undo all his hard work!!! as I would be bed bound within 3-4 days.  He's asking the questions ;-). 

......... and breath everyone.  Keep those diaries ;-)

Some find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary of use. 


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Re: Health anxiety is taking over!
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2019, 12:25:05 PM »

Thanks everyone.

Still in two minds about meds.  I was prescribed Sertraline, 25mg initially then up to 50.  The thing that is putting me off is that it says to avoid alcohol.  Not that I drink everyday but a glass of wine or two at the weekend with my husband has not been unknown  ::)and one of life's pleasures.

Also, I will just mention that the GP that prescribed AB's without a swap was a locum, not my usual GP.

I think if I could get rid of this feeling of needing the toilet all the time I would cope, it is the worry that they have missed something that causes the anxiety.  I don't have any prolapse, and surely anything pressing into the bowel would have been seen in the colonoscopy? 

Could anxiety really be giving me these symptoms?


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Re: Health anxiety is taking over!
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2019, 12:26:13 PM »

BTW CKLD, I was thinking about keeping a log just 10 minutes before I read your reply.


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Re: Health anxiety is taking over!
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2019, 12:33:56 PM »

No not on HRT. Up to this point the menopause has been a breeze. No hot flushes, no night sweats, no mood swings, weight gain or bladder leaks.  So it has not been necessary.  All this has come from nowhere


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Re: Health anxiety is taking over!
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2019, 01:35:22 PM »

What would you like to ease first? 

What's the worst that can happen?


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Re: Health anxiety is taking over!
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2019, 01:54:27 PM »

Birdy, I am post meno, almost 4 years.  Learnt so much this last two weeks! Thought I had escaped!  Ha ha, that would be a first for me!

CKLD, I would like the feeling of needing to poo most of the time to go, as this is the one symptom that is feeding my Anxiety, thinking there is something really wrong, even though deep down, I know that has been ruled out by internal examinations,  back and front! 



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Re: Health anxiety is taking over!
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2019, 03:45:26 PM »

Oh the BOWEL  >:(  ::).  I have pressure on my coccyx almost all the while unless the bowel empties completely.  Add to that the stress of travel and my bowel begins to spasm ..........  :(.    How is your diet over-all?  Last week had eaten something, still un-idenfieid, and was on the loo several times for a whole day  :-\ add to that going to visit Mum and all that entails but it settled on the important day when we were out for hours.

HORMONES  >:(  :-\


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Re: Health anxiety is taking over!
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2019, 06:35:14 PM »

My diet is quite good, I was almost diagnosed with diabetes a few years ago and eat a no sugar low carb diet but eat a lot of salads veg and nuts.  I take Psyllium husk for extra fibre.  My bowels work like clockwork.  The feeling I get was there even after an emema, so it is just a feeling, I don't actually want to go to the toilet.  If there was a mass pressing on my bowel then that would have been seen on the bowelscope, right? 

Not sure if all of my symptoms are physchological anyway, as I was fine until I started worrying about bowel cancer.  I feel such a mess right now.

Thanks for a place I can say what I need to get out that I can't say to anyone else.


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Re: Health anxiety is taking over!
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2019, 06:37:07 PM »

That's what we are here for.  Nowt is taboo or unknown on here  ::)

There R a lot of nerves below the waist! if you open your bowels regularly and without straining then hormones may well be to blame.

Health anxiety is common during The Change - which does what it says on the tin  ::)