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Author Topic: No period for 3 months and enormous stomach  (Read 1842 times)


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No period for 3 months and enormous stomach
« on: June 16, 2019, 10:57:07 PM »

Hi, is this normal? I think I'm very new to the whole menopause thing and doctors are still very dismissive saying I'm still too young (48!) and that "oh you're still having periods"...

Several months ago I was starting to get very heavy periods sometimes spaced only two weeks apart. But most recently, I've not had a period for almost 3 months. My tummy is very much like a firm pregnancy stomach and it's really disturbing especially in the morning when I wake up with it. Go to the loo it's still there. Very bloated and suddenly fatter. 

Is this part of the menopause? I'm wondering when my period will return. I'm taking vagifem pessary twice a week.

Thank you in advance


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Re: No period for 3 months and enormous stomach
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2019, 11:08:06 PM »

HI  :)

I wouldn't say you're too young to be having some symptoms of menopause - if you have a read around the threads I'm sure you'll see for yourself.
It's a bit concerning that your doctors don't seem to be taking you seriously. If they don't think your symptoms are menopause related then I hope they are referring you for further investigation.




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Re: No period for 3 months and enormous stomach
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2019, 11:31:17 PM »

Sounds like the menopause to me. Although you may want to get a scan of your uterus and ovaries to make sure there is nothing else going on. 
I'm 46 and now on HRT, but I did lose an ovary a few months ago, so there has been very little dispute that I am now peri. I would say though (now that I'm on HRT and have done a lot of reading on here), I was probably very early peri for a couple of years prior, I just didn't know it.
I'd get a scan done. Then if your Dr doesn't want to give you HRT (but you'd like to try it) you can get HRT from Superdrug online. It costs more than an NHS prescription, but is delivered through your letter box (that's not a euphemism !!).   ;)


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Re: No period for 3 months and enormous stomach
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2019, 07:37:43 AM »

Thank you both for your replies. Yes I had a transvaginal ultrasound a few months ago because of the heavy bleeding, everything seemed clear.

The tummy bloat is exactly like pre menstrual tummy bloat but of course, there isn't a period in sight...


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Re: No period for 3 months and enormous stomach
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2019, 09:34:48 AM »

Good that the scan was clear but if you are having menopausal symptoms I dont think your doc was very helpful just dismissing it 

My periods became painful and heavier, when I hit my very  late 40's. After a lifetime of being very lucky in that respect.I didnt have any other symptoms of meno. I had an ovarian cyst but this bas been ruled out in your case. They wouldve seen it on the dont worry about that  But imy point is it might not have been the cyst which caused this for me anyway. I have no way of telling as I had ovaries removed so periods stopped but the heavier periods might  well have been the first sign  of  peri meno for me  as well as the cyst causing it. After  reading on here some ladies get  heavier.periods during peri., it seems just as common as getting lighter ones. Which I didnt know. . You might also find you miss several periods and then get several regular on the trot . They can become closer together, further apart and change in flow and duration . Only  once you havent had period for 12 months clear are you deemed to be post menopause.
 Obviously I dont know if you're peri menopausal but I do know you are not too young to be. Docs say average age of meno iin U.K s 51. But it's an average and the lead up to that I.e. peri, and the erratic hormonal shifts that signal it can start years before.   You are on vagifem which I assume is for bladder/vaginal issues which can also be a feature of peri. Everyone is different, of course, we all have our own individual body clock so theres no definitive answer to your question about when or if your period will arrive again.

 I apologise if you already knew all of this  I must admit I didnt know any of this a few months ago. I had thought periods would just stop dead and then hot flushes would start!!  So I hope this info helps.

I hope you dont mind me saying but If you find your symptoms trouble you, which from your post It seems they do, then i think you should go back to doc. Maybe see a different one in the practice or the practice nurse if you have one. Unfortunately it seems some docs are not very clued up, or sympathetic, when it comes to peri meno and meno. You may well find another doc has a different attitude or perspective on it entirely 

I wish you luck.x


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Re: No period for 3 months and enormous stomach
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2019, 05:37:33 PM »

Hello Bananacarnival and welcome to the forum.

I thought that I'd add that my first experience of the menopause was at 49 when my GP asked me if I was having hot flushes and night sweats. I hadn't given the meno a moments thought but he clearly thought I was the right age!  My periods continued to be regular and quite heavy until they stopped abruptly when I was 54.

As you can see from this site, there are many kinds of menopause journey and now you are here you will get help and support from other women who truly understand.

Take care.



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Re: No period for 3 months and enormous stomach
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2019, 07:12:26 PM »

Tc thank you so much for posting all that useful info about menopause. I'm definitely clueless about the bloating. I've had chronic bladder problems, really bad past few years. Only been taking the vagifem for 2 months. Maybe that's causing the bloat.

It's so depressing. The last time my stomach was like this was when I was on Amitriptaline.

Birdy thanks didn't know about meno nurse. Will ask for a referral. Had severe bowel issues over Xmas which prompted all sorts of vile investigations, but to be honest, since I haven't had a period,, my bowels have been fine... Eating lots of veg fruit, healthy food...
Thank you again all


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Re: No period for 3 months and enormous stomach
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2019, 07:26:15 PM »

Thanks for the welcome Kathleen. I wonder if mine have stopped dead but something tells me they'll be back!


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Re: No period for 3 months and enormous stomach
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2019, 06:08:17 AM »

Thanks Birdy :)