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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


Author Topic: Hello- newbie. Panic attack ended up in A and E  (Read 1797 times)


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Hello- newbie. Panic attack ended up in A and E
« on: July 08, 2019, 08:08:08 PM »

I am depressed and on antidepressants- have been for many years on the tablets.
I am now perimenopausal. V irregular periods- although I am still getting them.
Fluctuations in mood, anxiety and my 1st ever panic attack on Thursday last week. I ended up in A and E with a resting pulse of 138.
I am on day 15 of my 1st ever HRT- Femoston 1/10. I have looked up the side effects and it doesn't mention panic attacks. The panic just came over me for no reason- I had chest pain too. The Drs did an ECG and took bloods- which were all normal. I was discharged with no further treatment.
Can HRT actually cause a panic attack? I am also not sleeping- which is due to the depression I think. When I do get a couple of hours sleep I get v vivid dreams. These too have just started to happen.
On femoston- I have just started the grey progesterone tablets. I believe at the end of these I will get a bleed?? Is this correct.
This website has been a great resource for me. I am 48 yrs old.


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Re: Hello- newbie. Panic attack ended up in A and E
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2019, 08:37:59 PM »

Yes I believe you will get a bleed after the grey tablets, although don't take that as gospel as I'm on Femoston Conti, which I take all the time. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. But I'm sure you will get a bleed.
I'm afraid the anxiety and panic attacks go hand in hand, some have more anxiety than panic attacks, but most have both, which I have had. The panic attacks seem less now for me, I suffer more anxiety now, and it's horrible, you have my sympathy. The chest pain is caused by the anxiety, I've had that too, makes you think your having a heart attack, but as you've been checked out, and nothing was found then you'll know it's ‘just' the anxiety and panic. Which is good, looking at it from that prospective.
Try and do some breathing exercises. They work wonders at slowing your breathing down, and when you feel one starting, distraction works well too. I used to do, the, 4.7.8. Method. It really does help.
If you feel this particular hrt isn't suitable for you, there are others to try that might be better. But anything up to 3/6 months you should stay on it for to see if it's working. Unless you've horrendous side effects of course and can't cope, then go and change to another one.....some of us do get very vivid dreams it's all part n parcel I'm afraid.
I'm sure someone else will post will more knowledge than me , so hang tight, and good luck.
Have a look around, and read up on old posts and ask anything you like.
Oh and  :welcomemm:.....xxxx

Ellen May

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Re: Hello- newbie. Panic attack ended up in A and E
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2019, 06:02:09 AM »

When I first became peri menopausal I ended up in a&e several times over those first few months with chest pains. I was convinced it was a heart attack as hadn't ever had feelings like it before.

It was only when I was referred to cardiology that perimenopause was mentioned. Cardiologist was the same age as me and said these feelings are very common with peri.



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Re: Hello- newbie. Panic attack ended up in A and E
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2019, 10:58:56 AM »

Hi NGREE,  I started HRT patches in March.  I was also on nortripyline (tri cyclic AD) since Nov. for migraines.  My heart rate would shoot up to 120-150 walking across the room.  I have anxiety anyways...I took my dog to the vet one day, out of nowhere  I got very panicky and my heart went crazy...sent me into a whirlwind running out of there breathless.  It happened again at my son's school.  Felt like a murderer was chasing me. 

I have been hospitalized for observation twice for palpitations when they started 2 years ago. My heart has been checked thoroughly over the past couple of years.  My dad passed early of a Heart attack.   :-\

I stopped the nortripyline in May, and the heart racing and panicky feelings have subsided.  I am still on HRT.  Maybe the combo of your AD and HRT are not getting along at this stage of the game.  Best of luck to you.  This is hell.  I will be 42 next week.   


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Re: Hello- newbie. Panic attack ended up in A and E
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2019, 06:14:35 PM »


Hrt caused me horrendous anxiety, to the point I was gasping for breath. I stopped it and these symptoms went. X


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Re: Hello- newbie. Panic attack ended up in A and E
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2019, 06:38:10 PM »

Hello nrgee
Sorry you had such a bad turn. But be reassured your heart was checked. Just a couple of tips. When it starts try to get some air, even if it's just opening a window. As jilly says deep breathing, iand when you do it  clasp your hands behind your back to expand your chest. When you slow your breathing your heart rate will slow too. Also try think to yourself. What can I see, what can I hear, what can I touch, what can I smell.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2019, 06:39:42 PM by Tc »


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Re: Hello- newbie. Panic attack ended up in A and E
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2019, 09:36:29 PM »

It's hell and I  feel for you. I get anxiety when driving. Awful sweats and palpitations. I thought today I may need to quit driving altogether as I'm exhausted after any journey. Lots of deep breathing and counting gets me through it. Xx