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Author Topic: Stomach Pains after PPI  (Read 6779 times)


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Stomach Pains after PPI
« on: June 18, 2019, 01:53:25 PM »

I'm new here, so first of all, hello! I'm so glad I've found this place, I've spent some time reading through different threads and I'm glad to feel not quite so alone :)

Apologies in advance for the lengthy first post!

I went to my GP about 4 years ago as my periods were so heavy and irregular. I've suffered from iron deficiency aneamia on and off for much of my life and so I was concerned that this would be making me much worse. I asked if this was the beginning of the menopause and she said I was too young for it to be that (I've just turned 43 so I was around 39 at the time). She suggested I look at getting the coil fitted to help with heavy periods, prescribed me iron tablets (after latest tests showed I was indeed aneamic again) and sent me off for an ultrasound (it was all clear).

I declined the coil and just kind of carried on, suffering with the heavy periods and taking iron supplements. During this time my skin was awful, my chin would break out in so many painful spots, as well as many unwelcome hairs! Other than that, no other symptoms. I'm a regular runner, swimmer etc - but my diet was not always so great (love of cakes, chocolate, bread etc!)

Then 4 weeks ago I got some mild indigestion. I have only ever suffered from indigestion when I was pregnant, always after eating pineapple. As I had eaten pineapple 2 hours previously I figured that was the case again now. Then that week I got the indigestion another 2 or 3 times - only really mild, but annoying all the same. The 2nd week we were away and again I had mild indigestion, almost every day. I decided to pick up some Rennies to see if they would help (they did).

At the start of the 3rd week I decided I should perhaps pop to the doctors to get checked out as 2 weeks of indigestion, even if mild, didn't seem normal to me. He felt my stomach (all ok), asked a few questions about diet, stress etc and then prescribed me 20mg Omeprazole for 4 weeks. He told me to come back in 3 or 4 days if I didn't feel better. By day 5 on them I was getting diarrhea and pretty bad stomach cramping 2 hours after eating. I phoned the doctors who switched me to 15mg Lansoprazole. I took a 3 day break from taking the tablets to allow my stomach to settle down - and also to know if the new tablets would give me diarrhea.

The diarrhea completely stopped (normal bowel movement now) but the stomach pains 90 minutes to 2 hours after eating are still there. I'm on day 5 of the Lansoprazole and although I've not got the indigestion, my stomach pains are not going away. With the initial indigestion I was being treated for I felt the discomfort centrally, below my chest and above my belly. It was uncomfortable and burning. Now, the pain starts below my belly button and radiates all around it. The pain lasts for about 30 minutes and kind of comes in waves. Although recently the pain is lasting longer. And it's more cramp like than burning.

As far as diet is concerned, I've had no alcohol in the last 4 weeks (maybe longer), have cut out any potential trigger foods for indigestion (tomatoes, coffee, onions etc) and I'm having very tiny meals. In fact, this last week, I have only really been able to eat soup, and even sometimes that gives me a mild stomach ache. On Sunday I tried to eat a very very mini roast dinner, like seriouly, 5 or 6 mouthfuls! I could have eaten a whole plate of it I was so hungry, but I decided not to risk it incase I reacted badly. Sure enough, 90 minutes later I was in pain again and very bloated. Oh, and for breakfast I can eat scrambled egg with 1 slice of gluten free bread and I'm fine. It's the rest of the day I struggle. It's like the tablets have stopped my digestive system from working. The only drink I am having is water.

Now, after way too much consulting with Dr Google, I have diagnosed myself with at least 10 fatal diseases. I've never had anxiety over health before but I'm literally obsessed right now. It doesn't help that my Mum passed away when she was 43 (the age I am now). I work for myself from home so I'm really struggling not to keep switching tabs to find out what really could be wrong with me. During my many searches though I did read about low acid vs high acid - and I took the Baking Soda test - I didn't burp at all - not all day. So, that would indicate low acid rather than the high acid I am getting treated for with the PPI?

Oh, and I haven't had a period for 3 months (maybe 4). I didn't put the indigestion together with the menopause until I googled it (of course!) and found this lovely forum. As a result I didn't mention that to the doc when I saw him (I will at next appointment).

On a side note, they gave me a blood test - all fine apart from borderline kidney function and slightly elevated bilirubin levels. The doctor I saw wasn't overly concerned over them as I'd been dehydrated from the diareahh as well as not eaten for almost 24 hours before the blood test - but they gave me a 2nd blood test yesterday to double check. I'm waiting for the results on them, when they are in I'm going to make an appointment to go in again and ask to get an endoscopy and also to be tested for H.Pilori - they initially said they couldn't refer me for the endoscopy until I had been on PPIs for at least 3 weeks  :'(

Do you think the GP will laugh at me if I mention the baking soda test? I'm really in two minds about these PPIs. The intense stomach pains only started after taking them, obviously I don't know if they would have happened anyway - it just seems odd to me. I also have a routine smear test tomorrow so I'm going to chat to the nurse about all things menopausal (as well as the doctor).

I'm so hungry at the moment, but anything 'solid' just puts me in pain.


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Re: Stomach Pains after PPI
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2019, 02:01:00 PM »

10 diseases is a small amount  ;)

PPIs can cause more problems than they ease!  As oestrogen levels drop muscles may become lax = aches and pains, hiatus hernia and heartburn.  I find that 2 rennies is sufficient to ease symptoms of heartburn and reflux.  Also I don't eat or take me evening medication too close to going to bed.  As soon as I lay down it begins  :-\

Grandma swore by baking soda for burns on the skin and some use it diluted as a drink to ease indigestion.   I find soup bloats me which doesn't help.  Chicken and rice in small amounts can help.  It would seem that your gut has set up a painful reaction to food and if the stomach is empty it will cause excess acid = pain.

How about some LIVE yoghurt - not 'natural' but the plain Greek pots that have 'live' cultures.  Soothing and good for the whole digestive tract.  Dry biscuits or toast?  Some would say scrambled egg  :-X  ::)

Do talk to your Nurse tomorrow.   :welcomemm:


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Re: Stomach Pains after PPI
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2019, 02:21:12 PM »

Thanks for the welcome CLKD :)

Sadly soup and scrambled egg is the only thing my stomach will tolerate at the moment. I'm just so grateful to be able to have them at the moment. I wish I could eat yoghurt to help my stomach out - but I really can't stand it - I did buy some probiotics in pill form last week but the day I had one I also had bad belly from the PPI so didn't take any more thinking it might not have helped...maybe I should try again.



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Re: Stomach Pains after PPI
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2019, 02:41:28 PM »

Welcome; but oh dear  :'(

Judging from your post, something changed about four weeks ago.  Food you were previously fine with started to affect you???  I have a variety of intolerances and it was only recently that I realised they've always seemed to be connected to my hormone levels, for example, you mention pineapple when pregnant.

I think you possibly have a list of questions you'd like answers to, e.g. Are you peri-menopausal?  Could a colonoscopy / endoscopy be arranged (but make sure they wash the camera between procedures)?  Do you need to see a nutritionist?  Might a stool sample be appropriate?  Write down all the questions you want to run by Dr Google and take them with you to your surgery appointment.

As you know, four weeks without proper food is not exactly a good thing.


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Re: Stomach Pains after PPI
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2019, 04:23:43 PM »

Hello KLP and welcome to the forum.

I'm sure I read somewhere that indigestion can be caused by low stomach acid rather than high, for which PPIs are prescribed as you say.  Also I do know that these drugs can reduce sodium absorption but I thought that was only in long term users. Plus of course the myriad effects of hormones can never be discounted!

I'm not a medic so please don't take my word on any of this and although digestive issues are common at this time in our lives, it would be nice to know the cause and get the correct treatment.

Take care and keep us updated.



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Re: Stomach Pains after PPI
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2019, 05:05:56 PM »

Hiya and welcome.
I have been on omprazole for 2 years for GERD. Gaviscon a d rennies just dont touch the pain for me and rantadine isn't strong enough for me either.. Every time I try to stop the ppi symptoms return.

I recently saw a gastrologist due to changes in bowel and stomach pain. A colonoscopy ruled out anything obvious so I've been diagnosed with IBS. But he did say that Omprazole and PPIs in general are notorious for causing bowel issues including diharea.


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Re: Stomach Pains after PPI
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2019, 05:13:20 PM »

Hello KLP
I am new to this forum too. I started having digestive issues 2.5 years ago. After being referred to a specialist I was diagnosed with acid reflux or LPR (silent relfux) which tends to happen at night when you sleep. I was prescribed PPI's but came off them after a week as it made everything worse. I did take prescription strength Gaviscon, which helped alot. Through trial an error I have now managed to get my symptoms under some sort of control, but this has meant giving up or cutting back on chocolate, coffee and alcohol. I found the Acid Reflux Diet by Dr Kouffman really helpful. I did the diet for 3 weeks initially so that my digestive tract could heal and then reintroduced different foods. You will know when something doesn't agree with you.  Foods like cucumber, watermelon and celery have a very soothing effect on the digestive tract, plus I also tried Aloe vera juice which is great for healing. Never did I think that my acid reflux was a symptom of menopause, but the more research I did the more convinced I was that I was peri-menopausal. I have just started HRT and so hoping that the little reflux I do have will disappear. I hope that you get some relief from your symptoms as I know how restrictive it can be. Take care x


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Re: Stomach Pains after PPI
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2019, 08:22:11 PM »

I had this with PPIs, the more the doctors upped my dose (as they assumed the pain was ulcers) the worse the pain got.

It was caused by the PPIs switching off the acid needed to digest, causing the stomach to cramp and irritate the lining.

You may need digestive enzymes instead to break down the food if the indigestion is age related low acid. Hormonal
surges can also cause reflux and Rennies may be enough for those instances.


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Re: Stomach Pains after PPI
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2019, 10:07:05 PM »

Hi KLP. I am on Omeprazole due to a hiatus hernia diagnosed by endoscopy. The guidelines seem to be that you are given a course of PPI drugs for a few weeks and if symptoms don't improve you can then be referred for endoscopy unless you are over 55 when you tend to be referred more quickly.  Did you carry out the baking soda test while on a PPI as this would obviously mean your stomach acid would be low and give a false result?

When do you take the PPI?

I do hope you get some answers soon.

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: Stomach Pains after PPI
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2019, 10:24:47 PM »

It's a tricky one with ppis. The gastrologist said with some people the "trap" which closes and stops acid coming up doesnt work properly and he thinks that is case with me. its essential to neutralise the acid as when its  constant like that it can seriously damage the osophogas But the most effective treatment,iwhen it is chronic s a ppi. But  lowering the acid causes issues further down the digestive tract  unfortunately.
It is not without its side effects. since I've been on it my b12chas been consistently low  which is a known side effect. It can also lower magnesium levels.
It is notoriously hard to come off of it after long term use as there is a realy big rebound effect.

I'm not trying  to put anyone off ppis. They are very effective. I have to take them or the pain is intolerable and the acid also causes hoarse, sore throat and causes me to cough when laying down  the ppi eliminates it all completely and it protects me against developing an osophogal condition so I have to try to manage the side effects..
t is standard treatment for hiatus hernia, ulcers and some other conditions of the upper tract but  i would definitely say if you're having to be on them long term then a diagnosis should be made. Like Taz I had an gastroscopy. You dont want to take something you may not need to be on long term  if it causes you side effects and there maybe other things you can try to relieve your symptoms.

One final thing. It is essential with refux to raise either the head of the bed if you can or have lots of pillows. It realy helps at night I have found.



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Re: Stomach Pains after PPI
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2019, 08:30:01 AM »

Thanks for all the messages and warm welcomes, what a great forum this is :)

I've managed to get an appointment this morning at the docs so I'm going to go and explain that I can't really eat solids without pain and see what else can be done.

@Taz - yes, I was on the PPI when I done the baking soda test - I didn't even think of that, makes sense it would give a false result. I take the PPI first think in the morning, about 7am.

@dangermouse - I wondered about digestive enzymes and almost bought some but then worried about taking them at the same time as the PPI, but I'm going to raise it with the doc this morning.

@Yoginic - I ordered a similar book from Amazon last week, it's by Dr Jonathan Aviv (The Acid Watcher Diet) and it has a 28 day healing program which I was planning to follow. It was based on the healing foods in the book that I had some chicken, peas and a small potato on Sunday, it was no more than 5 mouthfuls, but 90 mins/2hrs later I was in a lot of pain in my lower abdomen and around my belly button. I'm convinced the PPI has messed up my digestion, even if it has helped my acid reflux. I've heard great things about Aloe Vera, I really must get some. And yes, I forgot, I can also eat watermelon, you are right, it is so soothing. I hope your reflux goes soon for you.

@TC - sorry to hear you are suffering with a lot of this related stuff too, it's a tricky one isn't it - in your case without the PPI you're in pain, and as you say, it risks the damage to your osophogas, but the trade off are the digestive issues. Although I don't suffer with the pain at night with any acid reflux, perhaps I will try and raise my head, it can't do any harm.

@ElkWarning - yes, I also think the connection between the pineapple triggering my indigestion now, and also when I was pregnant is significant, I did mention it to the doc during my first appointment but he didn't think much of it.  Yes, not eating enough is taking it's toll. I've gone from running, swimming and cycling 5 times a week, to nothing. I still walk the dog for an hour each day so I'm keeping slightly sane - but I really struggle mentally if I don't exercise. I have a lot of sympathy for people who have suffered with health conditions long term, I've been fortunate that I've only ever had the usual sicknesses over the years, I kind of took it for granted, but since these last 4 weeks of feeling like this I'm becoming way more mindful of it!

I'm feeling more positive today and am hoping the doctor can help. Thanks again for all your support, it really does help xxx


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Re: Stomach Pains after PPI
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2019, 11:34:55 AM »

My Dad grew up knowing that 1 shouldn't eat pineapple on an empty stomach and I was told not to eat grapefruit as I am on statins  :-\

Let us know how you get on!


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Re: Stomach Pains after PPI
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2019, 01:32:41 PM »

CLKD - no more pineapple for me!

I saw the doctor this morning and she told me to stop taking the PPI. She said if any indigestion comes back I can manage it with the odd Lanzaprole taken here and there - but I think I'll manage it with Gaviscon/Rennies if need be.

She has referred me for an ultrasound to check everything out with my digestive system, including kidneys, as well as a transvaginal ultrasound. She said it's really a process of elimination to get to the bottom of the stomach cramping after food. I'm just so happy to be off the PPIs from tomorrow onwards!

My bloods came back better this time but she's still not completely happy with them. Last week my kidney function was 54 and this week it is 56, so a small improvement. She did say bloods can be effected by other stuff going on with my body at the moment and wasn't overly concerned about it, but as I was getting the ultrasound done it was worth a check of them.

She also suggested I try Buscopan to help with the digestive issues. Having got home with it I've realised that there is one for IBS and one for cramps - I grabbed the IBS one and think she may have meant the cramp one...

I asked about taking digestive enzymes and she said to look at taking some probiotics.

I mentioned about not having a period for the last 3 to 4 months and she said I need to have missed 12 months for it to be menopause, but possibly perimenopause. I asked if this could have been a trigger for the initial indigestion and she said unlikely - but lots of things go on around the menopause, so anything is possible. As I have my smear test later on today I'm going to speak to the nurse about it all then too.


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Re: Stomach Pains after PPI
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2019, 03:35:16 PM »

Back from my smear test and the nurse was super lovely. I explained about missing the last 3 or 4 periods and she said I need to come back to speak to the doctors if I miss the next 2 or 3 and ask to discuss options to make sure I protect my body from things like osteoporosis, especially as I am 43 - and not to wait the 12 months as suggested by my doctor this morning.



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Re: Stomach Pains after PPI
« Reply #14 on: June 19, 2019, 05:30:04 PM »

I don't think that there will be much difference in the buscopan  ::) - our dog didn't seem to notice ;-)

I find 'rennies' - 2 chewed when I get indigestion - really helps.  I also have milk of magnesia liquid when it's really bad.  Also sitting correctly makes a difference  ::)

Good idea of the Nurse to suggest not waiting for the 12 months in order to discuss symptoms.  Some ladies find that keeping a mood/food/symptom diary is useful.
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