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Author Topic: Testosterone gel?  (Read 2157 times)


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Re: Testosterone gel?
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2019, 08:39:49 PM »

Yaaaay, Tc - link works fine, thank you!   :medal:

Just the sort of evidence I was looking for, so that's brilliant.  But, still hoping to find some official guidelines for UK health practitioners saying that as significant amounts of T continue to be produced by the ovaries well postmenopause, T should be considered an important part of any HRT regime for women after BSO, regardless of their menopausal status at time of surgery.

Totally agree - it's scary reading up & what's worse is that the gynae who did my BSO seemed to think removing them would make absolutely no difference as I was already postmenopause at the time of surgery.  Can I ask whether you were postmenopause before your BSO?


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Re: Testosterone gel?
« Reply #16 on: June 27, 2019, 09:41:03 PM »

No I wasnt wren. 53 but still regular and no symptoms to speak of.
My gynae said "you'll be going through it soon anyway".
I totally agree with you it needs a rethink by official guidelines. I found some interesting stuff on guidelines for surgical management of benign tumours like mine. A dermoid which doesnt go away and can cause problems. It would seem to differ greatly regarding age. With younger women ovarian conservation is understood to benefit future health due to eastrogen preservation but it would seem after 50 even if the tumour can be removed that BSO
is standard to prevent future ovarian cancer and that  eastrogen production will be falling anyway but no mention or consideration is given to testosterone. The risks of OC increase with age but then so do lots of the risks associated with eastrogen deficiency and as surveys are showing post menopausal ovaries can even produce eastrogen I think the risks and benefits should be weighed for each individual regardless of age. After all if it means after removal symptoms are so severe that HRT is needed then this in itself brings risk.
I will never know if I mightve gone through a natural meno without having to use HRT. So for me its added a whole other load of problems I might not have had.

Sorry if I've gone on a bit there. I just think I see where you're coming from and it's what I've been thinking too.

May I ask why you had the BSO?


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Re: Testosterone gel?
« Reply #17 on: June 28, 2019, 06:32:11 AM »

Oh Tc - so the BSO plunged you into menopause?  I'm so sorry - that's a horrible situation to be in, a dreadful shock to the system & no surprise that it's left a difficult emotional legacy.  Did they give you time to weigh up the decision beforehand?

Yes, the ovaries go on producing some E & T postmenopause, so losing them is bound to have an impact even if periods have stopped some time before the surgery - as with me.

To answer your question, a cyst they'd been monitoring suddenly became vascular - a red flag sign at a time when other stuff going on with me made it seem more likely that it could be malignant.  The Gynae wanted it out pdq & her obvious concern meant I agreed.  There's more to it than that, but this thread's not the right place for that.   Luckily, histology showed it was a benign cyst.

Please don't apologise Tc - you didn't go on at all & even if you had that's what the forum's for - we can't help each other if we don't know what's going on.  :)
« Last Edit: June 28, 2019, 06:34:11 AM by Wrensong »


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Re: Testosterone gel?
« Reply #18 on: June 28, 2019, 08:53:33 AM »

Hiya wren. Well I wasnt given enough information to make an informed choice and I was scared to look things up. So I'm resentful of the gynae and I blame myself for being so stupid and not looking into it more  its unusual for me too. Cysts are considered more worrying post meno and not suitable for cytology without removal of ovary but I wasnt post meno. They went on age rather than meno  status

It sounds as though you had little choice regarding your cyst. If a doc shows that sort of concern then it makes sense to follow their advice. Thank goodness it was benign. But the affects of surgery weren't addressed with you either. Because they assumed it would make no difference
IIt is assumed that we wont be any worse off for losing the ovaries at an older age and when we report back to the contrary they seem to stick their fingers in their ears!!! They cant seem to accept it.
How are you today wren.?


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Re: Testosterone gel?
« Reply #19 on: June 28, 2019, 02:35:07 PM »

Hi Tc, have just done a very long, rambling reply to your post, then realised it took the thread so far off topic (I'm very bad at that!) that I'm going to PM you with it instead - I hope that's OK.


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Re: Testosterone gel?
« Reply #20 on: June 30, 2019, 11:46:33 AM »

Wren. I've only just seen your msg. Sorry. Thank you so much I have replied. Hope you are o.k todayxxx
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