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Author Topic: Femoston trial for progesterone intolerance  (Read 1609 times)


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Femoston trial for progesterone intolerance
« on: July 04, 2019, 12:48:29 PM »

Hi all

Following the failure with having the jaydess fitted I was given Femoston to trial for progesterone intolerance.

I was prescribed patches for 2 weeks  (evorel 50) and 2 weeks Femoston (1mg) for progesterone with evorel 25 patch.

I've tried just about all forms of progesterone and struggled with them all to varying degrees (noresthisterone being the worst to Utrogestan the best but still problematic).

The main issues I've had with progesterone have been:

- flattened mood
- quashed libido
- and, bloating/weight gain

Given these issues (and for all progesterone intolerants) and after completing the first few weeks on my new regime I'd like to share my experience.

I took the Femoston before bedtime in order to minimise any side effects. For the first couple of days I had headache a few aches and pains and felt a bit off it. I thought here we go again something else my body doesn't like. However, by about the 3rd day my symptoms cleared and I began to feel better. Main benefits were:

- no flattening of mood, in fact I felt quite buoyant
- no quashed libido, in fact (and apologies if this is tmi) I found I had increased secretions and things were improved in that department
- alas nothing is ever perfect though and I was a little bit swollen, although I've got to say not as much as with Utrogestan which used to leave my abdomen puffy.

So far so good and I'm tempted to say that I think Femoston is in a class of it's own as a progesterone except for one thing - I've had a constant headache since stopping it, as if I'm suffering some sort of withdrawals. I've been given 3 months supply so will persevere in the hope this gets better and report back at the end of it, but for now just wanted to share x



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Re: Femoston trial for progesterone intolerance
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2019, 02:19:31 PM »

Hi Perinowpost

I'm on femoston conti, and I had the same thing with regards to the headaches.
I've been on it 17 months now, with a bit of tweeking here and there, and I can now say the headaches are almost gone! Yeah, I still get a dull headache now and again, but nothing two paracetamol doesn't resolve. And the only other thing I get is a feeling like my anxiety wants to come out, but it just bubbles away in the background. And again, it's nothing I can't handle...whereas before, it was through the roof. So although not perfect, it's given me back my life. Persevere with it like I did, it's took a while for my body to except it, but I'm glad I took the time to see what was gonna happen.
Thanx for letting us know, and good luck....xxxx


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Re: Femoston trial for progesterone intolerance
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2019, 03:48:11 PM »

Glad to hear somethings working perinowpost and I hope it carries on. xx I got headache taking Femeston and it remained the whole time I took it, didn't shift one bit so unfortunately it wasn't for me. Managed 9 weeks and couldn't cope any longer and interestingly paracetamol which I took nearly every day didn't shift it much either. 

It always fascinates me as to what it is in the body which some hrts react to and makes them bad for some and good for others.  If we could find that out we would be able to get to the right regime much quicker huh? xx


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Re: Femoston trial for progesterone intolerance
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2019, 04:15:08 PM »

Hi perinowpost, I'm new here so hi 👋 I've just started on Femoston as well but tablets not patches as I'm allergic to all things sticky! I've had really horrendous experiences with progesterone myself , going threw several types of mini pull when I met my hubby all of which I couldn't tolerate for one reason or another. I've literally started my hrt this Monday and am a little concerned about what will happen when I get to the little gray pills but I'm keeping fingers crossed. In just 4 days of taking estradiol I'm already feeling better...tbh I couldn't feel much worse! But I've got a smile on my face and feel lighter if that makes sense! I hope you don't mind me following your experience with the patch and maybe we can compare notes😊 let's hope we have a positive experience! How long have you been on HRT ... I'm still perimopausel but having really bad symptoms so had to start something .


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Re: Femoston trial for progesterone intolerance
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2019, 07:56:51 PM »

Hi Perinowpost.  I'm on Femoston conti and although it has taken some time to settle, I feel as though I'm getting there after trying several different regimes over the last couple of years.  They seem to manage my symptoms quite well with not too many side effects.

Wishing you lots of luck.

Rosie63 x


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Re: Femoston trial for progesterone intolerance
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2019, 09:57:01 AM »

Thanks all for your replies.

Jillydoll- how are you taking Femoston, is it continuously or on a cycle? I'd be interested to know what tweaking has helped.

Ladybt28- yes it fascinates me too how we all have different in our responses, we are all different in our biochemistry so I suppose it makes sense that what works for one may not work for another

7dwarfs - I started hrt at 47 1/2 and I'm 55 next month, it's an ongoing journey and I'm always striving for improvement. I've got to say I never want to come off as it makes such a difference. I felt headachy for the first 2 days on the grey tablets but that went and then I felt ever so slightly sedated but in a good mood if that makes sense. I think Femoston would be a good one for those ladies that suffer with anxiety.

Rosie63 long may it continue and thanks for your support x