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Menopause Matters magazine ISSUE 76 out now. (Summer issue, June 2024)


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Author Topic: Haemhorrhoid banding  (Read 4944 times)


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Re: Haemhorrhoid banding
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2019, 06:12:10 PM »


Thank you so much for your kind reply, it made me cry, I never feel like I derserve kindness.

The wind seems to have settled down, and I just feel a little uncomfortable at times.  a sort of full pressure feeling.  My bowels still seem a bit weird, and the looser bowel movements still seem to dominate, which is why I was referred in the first place.  I felt so relieved when the colonoscopy came back clear for tumours, but then I went to the GP (just for a repeat HRT prescription), and I foolishly asked him if you can develop IBS as you get older.

His reply freaked me out, because even though he knows I've had a clear colonoscopy, he said "well, we can't just assume its IBS, and we need to consider serious possibilities". He then asked me if my smears were up to date.  So,as much as I'm trying to cling on, I'm being drawn into a vortex of the HA hell again.  (My smears are up to date, but as I am now on the 5 year track, its been 4 years, and I have had some post meno bleeding.  When I went to have my hysteroscopy, the Dr told me she is a colcoscopist (?), and she would know by looking at my cervix if it was not healthy, but HA keeps whispering in my ear.."what if she just said that, or she is missing something). Or maybe its stomach cancer?

I wanted to post on the anxiety support forum, but was worried that as I have been absent, I wouldn't be welcome back there.  I do read it, and quietly cheer you all on from the wings.

I just don't want to go back to the HA torture, and feel like I just want to throw in the towel now, I'm running out of fight.  Sorry, I know that sounds pathetic

Jeepers xx


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Re: Haemhorrhoid banding
« Reply #16 on: June 23, 2019, 06:30:28 PM »

That's a pity jeepers, drs can be so incensitive and careless in what/how they say is only human that you would then worry and think of the worst possible scenario. I hope you are able to get a diagnosis soon, if it is IBS you have the stress and anxiety you are under will certainly not help your symptoms. I know I'm just new on the forum but I don't get the impression anyone would be off with you posting on the anxiety support thread. Take care. x


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Re: Haemhorrhoid banding
« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2019, 06:47:21 PM »

At least here Jeepers you won't be missed ;-)

Oh that HA  :bang: :poke2:

At least your GP isn't phaffing about but he could have chosen better words probably.

You are 'in the loop' and haven't been recalled sooner than you expected.  Don't plan any further than half a day at a time ! 


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Re: Haemhorrhoid banding
« Reply #18 on: June 23, 2019, 07:09:19 PM »

Jeeps. Please come back to the anxiety thread of course you are welcome  I dont always post on it. ether. Its good to know that we can come back to it though as it's such a supportive thread. I'm sure everyone will welcome you back.
When my colonoscopy was clear, at my post consultation the doc said that in the absence of anything serious he is diagnosing IBS. And that it can develop suddenly. He has put my symptoms purely down to IBS and not ordered any further tests.

Maybe your doc was just being vigilant about smear test and the way he injected it into the conversation about IBS gave the impression he was linking it when maybe he wasnt.. I agree with Foxy. Sometimes they could choose their words a lot better. Has he ordered any further tests.?
Jeeps you are not pathetic. Quite the opposite look at how you went on your own for your colonoscopy . Give yourself credit for your strengths.
You are considerate, caring and very funny to boot!!  HA is a bitch it makes every interaction with a doctor a potential trigger but you have gotten through it before and you will again.

Incidentally my consultant suggested I do my own food intolerance test. Go to bland diet and reintroduce one at a time keeping a diary. I might be preaching to the choir here as you may have already done it.

Please dont be worried about posting whatever you want to wherever you want to.

Much love to you❤


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Re: Haemhorrhoid banding
« Reply #19 on: June 24, 2019, 05:33:35 PM »

Hi all

thank you so much for your replies.

No, you are not preaching to the choir.  I will start to keep a diary.  Bland diet in as much as no spicy food?  I don't eat much of that. 

The past couple of days my wind problem settled down, but it seems to be back today.  It seems to start about 4pm when I leave work.  So, would that be something I ate at breakfast or lunch? Not sure about the speed of transit.  The other thing that worries me is that I never feel hungry these days.  I didn't eat at lunchtime, and I never even felt a little bit hungry.  Ive eaten this evening (cheese toastie and salad), but not because I felt particularl hungry at all.  I only had a bowl of shreddies last night with a couple of biscuits.
TMI alert, my BM seemed better today, less loose and darker in colour, so was pleased about that until the gas kicked in.  I've never been a gassy person, so this is all a bit freaky for me.

thing is, if my colon was clear, what else could it be?  The endoscopy I had was a year ago, should i ask for another one?  No, the dr hasn't ordered any more tests, and of course that makes me feel like I am missing out on a diagnosis. My sister inlaw died of dtomach cancer, and I can't get that thought out of my head.

I feel like I'm losing the plot again, and so, in desperation, I have booked a hypnotherapy session on Thursday.

thank you for saying those lovely things, thats very sweet of you. :-* (And for telling me that IBS can start suddenly, my Dr wouldn't answer my question on that).

Sending love back

Jeepers xx



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Re: Haemhorrhoid banding
« Reply #20 on: June 24, 2019, 08:48:55 PM »

Jeeps. The endescopy was only a year ago and all was o.k. did you have upper tummy ultrasound? 

don't panic that you are missing out on a diagnosis. I'm only saying about the upper scan as I think it will put your mind at rest. Try to remember that like me you've had a lot of scans and checks in the last year or so which is more than a lot of people know about their health. 

I believe my IBS started after my wife died. And when it first started wind was one of the main features.

Bland diet. I havent done it yet. He said like the diet before colonoscopy. No wholegrains, spicy food etc. I need to look it up to see exactly how long to do it and exactly how to do it. I will let you know.

I have identified milk gives me diareah though. And weirdly I've been craving it so been having a big glass or a milkshake and gradually realised it.
I havent had good appetite on and off since my op. I never feel hungry in the evenings and have consistently not eaten dinner  but since I've felt a bit better with anxiety and mood in the last week or so I actually felt hungry. 

I hope the hypnotherapy helps calm your anxiety. Have you had it before?


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Re: Haemhorrhoid banding
« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2019, 04:59:22 PM »


No, I don''t think that I had an upper tummy ultrasound.  I did have an abdo one, which scanned kidneys, pancreas, liver and gallbladder, which I'm pleased to say all looked fine (I remember the sonographer telling me I had a lovely looking gallbladder, as sometimes they are hard to see).

The wind always seems to start late afternoon.hmmm.  But, thinking on it, it only got bad after the banding, so I don't know if that procedure has upset my guts further up. 

I just read another thread where a lady is asking if utrogestan causes diarrhea, which made me start wondering if my looser bowels could be linked to that?  I have been on a three day break and today, I had  a really normal BM!  I am so tempted to stay off it for a week, and see what happens, but I just don't know if that's a good idea (I didn't have a thickened endometrium when it was scanned, quite the opposite, so does that mean I have some wriggle room?)

The upper gastric burning and pain could just be anxiety, my first episode of gastritis kicked in big time following a massive anxiety attack.

Its hard to know what to think.

I have a follow up to the banding at the end of July, so perhaps I should just try to put everything all out of my mind until then (Easier said than done)

No, never tried hypnotherapy before, but TBH, I'm willing to try anything, as I don't feel like I'm living at all most of the time

Love to you

Jeeps :-)



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Re: Haemhorrhoid banding
« Reply #22 on: June 25, 2019, 10:26:57 PM »

Jeeps. The upper scan I mentioned is the one you have had  my doc sent me b4 my colonoscopy/endoscopy as it looks at all the things you mentioned including the stomach. So you've had it.  They told me I had fatty liver but all else was clear including stomach and it sounds Like the same can. So yours waaxclear too
Between us weve had every scan going!!!!

Much love xxx


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Re: Haemhorrhoid banding
« Reply #23 on: June 27, 2019, 09:19:52 AM »


Oh, I do hope so.  I just feel so "not right".  I know it might seem funny, but the wind is really getting me down.  Its not painful, but there is so much of it.  I was awake at 4.30 am with it.  I read online that normal is passing about 20 times a day.  For me its got to be at least 10 times that! 

I do get some respite in the mornings after I go to the toilet, but then it builds back up again. Just gurgling at the moment. ( and pleased that my BMs seem normal at the moment... funny what makes us happy these days  ;D)

And my appetite is just completely AWOL. 

I try to imagine telling my 20 year old self about the woman she is to become, posting her bowel habits online for everyone to see.. you have to laugh sometimes !

Hypnotherapy today, hoping it will help

With love



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Re: Haemhorrhoid banding
« Reply #24 on: June 27, 2019, 10:10:02 AM »

Hope it helps. Fingers crossed xxx


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Re: Haemhorrhoid banding
« Reply #25 on: June 27, 2019, 10:10:22 PM »

How did you get on jeeps?


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Re: Haemhorrhoid banding
« Reply #26 on: June 28, 2019, 08:10:55 AM »

Hi all

thanks for your replies :-)

Well, yesterday was just an initial consultation, so I didn't actually do any hypnotherapy.  The lady was lovely, and took a lot of time to explain all the
different parts of the brain and how they interact. I did get quite emotional at one point, felt so silly. Anyway, I have decided that I will give it a go, I really hope it works as it is quite expensive. £60 per
session and usually between 8 - 12 sessions are needed!

I'll post how things go, in case it helps anyone else.

Yesterday was a good day, as I didn't have any wind! Of course it may be a hiatus, but the thing that was different was that I didn't have my usual oatibix,
I have been having that most mornings, and I eat other oat products.  so maybe I have built up an intolerance to it.  This morning I have had cornflakes and a
banana.  Unfortunately today, my stomach is creaking and gurgling sooo much, both before my brekkie (I though it was hunger doing it), and after, and is still doing it now.  Its very embarrassing as
I am in the office.

So, I feel like I just swap one thing for another. And I was so elated last night to get through the day with no digestive issues.  :'(

Does anyone else have a VERY noisy stomach? 

With love

Jeepers xx


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Re: Haemhorrhoid banding
« Reply #27 on: July 02, 2019, 05:12:52 PM »

Hi all

I just wanted to update this thread, as it may help someone else who has worrying digestive issues. 

It looks like I have found the root of my problems... OATS!  Since I started my most recent job, I have been eating Oatibix every morning.  This week my bf suggested I stop eating them, as he has a problem with oats already.  Oh, my, what a difference, I can;t believe it.  My toilet habits are back to normal after only 4 days. I tried switching to oaty biscuits first, but this also caused problems.

I was so skeptical, as I have always eaten porridge, oaty biscuits etc with no problem, but I guess these things can happen at any time. 

I'm a bit gutted (no pun intended) , but I thought I'd leave it a couple of weeks, and then see if I can eat some porridge, but not overdo it.

I don't regret the colonoscopy though, as having the reassurance is nice, especially when HA takes me hostage.

Thank you all for taking the time to post

Love to you all

Jeepers xx



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Re: Haemhorrhoid banding
« Reply #28 on: July 02, 2019, 05:40:54 PM »

Jeeps. What a breakthrough!!
So glad you have had such improvement even if it means you wont be "getting your oats" :)
Thanks for the update.     Xxxxx


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Re: Haemhorrhoid banding
« Reply #29 on: July 12, 2019, 10:10:02 PM »

Jeepers, I can't say anything helpful but a close friend of ours had a colonoscopy in May and complained about how much wind was produced and passed. This went on for quite a while, settled now thankfully and no baddies to blame for the blood she lost before the procedure. The outcome is diverticulitis (sp?) she has to take a probiotic daily, eat more fruit and veg, and less cheese and chocolate!

quote I was so skeptical, as I have always eaten porridge, oaty biscuits etc with no problem, but I guess these things can happen at any time.  Yes, we seem to have changes we thought would never happen with the dreaded menpoause. I have had hayfever this summer and that's a first, so annoying and another pill to take! At least we can get rid of these new problems.
Hope you're feeling brighter, have a lovely weekend.
                                      Padine xx
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