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Author Topic: I'm done with Utrogestan what alternatives?  (Read 13878 times)


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Re: I'm done with Utrogestan what alternatives?
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2019, 02:16:26 PM »

No...don't're alright TC!  Keep taking it and try and get to 12 days.  Period pain and sore boobs as prevalent for me for the first 4/5 months and then the period pains settled and now I feel a bit of pain but it's almost like my body knows what to do  and what it is so it's not so bad as when I first started on the regime.

I have moved to a long cycle of gel and utrogestan which works just fine - so it is 28 days gel only + 12 days utro and then a bleed - so don't panic. That's 4 weeks gel only for me, so going 3 weeks without any utrogestan will do you no harm.

There are plenty of women on the forum who use a long cycle, Hurdity is one of them, but I can't remember all their names sure there will be plenty of them along in a minute to reassure you. xx


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Re: I'm done with Utrogestan what alternatives?
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2019, 02:23:42 PM »

Tc, first ... don't panic. And don't change anything right now. We will figure this out.
The other ladies will be far better placed to advise. But I wanted to respond asap, just to reassure you enough not to panic, ok. I personally think you are (finally) having a cyclical bleed.  It hasn't come at the time you expected it, but your poor body has been through a lot.
The first month for me, I didnt bleed at all. Then I stopped the mini pill. The 2nd month the bleed came through quite light and a couple of days after stopping the P phase. This 3rd month, the bleed came 3 days INTO the P phase. So it's not just you.  ;)
I kept going with the P phase until the bleeding stopped. Then I ripped off my patch and am going cikd turkey. :o ... Don't  do that  ;) xx


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Re: I'm done with Utrogestan what alternatives?
« Reply #17 on: July 05, 2019, 02:45:10 PM »

O.k thanks ladies. I'm not worried about the pain. Maybe it's a good sign that I'm getting some eastrogen, although I dont feel Like I am.

I think I can make it to 12 days. Didnt think so at beginning of week. I've had non stop headache but i got myself some migraleve

What is so weird is yesterday I had pain where my ovary would be. It was sharp as well. My mum noticed I was rubbing it. How strange.

thanks for the reassurance i wont worry now that I mightve caused thickening.. my doc has realy scared me about it.

I might have to rethink  changing progesterone now. If Imy bodys finally  gone into a cycle I need to let it settle dont I?

My very sleepy uterus has woken up!!

Pants do you mean you're going cold Turkey right now?



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Re: I'm done with Utrogestan what alternatives?
« Reply #18 on: July 05, 2019, 02:51:10 PM »

Good girl Tc. Stick with it for now. You can always change P in a few months time, if the U is still giving you problems. But give your body a chance to settle into a cycle.
And yes, I'm going cold Turkey right now. I'm off everything. No ADs, no Minipill, no HRT.  :o


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Re: I'm done with Utrogestan what alternatives?
« Reply #19 on: July 05, 2019, 02:53:22 PM »

Crikey. I haven't had a chance to catch up the last couple of days. What did I miss?


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Re: I'm done with Utrogestan what alternatives?
« Reply #20 on: July 05, 2019, 02:53:35 PM »

When I started my regime I would get a bit of ovary pain but then I've got mine  ???  - Don't they call that muscle memory?? amputees can get it, so why not  ovaries? x
Yep settle, settle, settle  somethings happening TC  :clapping:- lets see if it's good or whatever it is work with it!  After all you've been through, your body is bound to be confused but now it might be starting to work out what it needs to do - with the help of the drugs x


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Re: I'm done with Utrogestan what alternatives?
« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2019, 02:56:58 PM »

And I've had twinges (yesterday actually) where my left ovary should be. Thought it was a bit weird. Did, for a split second think that maybe the surgeon had left a bit behind. Then resolved to ignore it  ;)


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Re: I'm done with Utrogestan what alternatives?
« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2019, 03:18:52 PM »

Lady. Thank you so much. Phantom pain. It's to do with nerve endings. I guess that's the only explanation, or maybe scar tissue. 
I'd forgotten what period pain felt like. Just the same as always. Travels right into thighs.  I'm a bit encouraged now though that maybe my body is finally responding.

Could do without the bordering on migraine headaches though. And that I fear is the utrogestan. Had a full blown one yesterday.

Pants. Why did you stop everything?


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Re: I'm done with Utrogestan what alternatives?
« Reply #23 on: July 05, 2019, 03:57:13 PM »

Tc, so I stopped the Minipill because I had started HRT,  and felt that maybe it would be too much P and, I was taking it for heavy periods, which in theory should be controlled by the HRT. A logical decision, discussed with my GP.
I stopped the ADs, because quite frankly, they were making me depressed and were not helping with the anxiety (well, not as much as I'd hoped). A semi-logical decision, discussed with a junior GP.
Stopping the HRT was totally an emotional decision, not discussed with anyone !!
I'm not sure that it helped. I know I was only in it for 2 and 3/4 months. But I gave it a good go. And in the back of my mind is the idea that my other ovary might just kick in (sorry  :-*). And if I stay on the HRT, I will never know. I've got to give it a chance. But I'm also realistic that it might not work, or work enough .... in which case it will be back to the HRT, but something other than the Evorel Sequi patches. I would want something I have a little more control over.
I think, if I'm honest with myself, I panicked and asked for medication too early (I started ADs 6 weeks after the surgery), but throughout this, I've been mentally pushing against it all.
And I can always try again with another type of AD or HRT.
And I'd rather try now, whilst work is underatanding, and it's summer. Than struggle on, still feeling rubbish, for another few months, before going cold turkey and possibly crashing and needing to take time off again.
I've rambled. Sorry. xx
« Last Edit: July 24, 2019, 10:42:28 PM by pants46 »


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Re: I'm done with Utrogestan what alternatives?
« Reply #24 on: July 05, 2019, 04:00:21 PM »

hi Tc,

sorry I haven't really been on here for a few days as am having mega-problems with Fluoxetine; 6 weeks into it I seem to be getting worse, much more depressed. But I have to say that Provera has proved much much better for me than Utrogestan, which I now think is the work of the devil.... :-\

Officially you should take 10mg for 14 days in the month, but I found the withdrawal very difficult - huge anxiety, and I don't really want to be having periods again anyway, so I decided to just halve the dose and take it continuously.  My GP didn't know if that was OK or not and is seeking advice, but it says on here that it's OK, so i'm doing it anyway. The gynae I saw said it's the gentlest synthetic progestin, and of course with synthetic progestins you take a lot less anyway. Tbh I barely notice I'm taking it. Might be worth a try x


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Re: I'm done with Utrogestan what alternatives?
« Reply #25 on: July 05, 2019, 04:15:18 PM »

Racjen thanks for that. I will keep the provera in mind. Withdrawal is a worry for me too with a cycle I must say.
Sorry to hear you're  still struggeling with the prozac. It can take longer than 6 weeks to realy see results but you shouldnt be feeling worse. Did you discuss upping the dose with doc?

Pants o.i.c  yes i remember you saying recently you wanted to see if you're ovulating. I hope that pesky little thing kicks in. Get you with your one ovary!!! I'm well jell. !! Only kidding you are younger than me so fingers crossed it will keep you going for a few years yet. Xxx


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Re: I'm done with Utrogestan what alternatives?
« Reply #26 on: July 05, 2019, 05:29:17 PM »

Question (for my future reference) and for Tc ... can the Provera be taken vaginally, like Utrogestan can ? in order to minimise side effects ?


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Re: I'm done with Utrogestan what alternatives?
« Reply #27 on: July 05, 2019, 05:33:31 PM »

Not as far as I am aware - orally only.  Utro is the only one that can be done like that and one that is available for fertility cyclogest? Not sure that's the name but I think so.


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Re: I'm done with Utrogestan what alternatives?
« Reply #28 on: July 05, 2019, 05:42:49 PM »

Provera is avaliable orally only, but I found the side effects so much less than with utro it feels irrelevant.

Tc, yes psychiatrist's recommendation is that I do the full trial with Prozac (so 6 weeks on 20mg, 4 weeks on 40mg, 4 weeks on 60mg) - I can't see any other way forward right now as nothig else has worked  :'(


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Re: I'm done with Utrogestan what alternatives?
« Reply #29 on: July 05, 2019, 05:43:18 PM »

Ok Ladybt. Understood.

Tc, yeah I know ... look at me ... only 46 and still with one ovary.  ;)
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